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119 lines (95 loc) · 4.52 KB

Cognitive Flexibility Test

A Vue.js project for the Congitive Neuroengineering Lab at Drexel University Sample screenshot of website

How To Run This Code

  • Make sure you have Node installed. You can check by typing $node -v in your command line and it should output the current Node version, and Git.
  • To run the code, do the following step
$ git clone 

# Go into the directory of web_hysterisis_fb and install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

1. Architecture

1.1 The folder structure:

├── src 
│   ├── components 
|   |   ├── form.vue          
|   |   ├── introduction.vue 
|   |   ├── experiment.vue 
│   |   └── conclusion.js (Import BalmUI CSS file here) 
│   ├── routers
│   |   └── index.js (Import BalmUI CSS file here) 
│   └── App.vue  
├── static (image slides) 
|     ├── blueglobal
|     ├── bluelocal
|     ├── greenglobal
|     └── greenlocal 
├── node_modules 

1.1 Component Structure

  • The app.vue has 4 components:
    • Form.vue: this creates a form for the user to input their information
    • Introduction.vue: this displayed 4 examples for the introduction slides
    • Experiment.vue: this renders all the circle and triangle based on a given ratio
    • Conclusion.vue: this displays all the data after user action completes

2. Task Design

  • A slide contain 10 big shapes, each big shape contain 10 small shapes
  • There are 3 blocks, each contain 10 slides: blue, green, and switching
    • When the color is blue, user try to count the big shapes that look like triangle and circle
    • When the color is green, user try to count the small shapes that look like triangle and circle
    • For switching, there are 10 slides in alternating color: blue, green, blue, green ..etc.
  • There are two preset ratio: (8:2) and (6:4)
    • For big shapes: there will be an UNEVEN number of triangles and circle
      • We can have 8 triangle, 2 circle or vice versa
      • The small shapes that make up the big shape has a 5:5 ratio
    • For small shape is vice versa
  • User press t if there is more triangle, c if there is more circle within 2.5 second time frame

3. Deployment

$ npm install -g firebase-tools
$ firebase login  (Log in to the email where your Firebase project is)
$ firebase list  (Check to make sure your database backend is)
$ firebase init
$ npm run build
$ firebase deploy 
  • This will generate a firebase.json file where the information about the deployment. Make sure it looks like this
  "hosting": {
    "public": "dist",
    "ignore": [
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "**",
        "destination": "/index.html"

The website should appear here:

4. Recommending Resources:

Documented Bugs

  • If encountered with this error node-pre-gyp build fail error while installing with `npm install` or `npm install -d` #1599, then just run npm audit fix.