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This BWAPI-AI/UDAI (User-defined AI) works as an in-game helper and also as an online replay analyzer. It can help the players at-all-levels to improve, also to test and sense and remember things that weren't easy/possible before.

  • CoachAI works only with StarCraft v1.16.1 using ChaosLauncher.
  • When playing in ICCUP, the game is logged and you'll get the win/lose points, this won't happen if one of the players is Computer.
  • In multiplayer matches (ICCUP/Lan), CoachAI will auto send message every 10s (for the 1st 2m) to each human enemy until they all acknowledge/accept that CoachAI-player has multiple advantages (cheats), so nobody can use it as a hack/deceiving/cheat tool. Also the non-CoachAI-player can send a messsage “noCoachAI” during the 1st 2m, to force the CoachAI-player to leave. (in team matches, messages sent automatically to allies, press Shift+Enter to send to all, or the CoachAI-player won't get it), I also made this topic in Blizzard official forums to end this horrible fake accusation forever, which btw was only said by trolls or very short-sighted people.
  • The CoachAI can run on Windows XP starting from BWAPI v4.4.

Features in-game & in-replay: 🎮 🎥

  • A RealTime measure for Macro = spent minerals + spent gas (Terran repairs not accounted), many players still measure it just by the used supplies at specific time or by inaccurate replay analysis tools, in-replay you can know @any second who is the best Macro player (same as the score screen you see at the end of game/replay).
  • Want to know how many unit/building has been lost in-game/in-replay ?, just select one of the same type.
  • The # of units/buildings and also the ones in-progress, and the remaining build time for each one in progress, also the remaining time for each Tech/Upgrade in progress.
  • Buildings that has Rally Point will draw a line to the RP.
  • Displaying the number of the assigned mineral workers on each Nexus/CC/Hatchery.
  • WorkersCut measure, counts the time that Nexus/CC has been idle, if you have 2 bases the counter will be doubled, 3 -> tripled, etc.., it works for P & T, not Z.
  • Idle Workers measure displays the number of idle workers, and the total lost time (as with Workers Cut, this increase when there is more Idle Workers).
  • MineralsAbove measure for the time being above certain amount of minerals, see mineralsAboveLog for customization in-game.
  • Detecting the game speed, by just looking at the FPS value: 24=Fastest, 21=Faster, 18=Fast, 15=Normal, etc..
  • Showing if a map is 2p/3p/4p on game/replay (just counting the start locations on it).

Features in-game: 🎮

  • The # of Minerals/Gas workers from all bases.
  • The # of idle production buildings (for Zerg, only the number of Larvae displayed), also the buildings IdleTime + Shield Battery remaining energy for Protoss.
  • The # of idle of idle fighting units (only non-worker units that canAttackMove: HT, Siege-Mode Tank, Lurker cannot, Medics can !).
  • The # of all killed enemies during the game.
  • The # of all current enemies, their supplies, Minerals/Gas, upgrades, in-progress things and you can even see the enemies while they move in the dark/fog.
  • MacroLog: Logs all build/train/upgrade actions and its time during the game (Tech/Upgrade logged only when its finished, unlike the reply Bo recorder).
  • Hotkeys tracker/counter: Tracks how much you press a specific hotkey.
  • The total time of WorkersCut and the number of lost workers due to that.
  • WorkersCut log (only 2+ seconds cut is calculated): to see when exactly in the game you've stopped making workers and for how long (I personally record my screen to see what I was doing, because replay is not always an option).
  • MineralsAbove log: logs the time when you're above certain amount of minerals, and for how long that was, to see when exactly you forgot to Macro.
  • Customizable notification sound and period when WorkersCut happens (5s), idle worker exist (5s) or you've missed multitasking (30s/20s).
  • Screen-Multitasking: A counter for each screen you step into, with total jumps during the game, the average stay @1 screen, the total stay on each screen for above 5s (customizable live, by editing totalTimeOnScreenOrSelectionAbove) and finally, a customizable notification sound when you stay @1 screen for above 30s (customizable live, by editing sameScreenWarningEvery).
  • Selection-Multitasking: A counter for each selection you select, with total switches during the game, the average focus @1 selection, the total focus on each selection for above 5s (customizable live, by editing totalTimeOnScreenOrSelectionAbove) and finally, a customizable notification sound when you focus @1 selection for above 20s (customizable live, by editing sameSelectionWarningEvery).
  • The TimedBo: all of us forget 1 or more things that was planned before the game, so a written Bo and tips on the game screen that dynamically highlights "What now/next?" while alerting with sound and pronouncing the current step in English JIT and allowing for more step-details to be shown/pronounced out of the succinct Bo form, will accelerate the familiarity with a specific build remarkably.

