- Please make sure you have Android Studio (latest version)
- Simply clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/cassandrale179/ci491_project/
- Go to Android Studio, then go to
File > Open > ci491_project
and choose the Folder where you just clone the project. - Press the Green triangle button on Android Studio to run the project.
- Source code is located in
- You should see the app look like this (https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22923895/104358187-1530f380-54dc-11eb-866a-240e6062b162.png)
- Do NOT write code directly onto the main branch. Please set up a new branch in which the first two letters are your initial, and the name after that is the feature you are working on.
git checkout -b ml-firebase
- Open a Pull Request, so we can code-review together and merge it to the main branch.
- If you want to use the blue color in the design, it is the @color/teal_700:
- If you ever run into this error when writing to Firebase (com.google.firebase.database.DatabaseException: No properties to serialize found on class), make sure your class have public variables or getter/setter. (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37743661/firebase-no-properties-to-serialize-found-on-class)