- To use NXCLOUD SDK, you must have your own web server and must use https to access.
- The web server should deploy the audio directory, containing 5 files:
filename | purpose |
hangup.wav | Hang-up prompt tone |
ringin.wav | Incoming ringing tone |
ringout.wav | Ringback tone for outgoing calls |
connect.wav | Call connected tone |
online.wav | Account online prompt tone |
- You can specify the directory of the prompt through the parameter audioSrcPath of the profile
- Set the parameter playTone to define the prompt tone to be enabled during the SDK playback call list
- Set the parameter audioSrcPath to specify the path where the audio file is located
- Import nxwebrtc.js.
- Define the profile, set nxuser, nxpass, create an object of type NxwCall nxwcall, and use nxwcall.myEvents to set the callback method.
- Initiate a connection, register successfully, and enter the UA_READY state.
- Make a call, connect a call, and hang up a call. ** On first run, the browser will pop up a warning that access to the microphone must be allowed. **
When logging in to WebCall, you need to use the Webcall account, which is nxuser/nxpass in the example below. You can log in to the NXCLOUD console to obtain and manage them.
<script src="your/path/nxwebrtc.js"></script>
let NxwCall = NXW.default; //Type declaration of the object
let nxwcall = null; // the global instance of the object, not yet initialized
let profile = {
nxuser: "xxxxxxx", nxpass: "xxxxxxx",
logLevel: "error", playTone: 0xFF, nxtype: 6,
audioElementId: "remoteAudio", playElementId: "playAudio"
- **nxuser and nxpass are NXCLOUD's assigned webcall accounts, not NXCLOUD's user accounts. **
- audioElementId and playElementId are the ids of the audio component of the page
- If you playTone, please refer to the tone list.
function setupEvents(nxwcall) {
let e = nxwcall.myEvents;
console.log("setupEvents e=", e)
e.on("onCallCreated", function (desnationNumber) {
console.log("================", "onCallCreated", desnationNumber)
e.on("onRegistered", function (sipId) {
console.log("================", "onRegistered", sipId)
e.on("onCallReceived", function (callerNumber) {
console.log("================", "onCallReceived", callerNumber)
e.on("onCallAnswered", function () {
console.log("================", "onCallAnswered")
The nxwebrtc SDK library encapsulates multiple event notifications, which can interact with business logic in the corresponding event callback functions.
Taking the defined profile as the parameter of the NxwCall constructor, the nxwcall object will be automatically created, and it will try to perform state transition automatically. First perform NXAPI authentication, then connect to the wss server, and then enter the UA_READY state after successful registration.
function initApp() {
if (nxwcall == null) {
nxwcall = new NxwCall(profile)
After the onRegistered callback is completed, the outgoing call can be executed and the incoming call can be processed. Local microphone test:
Remote server test:
After completing the test, your phone channel is ready.
term | meaning | remarks |
WebRTC | Web Real-Time Communication | Web-based voice real-time communication |
WSS | WebSocket Secure | Webrtc requires wss to access the voice server, usually websocket over https |
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
nxuser | string | M | |
nxpass | string | M | |
nxtype | number | M | NX voice call production environment is set to 6 |
audioElementId | string | M | The id of the HTML component that plays the audio of the other party |
playElementId | string | M | The id of the audio component that plays the ringing, ringback, and hangup tone |
logLevel | LogLevel | M | debug, warn, error |
playTone | number | O | ALL=0xFF, RINGIN=0x01, RINGOUT=0x02, CONNECTED=0x04, HANGUP=0x08, ONLINE=0x10, CUSTOM=0x80. No special requirements, please set it to 0xFF. |
audioSrcPath | string | O | Prompt sound wav file path, the default is audio |
video | boolean | O | Whether to enable video, default false |
videoLocalElementId | string | O | id of the video component of the local video |
videoRemoteElementId | string | O | id of remote video video component |
autoAnswer | boolean | O | Whether the incoming call is automatically connected, the default is false |
state | description | events that may trigger this state |
UA_INIT=0 | Initial State | |
UA_NXAPI | Query NXAPI, verify according to nxuser/nxpass | |
UA_CONNECTING | Attempting to connect to NX's wss server | |
UA_CONNECTED | connected to wss server successfully | onServerConnect |
UA_REGISTERING | Attempting REGISTER registration | |
UA_READY | Registered successfully, ready to complete | onRegistered |
UA_CALLING_OUT | Outgoing Call Status | onCallCreated |
UA_INCOMING | Incoming Status | onCallReceived |
UA_TALKING | On Status | onCallAnswered |
UA_CALL_ENDING | Call ending | |
UA_CALL_END | Call completely ended | onCallHangup |
UA_DISCONNECTED | Disconnected from wss server | onServerDisconnect |
UA_ERROR | SDK various abnormal events | error |
Nxwebrtc encapsulates the call-related events of the SIP bottom protocol stack, and uses the EventEmitter object to interact with the business, and the business layer can register callback functions.
