- The Haskell Platform; ghc versions 7.10.3 and 8.0.1 are currently supported; available from https://www.haskell.org/platform/
- The Z3 theorem prover; version 4.4.1 or later; available from https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/releases
This assumes that you are in the Caper root directory, that Z3 is at $Z3PATH and that $Z3PATH/bin is in the system path. You may also need $Z3PATH/bin in the path to search for dynamic libraries. On Linux:
On OS X:
First, create a cabal sandbox for Caper:
cabal sandbox init
Next, install the dependencies:
cabal update
cabal install --dependencies-only --extra-include-dirs=$Z3PATH/include --extra-lib-dirs=$Z3PATH/bin
Now build Caper:
cabal configure --enable-tests
cabal build
Create the configuration file by copying the defaults (optionally editing):
cp config.ini.default config.ini
Now you can run Caper:
dist/build/Caper/Caper examples/recursive/SpinLock.t
Or the regression tests: