The Cannlytics app is built with Flutter and is a gateway to cannabis data. The assets
directory is where the app's images and other static files live. The lib
directory is where the app's source code lives. The web
directory contains files to support the web version of the app.
Once you have everything installed, you can run the app with:
flutter run -d chrome
You can sort imports with:
flutter pub run import_sorter:main
You can create a splash screen with:
flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create
You can create launch icons with:
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons
You can fix minor errors in the app with:
dart fix --dry-run
dart fix --apply
First, build the app:
flutter build web --dart-define=PRODUCTION=true
Second, publish the app to the web:
firebase deploy --project cannlytics --only hosting:data
Congratulations! You've published the Cannlytics Data app to the web!