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cargo-runner is the core lib for building up cargo runner on different IDE


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Cargo Runner

cargo runner is an extensible tool to help you quickly run , build, test and bench rust code. It fills the gap that is missing when using rust-analyzer override command config, also it is easy to add , remove, other config from other frameworks, that can be re-used across different projects and cargo workspaces.

NOTE: If you wanted to add your custom default configs in the built-in default config please can submit a PR.


  • TypeScript
  • Rust
  • WASM
  • WIT (WebAssembly Interface Types)


Install Cargo Runner Cli

To Install the Cli you can run on your terminal cargo install cargo-runner-cli or cargo install --git

You can use the stand alone cli called rx or as cargo subcommand cargo runner to run the commands.

Install Cargo Runner as Vscode Extension

Download on vscode marketplace here as vsix file. or install it from command line using code --install-extension rx.vsix or go to vscode extensions and search for cargo runner and install it.

For other text editor, you can use the rx cli or cargo runner E.g. when using neovim , you bind a custom keymap e.g. CMD + R to invoke cargo runner exec $filepath

Core Lib

Cargo Runner Module

Use it as a library to make use of CargoRunner to init , load , merge , generate , set_default or get_default and validate configs.

Init Config
use core::{CargoRunner, Error};
use anyhow::Result;

/// Use when you want to initialize a new config at `~/.cargo-runner/config.toml`
fn main() -> Result<(),Error> {
    let config = CargoRunner::init()?;
    println!("{:#?}", config);
Load Config
use core::CargoRunner;
use std::path::PathBuf;

/// Use when you want to load a specific config from a given path
fn main() {
    let path = PathBuf::from("cargo-runner-leptos.toml");
    let config = CargoRunner::load(path);
    println!("{:#?}", config);
Merge Config
use core::{CargoRunner, Context, Error};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::Result;

/// Use when you want to merge a specific config and override it with another config
fn main() -> Result<(),Error> {
    let mut config = CargoRunner::default();

    let path = PathBuf::from("cargo-runner-leptos.toml");

    let leptos_config = CargoRunner::load(path)?;


    let default = config.get_default(Context::Run);

        "run default command config is set to: {:#?}",

    println!("{:#?}", config);;
Get and Set Default Config
use core::{CargoRunner, Config, Context, Error};
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main()-> anyhow::Result<(),Error> {
    let path = PathBuf::from("cargo-runner-leptos.toml");

    let mut config = CargoRunner::load(path.clone())?;


    let default = config.get_default(Context::Run);

        "previous default for run context: {:#?}",

    config.set_default(Context::Run, "leptos")?;

    let default = config.get_default(Context::Run);

        "latest default for run context: {:#?}",

Find Config by Context
use core::{CargoRunner, Context, Error};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::Result;

/// Use when you want to find a specific config for a given context
fn main()-> Result<(),Error> {
    let mut config = CargoRunner::default();
    let path = PathBuf::from("example-leptos.toml");
    let  leptos = CargoRunner::load(path)?;

    let default = config.find(Context::Run,"leptos");

    println!("{:#?}", default);
Pluck Config by Name
use core::{CargoRunner, Error};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::Result;

/// Use when you need to pluck all config with same name 
/// on different context, does providing you a new [CargRunner] instance
/// that has that **config_name** available to any context.
/// e.g. when you want to pluck only the **leptos** config and remove other configs.
/// prior merging to other configs.
/// It also set all  default for any context that matches the **config_name**
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut config = CargoRunner::default();
    let path = PathBuf::from("example-leptos.toml");
    let  leptos = CargoRunner::load(path)?;

    let default = config.pluck("leptos");

    println!("{:#?}", default);;
Reset Config
use core::{CargoRunner, Error};

/// Use when the default config becomes polluted and wanna start fresh
/// This would backup the current default config
/// to a filename with format `config.$number.bak` 
/// Then replace the old config with the default config
fn main()-> anyhow::Result<(),Error> {


Generate Config
use core::Config;

fn main() {
Download Config
use core::{CargoRunner, Error};
use anyhow::Result;

/// Download allows you to download a config from a url
/// If No save_path is provided it would save the config to the default config path
/// And would merge the downloaded config with the default config
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let url = "";
  • Download to a specified path
use core::{CargoRunner, Error};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::Result;

/// Download allows you to download a config from a url
/// If No save_path is provided it would save the config to the default config path
/// And would merge the downloaded config with the default config
/// If a save_path is provided it would save the config to the specified path
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let url = "";
    let save_path = Some(PathBuf::from("example-downloaded.toml"));
Validate Config
use core::Config;

fn main() {

Context Finder Module

This module will help what context to use when generating commands or overriding parameters.

This would use filepath , line no and column no to determine the context.

This would make use of Cargo.toml file to determine the context , in cases bin or lib is used and other important metadata like features , workspace etc.

