CASLab-GPU ISA is a lite version of the HSAIL (Heterogeneous System Architecture Intermediate Language) specification developed by the HSA foundation.
The CASLab GPU project involves:
- A CASLab-GPU Sim, which is a configurable OpenCL HSAIL GPU simulator in SystemC supporting OpenCL and TensorFlow CNN APIs.
- The CASLab GPU OpenCL compiler, which is based on the LLVM framework. The compiler optimizes and translates OpenCL programs or Python TensorFlow CNN model to CASLab-GPU machine code.
The project is developed by the CASLab members, NCKU EE, since 2013 with lots of dedicated efforts.
- Libraries (to be informed.)
- python version should more than 3.
- systemC version should be more than 2.3.0. (must be compile in C++ 11)
- gcc, g++ version should be more than 5.
0-1.Requirements for CASLab-GPUSIM
sudo apt-get install cmake libelf-dev zlib1g-dev libglu1-mesa-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev
0-2.SystemC library (compile in C++ 11)
tar xvf systemc-2.3.0.tgz
cd systemc-2.3.0
mkdir objdir
cd objdir
../configure CXXFLAGS="-DSC_CPLUSPLUS=201103L" --prefix=${YOUR_SYSTEMC_PATH}
make -j
make install
1.Setup Paths.
1. [Use your systemc library]
Change "SYSTEMC_DIR" in file "" to your SystemC path.
Add "export SYSTEMC_HOME=YOUR_SYSTEMC_PATH" to environment rc file,
e.g. Bash : ~/.bash_aliases or Zsh ~/.zshrc
2. [Use provided systemc library]
Use the default SYSTEMC_DIR which is set as $(pwd)/systemc
2.Open a terminal to setup libraries path.
3.Use the terminal to simulate the GPU.
- If simulator would only be run once and not logging , do
- Otherwise, Use script to start the simuatlor
- It will display message and dump to
at the same time,
and restart the simuation when last simulation end
- It will display message and dump to
4-1.Open another terminal to run the benchmarks
cd cl_testbench/bfs
4-2.For AMD benchmarks, cmake first.
cd cl_testbench/BlackScholes
cmake .
The benchmarks source code is in cl_testbench
You can change the size of benchmark to normal thread size.
2.1 Rodinia: please download the Rodinia Benchmark and generate the size you want.
2.2 AMD: you can change the size in the .h , .hpp or .cpp file.
(BlackScholes, FloydWarshall)
2.3 NVIDIA: you can change the size in the .h , .hpp or .cpp file.