Message bird provides programmable webhooks to handle message statuses and incoming message
You can see webhooks list and can create and delete webhooks with this command
php artisan whatsapp:message-bird:webhooks
You need to careat a webhook events with created
to handle incoming message
You can see webhooks list and can create and delete..
Here is how to use carromessenger with message bird..
$data = [
'to' => '+959XXXXXXXX',
'message' => 'Testing',
'service' => 'messagebird',
'channel' => 'whatsapp',
'image_url' => '', // if you want to send images (nullable)
'report_url' => '', // to accept report related with outgoing messages
'model' => $yourModel, // needed only if you want to listen MessageWasSent event and want to do update model or something like that
And you can also send whatsapp template messages..
Please check below codes.
$data = [
'template_name' => $messageBirdTemplateName, // template name your whatsapp message created on message bird template manager
'to' => '+959XXXXXXXX',
'params' => $params, // array of your template message parameters
'model' => $yourModel,
'report_url' => '',
'language_code' => 'en',