This would also use some known patterns to determine the context. e.g. special filename like or, directory name like src, tests, benches, src/bin/, scope of the module, or function.

special patterns like when using different type of comments like /// or /** **/ or using special macro for doc test etc.

There will be cases that there are multiple possible contexts inside a file , but needs to be narrowed down to one context.

Once we have the context it is easy to execute the command.

Command Builder Module

Note: This can be use to build commands or used as a library to build commands .e.g it is used on rx exec command.

Build Command
use core::Config;

fn main() {

Executor Module

Note: This can be used to execute commands or used as a library to execute commands .e.g it is used on rx exec command.

Note: You can use this library to build your own plugin using CargoRunner modules with Config , CommandBuilder and Executor.

Execute Command
use core::Config;

fn main() {

Note: This would read the file , and current position if --ln and --col are provided, it would use that to determine the current context. and would use the nearest cargo-runner.toml file near Cargo.toml to generate the commands. It would use as well the Cargo.toml file to add other metadata like package name or bin name or features when generating commands.

Cargo Runner CLI

a. Config manager

Generate Default config on ~/.cargo-runner/config.toml
rx init
Download pre-built config made by others
rx download
# you can also download a config and set it as default config for specific context
rx download --default run
Generate config
# pass an optional name 
rx generate
# if you pass the name it would generate a config for the given name if it exists
rx generate leptos
# by default it would be generated on current working directory
# if we want to generate on a different dir we can pass --dir
rx generate --dir ~/.cargo-runner/configs/leptos leptos
# to download a config and generate it on current working directory
rx generate --url
# if you want to download and set different dir name you can also pass --dir
rx generate --url --dir ~/.cargo-runner/configs/leptos

example-override.toml generated

default = "leptos"

name = "leptos"
command_type = "sub_command"
command = "leptos"
sub_command = "watch"
allowed_subcommands = []

Validate custom config , auto-generate backup if invalid format is used
# if you dont pass in a path it would assume it is on current working directory
rx validate
# you can pass a config file path
rx validate ~/.cargo-runner/configs/leptos/leptos.toml
# if you need to validate default config you can pass --default
rx validate --default

Invalid config would move the file to e.g. $name.0.bak and a valid config would be generated for you to modify.

Change Default for Specific Context
# the name params is optional
rx default run
# if the name if provided it would check if the context exists
# before setting it as default , if it doesnt exist nothing would happen
# and an error would be shown
rx default run leptos
Override Parameters for a specific context
rx params $context --path $path
# example
rx params run --path /Users/uriah/oss/rx/crates/cli/src/

Note: The file path here would be used to determine where to look for the cargo-runner.toml file, and update the default context with the parameters.

b. Cargo Runner Exec

rx exec $filepath --ln $ln --col $col

Note: This would use both Config and CommandBuilder modules to generate the correct command and execute that command.

VsCode Extension (Cargo Runner)


a. Config Builder on Vscode

  • Press CMD + SHIFT + P and type Cargo Runner: Init Config to Generate Default Config on ~/.cargo-runner/config.toml
  • Press CMD + SHIFT + P and type Cargo Runner: Generate Config to Generate a CommandConfig. You can either type a name or pass a url to download a config.
  • Press CMD + SHIFT + P and type Cargo Runner: Download Config to Download a CommandConfig from a url.
  • Press CMD + SHIFT + P and type Cargo Runner: Set Default Context to choose a context from list: run , build, test, and bench.
  • Press CMD + SHIFT + P and type Cargo Runner: Validate Config to Validate a CommandConfig file.

Note: The default directory when running any of the commands above would either be the nearest Cargo.toml file on the current open file or workspace root.

b. Cargo Builder on Vscode

  • Uses your default config or cargo-runner.toml file to generate commands for all command_type variants.
  • Auto appends or prepends sub_command, parameters or options for command_type variants of cargo or sub_command when executing a command.
  • Reads your Cargo.toml file get other metadata like package name or bin name or features when generating commands.

c. Cargo Runner on Vscode

  • Press CMD + R (default) or bind to a key of your choice to execute any command.

Note: Prior Executing commands , it would check for the current context e.g. the open file is it would do further check if the context is either run or test. Once the context is found it would use the default CommandConfig for that current context , and build the correct command to execute.

Under the hood it uses the CargoBuilder to smartly build the command to execute or override the parameters.

d. Override Parameters on default Context on VSCode

  • Press CMD + SHIFT + R to Cargo Runner: Override Parameters

Note: This would only work if a rust file is open, and would look for current context e.g. the open file is it would do further check if the context is either run or test. It would update the cargo-runner.toml next to Cargo.toml using the current context , it would update the current context default CommandConfig


cargo-runner is the core lib for building up cargo runner on different IDE








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