Features in-replay: 🎥

  • Showing the # of units/buildings & the types of tech/upgrade for each player (just select any player's unit to display the infos).
  • Showing the replay duration beforehand, and also the replay name, date/time in UTC (+/- your own Time Zone), game title, game type and the map used.
  • Showing each unit order and drawing a line to the order target if there is a target.
  • Recording each player Bo. Only the 6th worker is logged for each player to see his split skill, for more info see replayLogUnitsFor/replayLogSupplyFor in the json file.
  • Easily distinguishing which players against which on team replays, (even SC:R doesn't has this !, maybe time to write some code lazy Blizzard ?)
  • During team replays showing JIT if playerX allied with playerY, and if playerY also did the same.
  • Automatic highlighting of idle workers.
  • Recording the max number of idle workers of each player, and when that happened.
  • The screen will automatically move to where a Nuclear launch is positioned (Comsat scan or Storm autoMove is disabled by default).
  • An intuitive/easier way to toggle vision of the selected player (and his allies) by pressing F7 (SC:R requires that you blind ALL other players individually to get the vision of 1 player which is not smart, here we just need to select a player/or 1 of his allies to see the required vision).
  • Displaying live score of produced/killed/lost units/buildings, to get the current state of players, this is about unit/building control (more close to micro, same as the score screen you see at the end of game/replay).

AnyRace_CoachAI.json: 🔧

This config file allows the player to modify/disable/enable many values:

  • autoTrainWorkers (default=false): trains 1 worker @time from each base until "maxWorkers" number reached (for Zerg only 1 Hatchery is used for producing).

  • maxWorkers (default=50): only works if autoTrainWorkers = true

  • autoMine (default=false): makes workers gather Minerals/Gas automatically like in SC2, so there is no idle worker.

  • autoBuildSuppliesBeforeBlocked (default=-200): if you set it to 6, the AI will try to build supply units when its 24/30 (for Zerg only 1 Hatchery is used for building)

  • maxProductionBuildingQueue (default=2): prevent the player from queuing more workers/units from the same production building.

  • workerCutWarningEvery (default=5): in seconds

  • idleWorkerWarningEvery (default=5): ^

  • idleProductionBuildingWarningEvery (default=10): ^

  • idleFightingUnitWarningEvery (default=20): ^

  • totalTimeOnScreenOrSelectionAbove (default=5): see Multitasking above

  • sameScreenWarningEvery (default=30): see Multitasking above

  • sameSelectionWarningEvery (default=20): see Multitasking above

  • logSupplyProduction (default=false): include Pylons, Overloads, etc.. in the MacroLog.

  • logUnitsProduction (default=true): include Dragoons/Zealots, etc.. in the MacroLog.

  • showMultitaskStats (default=false): show Screen-Multitasking/Selection-Multitasking measures.

  • workersCutCalculationPeriod (default=540): affects both game/replay, calculates WorkersCut for the specified 1st minutes in the game/replay.

  • replayLogUnitsFor (default=420): in-replay Bo recorder, for how long to log units production. (until 7:00)

  • replayLogSupplyFor (default=40): in-replay Bo recorder, for how long to log the supply units & the supply indicator. (like 12,Nexus --> until 40/?)

  • dontDrift (default=-1): initiates a custom CountDownTimer, just like seen in some missions, but you can use it in any map to practice/polish specific task/timing, when the timer ends the game will too, you can set it in seconds, it works whether its a game start or a saved game, when it reaches 00:15, visual/sound warning will start (this helped me remembering to save the game-state @lets say 6:00), in order to master the game-phases/tasks partially 1st, then as a whole.

  • workerCutLimit (default=3600): you can set this to 120 (as a goal/target), this will end the game immediately if you intermittently/cumulatively cut workers for 2 minutes in the default 1st 9 minutes.

  • workerCutLimitForOnce (default=-1): same as above but a 1 time continuous cut with this value (lets say 20s) will end the game.

  • spend_more_minerals_WarningFor (default=900): minerals sound warning "Spend more minerals", if minerals 500-750 its every 3s, if > 750 its every 1s, until the default 15 minutes, that doesn't happen in the SC1 Multitask maps or MacroAlone map, because it has it already.

  • mineralsAboveLog (default=750): logs the time when you're above certain amount of minerals, and for how long that was, to see when exactly you forgot to Macro.

  • stickyScreen (default=1): which screen to display by default ?, 1 = TimedBo, 2 = WorkersCut log & MineralsAbove log, 3 = Idle Production & Fighting units & Multitasking.

  • autoGameSpeed (default=true): auto revert to 24 FPS if speed goes lower than that (Note: some values could be inaccurate if game speed isn't Fastest=24 FPS, like mine > 750 time).

  • replayAutoMoveToScanOrStorm (default=false): set it to true if you don't want to miss any action !

  • TimedBo1: an editable dynamic build order that appear on-game screen, it highlights/pronounces what should be done now JIT. To move any extra step-details out of the succinct Bo form, make it after ";". To highlight an important TimedBo step/word/phrase (that you keep forgetting), just make it like this: “04:00 |!gascut| end”. To comment extra text (that won't be pronounced by the TTS engine) do that: //extra or /*extra*/. To change game speed of a certain TimedBo step add "!FPS:30" to it, speed will be changed until overridden by another step or the user, if you want it to be < 24, make sure autoGameSpeed: false. To change the pronunciation speed/person (like Cortana or whatever), please modify TTSspeed/TTSname.

