ADVICE: AI-baseD predictiVe road maIntenanCE
Once the pipeline has been built on the AI4EU platform and exported to local:
Install docker and kubectl
Install minikube and start it:
minikube start
Deactivate de Firewall to mount host's folder on the minikube virtual machine:
ip r g $(minikube ip)|awk '{print $3}'|head -n1|xargs sudo ufw allow in on sudo ufw reload
Mount folder:
minikube mount -v 5 <path-to>/advice-platform-pipeline/shared_folder:/tmp/hostpath-provisioner/test/pipeline
In other terminal, create namespace:
kubectl create namespace test
Unzip file
Run script (note IP address and port of the orchestrator):
cd <path-to-unzipped-solution-folder> python3 -n test
Wait until images are successfully pulled. For that purpose, run the following command:
kubectl -n test get pod,svc -o wide
Run orchestrator script to start the pipeline, using the IP and port noted before:
python3 orchestrator_client/ -e -b .
(Note: For deployment on local machine by source code please visit the "local" branch)
Supported by AI4EU - A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem.
More information:
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement 825619.
- Rafael Luque -
- Adrian Rodriguez -
- Other community or team contact