Event | Parameter Description | Description |
onCallCreated | RemoteNumber | Initial call created successfully, calling mode |
onCallAnswered | RemoteNumber | Call connected, calling or called |
onCallReceived | RemoteNumber | received a call request, called mode |
onCallHangup | RemoteNumber | hang up the call, the calling or the called, the other party hangs up first |
onServerConnect | - | Connect to NX's wss server |
onServerDisconnect | - | disconnect |
onRegistered | - | Registered successfully |
onUnregistered | - | failed to register, or successfully unregistered, |
onCallDTMFReceived | tone+":"+duration | DTMF button information and duration |
onMessageReceived | message | MESSAGE The text of the message |
error | Msg | A description of the abnormal event |
It can be associated with the data of the business layer through the properties of the nxwebrtc object, and there is corresponding data in the CDR callback of the call.
parameter | read-write | description |
myState | R | Read only the state of the state machine of the current NxwCall |
myOrderId | RW | Set this orderId information before making a call |
comingOrderId | RW | The already carried orderId information when calling in |
placeCall(target: string, hdrs?: Array<string>) // target: called number
let hdrs = new Array("X-NXRTC-Key: value", "X-NXRTC-Abc: 123"); // hdrs: optional additional sip header
answerCall(hdrs?: Array<string>) // The parameter hdrs is the sip header carried when 200 OK is sent to connect to the SIP call
declineCall() // For incoming calls, hang up directly.
hangupCall() //For an outgoing or incoming SIP call that has been connected, the local party will actively hang up.
The manual registration and cancellation of the account is generally not required for this manual operation. The SDK will automatically maintain the state machine and try its best to ensure the registered state.
register() // Registration of WebCall account.
unregister() // Logout of the WebCall account.
When creating NxwCall, it will try to automatically connect to the wss server. This function is used to actively disconnect the wss connection. If the account has been registered, the account will be cancelled first. Can be used to switch accounts or pre-close pages.
- It can play the system pre-defined prompt tones of ringing, ringback, connecting and hanging up, and can also play any music through the bound playElementId component.
- Action supports start and end, which means start and stop playback.
- type supports predefined types, including
ringin: ringing for incoming calls ringout: outgoing ringback connected: the call is connected hangup: the call hangs up online: the account is online. The SDK will play the above voice file according to profile.playTone when the call state is switched.
- type also supports other complete voice file names, as long as they exist under the audioSrcPath directory, usually in wav or mp3 format.
- Note: If the current page has no mouse and keyboard interaction, the background playback of the page will be automatically muted by the browser.
Declaration: play(action: string, type?: string)
Example: nxwcall.play('start','ringout') //Play ringback tone
nxwcall.play('end','ringout') //stop ringback tone
nxwcall.play('start','my-music.wav') //Play custom sound
When the call is connected, the DTMF information is sent, usually through the INFO message, and possibly through RTP in-band transmission.
Declaration: sendDTMF(tonestr: string)
Example: nxwcall.sendDTMF('1'); // DTMF key 1 occurs
muteCall(checked: boolean)
silentCall(checked: boolean)
Set the local playback volume, the parameter volume represents the percentage of the maximum volume, the optional value is [0,1] or (1,100],
Statement: setVolume(volume: number)
Example: nxwcall.setVolume(0.8); //set to 80% of the maximum volume
nxwcall.setVolume(80); //Set to 80% of the maximum volume
- Mobile browser (android/iOS)
- Chrome 56+ -Edge 79+
- Safari 16+
- Firefox 44+
- Opera 43+
- Does not support IE browser
- Chrome Android 105+
- Dafari iOS 11+
- UC Android 13.4+
- Android Browser 105+
- Firefox Android 104+
- QQ browser 13.1+
- Baidu Browser 13.18+
- KaiOS Browser 2.5+