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caspears edited this page Jan 15, 2025 · 17 revisions


This server requires a Smart launch using the OAuth workflow. The Authorization server is included in the ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.starter.authorization package. More details on preloaded data and debugging below.

Preloaded Users and Clients

The server will automatically include the following Users and Clients when it starts up.


ID Username Password IG Version Description
Patient1 Patient1 password All Account for Patient/Patient1 from IG Examples
PatientEx1 PatientEx1 password 0.1 Account for Patient/PatientEx1 from IG Examples
admin admin password All Admin account which can access all resources on the server
Patient2 Patient2 password 0.1 Account for Patient/026f2676-d635-47b9-af1e-95de31cda9b1 from Onyx
Patient3 Patient3 password 0.1 Account for Patient/14c20e78-610b-405b-aad1-9c8f6109152c from Onyx
Patient4 Patient4 password 0.1 Account for Patient/6da541e2-62f4-42a7-8009-23e2d97116df from Onyx
Patient5 Patient5 password 0.1 Account for Patient/ec19f75c-c674-478c-8916-8acb2f1b0a68 from Onyx


ID RedirectURI Secret
b0c46635-c0b4-448c-a8b9-9bd282d2e05a http://localhost:4000/login bUYbEj5wpazS8Xv1jyruFKpuXa24OGn9MHuZ3ygKexaI5mhKUIzVEBvbv2uggVf1cW6kYD3cgTbCIGK3kjiMcmJq3OG9bn85Fh2x7JKYgy7Jwagdzs0qufgkhPGDvEoVpImpA4clIhfwn58qoTrfHx86ooWLWJeQh4s0StEMqoxLqboywr8u11qmMHd1xwBLehGXUbqpEBlkelBHDWaiCjkhwZeRe4nVu4o8wSAbPQIECQcTjqYBUrBjHlMx5vXU
3ec96573-45da-47bd-944e-26727cfef7da MH7rQ8oDplBxMZkcXids6KKP4XcDoxOg1Ud6UvMVE0TgTSSizqKYRZ8m8ZZQtVI6nrQU8XT6bvMzUuPh7UzwVf4IDNf4sgFpfPeljVoim3bNsCuQGDBqMV8oKG3jfqHThvUwnKUv09S4iT0DV6DMf1J0Ggb2iUpZrmPwkHEZJIkCs1kXXdrgP8Ysv3pwTuqyYfGoV6m4nTEdYt8XBwfJFpd0R9WQTPDaPq2W8fuyMYKHzVkUK8OwPV6Rpa2Ct6HR


There are a few debug endpoints to help with debugging issues related to authorization.

Endpoint Description
/debug/Clients Full view of the authorization Clients table
/debug/Users Full view of the authorization Users table
/debug/Log Server log

The following is an admin access token for the (valid until May 2026):


The JWT Token Structure is below. A helpful tool for debugging the tokens is

JWT Token Structure

JWT tokens are used throughout this process to digitally sign the Authorization Code and the Access Token. All JWT tokens in this reference implementation utilize the HS256 algorithm. The structure of the payload for the two types of tokens are shown below:

Authorization Code Payload Structure

  "aud": "http://localhost/cpcds-server", // Audience is the this server
  "iss": "http://localhost/cpcds-server", // Issued by this server URL
  "redirect_uri": "http://localhost:4000/client", // redirect_uri param from request
  "exp": 1583853744, // Time of expiration (120s after iat)
  "iat": 1583853624, // Issued at time
  "username": "Patient1", // The login username for this client
  "client_id": "0oa41ji88gUjAKHiE4x6" // The client requesting the authorization

Access Token Payload Structure

  "aud": "http://localhost/cpcds-server/fhir", // Audience is the protected CPCDS server
  "iss": "http://localhost/cpcds-server/fhir", // Issued by this server URL
  "exp": 1583856862, // Time of expiration (3600s after iat)
  "iat": 1583853262, // Issued at time
  "patient_id": "Patient1", // Patient ID for this user
  "client_id": "0oa41ji88gUjAKHiE4x6", // The client requesting the authorization
  "jti": "7f9971da-ea43-4554-b9f7-3157a796175d" // Unique identifier for this token