  • TimedBo1 Tips: a block of text that appear below a specific TimedBo, you can use "\n" to move to a new line, you can also use ';' here.

  • Tips1: an editable custom tips that appear on-game screen when pressing F7, you can use "\n" to move to a new line.

Message shortcuts: 📝

The player can input some text the UDAI can understand:

c1="show me the money", c2="black sheep wall", c3="operation cwal", c4="power overwhelming", c5="staying alive", c6="there is no cow level".

Hotkeys: 🔑

F5=Toggle between the display of the MacroLog (Up,Down=Scroll through the MacroLog when more than one page exists) & the Hotkeys tracker. When on the Hotkeys tracker screen, you can briefly see other screens by pressing Ctrl or Shift , Ctrl/Shift last time pressed appear in gameplay, which allow stepping back to see a specific statistic when the screen is recorded, pressing Shift will also show the game type. (in-replay F5 switches between different screens).

F6 (also in-replay)=Toggle the display mode of in-progress units/buildings.

F7=Switches between the preset custom tips.(in-replay F7 toggles the vision of the selected player)

F8=Switches between all players infos (press Ctrl for more), this is useful while observing games and will draw the selected player's army/orders/destinations even while moving in the dark/fog, pressing Ctrl+Shift toggles the in-progress mode. F8 in-replay=Shows total actions and the eAPM of all players sorted by the highest eAPM.

F9=Finds the idle workers (like in SC2). F9 in-replay=Shows who wins (just the time of players that type gg and leave the game), also shows replay origin and the game creator (host).

F11=Toggle CoachAI's sounds & notifications on/off.

F12 (also in-replay)=Hide/show the CoachAI's drawing/text.

Ctrl+F1,F2,F3=Switches between the TimedBos.

PgUp=increase game speed, PgDown=decrease game speed, End=/speed 0 will run EXTREMELY fast, Home=reset speed to Fastest (24 FPS) Remember: speed will auto revert to 24 FPS only if its lower than 24 FPS and "autoGameSpeed: true".

Left Alt + Space=While busy you can press this hotkey to pronounce the next step in the TimedBo.

Right Alt + Space=Pause/resume the pronunciation of the TimedBo steps.

Comma|Period + #=Pronounce a specific step in the TimedBo up to 19 (ie: for step3 press ", + 3", step13= ". + 3"), also ',' or '.' alone will display the details of the TimedBo steps.

Tilde (~) (also in-replay)=Displays buildings gaps values and ground units sizes, for quick and easy reference to better walling, also makes TimedBo background black for easy reading.

Ctrl+Down (in-gameplay)=If the completed units/buildings list is full, to view the rest of items.

Shift|Ctrl + F12= Pause|resume the game, when paused you can only move the screen during a multiplayer match. With some trick this allows pausing a multiplayer game for more than 3 times, which gives the player enough time to comprehend a complex situation and analyse the game-state quickly.

To re-build this project: 🔨

  • Setup Visual Studio 2017 choosing the following components: requirements

Not done yet, wanna do it ? 🗼

  • GUI for native Custom Hotkeys like in SCR.
  • GUI for more automated intutive Human vs AI scenarios, using BWAPI Revamped.
  • GUI for the CoachAI .json/config file.
  • Integrate CoachAI TimedBo .json/text format with external bo formats, like with SC2's Spawning Tool & SALT .
  • Integrate Voice Recognition tools like VoiceAttack/VoiceBot that make the AI do game actions just by voice.

Known issues: 👾

  • The hotkey tracker is buggy when adding units using shift, also when a unit is lost it still shows as an existing one.
  • Cancelled unit/building/upgrade/tech appears in ReplayBo/MacroLog, for a cancelled upgrade/tech you'll additionally get a 'None' item below it.

Screenshots: 📷




replay1 replay2

Installation/Download: 🚀

CoachAI is already included in BWAPI Revamped or from here.

Videos: 🎥

CoachAI CoachAI

Chat with someone now ? 💬

Spread it to the world ? 🌐

Strangely, this is one of the most underrated projects in the history of SC1 & SC2, even SC2 players are deprived from something like CoachAI in gameplay mode or replay mode, and they're ready to pay good money if that's even possible as some1 mentioned here. So, if you think this real-time practice tool & real-time replay analyzer is useful or phenomenal in the scene of StarCraft, then plz show ur support:

  • Stream your live gameplay with it on Twitch/Youtube (vs another BWAPI-AI/human or even computer or maybe just re-visiting the campaign with it, doesn’t have to be a high-level play), showing the benefits of that to you, and your audience.
  • Analyze/cast a replay in a smarter/deeper way than SCR replay system, showing what features save innocent lives in CoachAI replay system.
  • Design a new Bo using the TimedBo, or make a variant of an existing one, post it somewhere, and tell us how the AI is helping to memorize that.
  • Publish it in social media (Twitter, Reddit,, Discord, etc..) by writing an article or review or just talk about it with friends mentioning any of its features from your own experience.
  • ⭐ this C++ open-source project.
  • Make me rich & donate to my Bitcoin wallet address 💰: 12JGXAVNktYEdjsMPWTpRCSY9DKXrspMiK

Never give up