Linux Config Files
A relative minimal install
Have a suggestion? Go to issues!
sudo apt install -yy git curl gnupg python3 python3-pil libjpeg-dev
sudo yum install -y git curl gnupg python3
sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm git curl gnupg python3
bash -c "$(curl -LsS"
UPDATE=yes bash -c "$(curl -LsS"
sudo yum install epel-release redhat-lsb git curl wget vim tmux zsh fish sudo neofetch \
gnupg net-tools powerline htop lsof mercurial bzr strace cowsay thefuck screen subversion
sudo apt-get install lsb-release git curl wget vim tmux zsh fish sudo neofetch gnupg \
net-tools powerline htop lsof mercurial bzr strace cowsay thefuck screen subversion
sudo pacman -Syy lsb-release git curl wget vim tmux zsh fish sudo neofetch gnupg \
net-tools powerline htop lsof mercurial bzr strace cowsay thefuck screen subversion
git clone /tmp/dotfiles
cp -Rfva /tmp/dotfiles/etc/skel/. ~/
mv -fv ~/.config/bash/profile/ ~/.config/bash/profile/00-alias.bash
mv -fv ~/.config/bash/profile/ ~/.config/bash/profile/00-profile.bash
mv -fv ~/.config/bash/profile/ ~/.config/bash/profile/01-powerline.bash
rm -Rfv /tmp/dotfiles
source ~/.bashrc