R-Engine is a game engine made in C and C++ for Videogame Engine subject by Oscar Royo Moreno and Carlos Redolar Torres. We are currently studying Videogame Design and Development in CITM, Terrassa.
Github page: https://github.com/carlosredolar/R-Engine
Github profiles:
- https://github.com/oscarroyo4 - Oscar Royo
- https://github.com/carlosredolar - Carlos Redolar
W - Move Forward
A - Move Left
S - Move Backwards
D - Move Right
Z - Move Up
X - Move Down
Hold Shift - Duplicate move speed
Mouse Wheel - Zoom In/Out
Alt + Left Click - Orbit camera around a reference point
F - Focus the camera on the selected object
Middle Mouse - Drag to freely move perpendicularly
You can move the camera in the scene only if the scene window is selected.
ENTER - Start the game (main menu fades out)
F1 - Open options menu
V - Enable / Disable VSYNC
FBX models can be imported dragging and dropping them onto the engine from the assets window or from any other folder. Textures (png and jpg) can be imported dragging and dropping them onto the texture image on inspector and applied to the object selected.
*There is an issue when an asset has been already imported and is avaliable on assets window but you try to import it from your computer floder, just import it from the asset window of the program.
*Sometimes when you try to import many assets in a short period of time the program crashes, but just sometimes.
When you play the game UI components will be seen ahead the scene.
Name: selected object name
Transform: translate, rotate and scale the object
Mesh: can enable/disable vertex and face normals and shows the amount of vertices and indices of the object
Texture: can enable/discable the object or checkers texture and shows texture name, path and size
In this window we can see the GameObjects and their hierarchy, being able to select each one of them and see all its information on inspector.
You can also delete a selected object pressing SUPR.
In this window we can see al the logs of the engine. Errors will appear on red.
In this window we can see all the configuration options:
Save: save the current scene
Load: load a saved scene
Quit: close the program
Inspector: enable/disable the inspector window
Hierarchy: enable/disable the hierarchy window
Scene: enable/disable the scene window
Assets: enable/disable the assets window
Console: enable/disable the console window
Configuration: enable/disable the configuration window
Resources: enable/disable the resources window
Empty Object: you can create an empty object on hierarchy
Primitives: you can choose those primitives and load them on the scene as GameObjects
UI: you can choose those UI tools and load them on the scene as childs of a Canvas
Here you can find some information about us (Github links) and about the project (license and software versions)