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Authorization & Launch Sequence

blangley28 edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 3 revisions

GET /oauth/authorization

The first step is to obtain an authorization code from the auth server. The endpoint for this is /oauth/authorization and the query parameters are:

Parameter Value
response_type code
client_id The client id
redirect_uri The URI to redirect to with the code
scope The SMART on FHIR Access Scope
state Unique ID generated by the client for this interaction
aud The fhir base URL for the CPCDS server (http://localhost:8080/cpcds-server/fhir)


GET http://localhost:8080/cpcds-server/oauth/authorization?response_type=code&

The response to the GET request is a redirection to the provided redirect_uri with the following query parameters:

Parameter On Value
code Success The authorization code for the client
state Success Echo of state parameter in the request
error Failure Error code defined in RFC 6749


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: http://localhost:3000/index?code=abc123&state=12345abc

Note: The authorization code is only valid for 2 minutes.

POST /oauth/token

After obtaining an authorization code it is exchanged for an access token. To obtain an access token (which is valid for 1 hour) use the /oauth/token endpoint with the following query parameters:

Parameter Value
grant_type authorization_code
code The authorization code returned by the /authorization endpoint
redirect_uri The same redirect_uri from the /authorization request

The client must also include a basic Authorization header with the value base64Encode(client_id:client_secret) and use Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Note: If the user is admin the access token will be vaild for a few years.


Authorization: Basic MTpwYXNzd29yZA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The response to the POST is a JSON object with the following values:

Key Value
access_token The access token for the protected resource
token_type bearer
expires_in The seconds until expiration (3600)

The access_token is valid for 1 hour and can be used to query protected resources from the CPCDS Server. Admin tokens will be valid for 2000 days. For more details on how to use the CPCDS Server view the README.

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