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Community Transit Hastus Conversion Tool
The following are some notes on the tool that converts Hastus Schedule/Shape data into GTFS for Community Transit.
The Code is starts at HastusGtfsFactory and is invoked as part of the admin bundle building console via HastusTranslateTask though it can be invoked from the command line via CommunityTransitGtfsMain.
HastusGtfsFactory decomposes the translation from Hastus to GTFS via 6 activities:
- Agency
- Stops
- Routes/Stop Sequences
- Shapes
- Schedules
- Calendars
Generates static text for GTFS agency.txt.
Loads shape file CTBusStops.shp, and parses features as stops using these convention labels:
PRIMARY : primary street name becomes first part of stop name
CROSS : cross street (if present) becomes remaining part of stop name
geometry: x/y lon/lat
The StopId convention is kept intact without manipulation
Loads shape file CTRouteStopSequences.shp and parses features as routes using these convention labels:
ROUTE: route name
RT_VAR: variation (MUST match to a subset of PublicTimeTable/PttPlaceInfo/Description)
SCHEDULE: schedule type
$sequenceId: ROUTE - RT_VAR - SCHEDULE
The $sequenceId becomes the id of the RouteStopSequence which will later become the shapeId in 4)
Route stop sequences are parsed from the following labels:
SEQARC: sequence arc
SEQARC_ID: sequence arc id
LENGTH: length
RT_DIR: route direction
ROUTE_DIR: route direction alternate
SCHEDULE: schedule type
STOP_ID: stopId
TIME_PT: Time point
geometry: x/y lon/lat multi-line string
GTFS Shapes are built by iterating through the stop sequences constructed in 3). The shapeId remains the route stop sequence id with agency pre-pended (an OBA convention).
GTFS Trips are built by iterating through the public time table elements of all the Hastus XML files.
Multiple public time tables elements are assumed to provide the GTFS direction (inbound/output).
PlaceInfo Trips elements correspond to a GTFS Trip via a one-to-one relationship.
The GTFS tripId is constructed from: timetable booking identifer + place info schedule type + place info id + public time table trip sequence
The route is cross-referenced using the timetable, place info, and public time table trip. If it doesn't exist, it is created:
$routeId: public time table trip route id
$shortName: public time table route id
$long name: public time table route description
The serviceId is generated using the timetable and place info:
$serviceId: public time table booking identifier + place info schedule type
$routeVariation is an attempt to coerce the place info description into a trip distinguisher. In order to do so the place info description is assumed to be of the following format:
Variation A: \\b([a-z]{2})\\b"
Variation B: \\b([a-z]{1})/([a-z]{1})\\b
Variation C: \\b\\d+([a-z]{2})\\b
Stop Sequences are generated by:
routeId + $routeVariation + $scheduleTime
or restated
public time table trip route id + routeVariation + $scheduleType
The trip itself looks like this:
$tripId: see above
$directionId: count of public time table
$routeId: see above
$serviceId: see above
$shapeId: see above
$tripHeadsign: place info direction name
For each trip created, we create stops times:
Time points are sorted by the passing time and indexed by position in pattern
Stop Times are created by looping over the route stop sequence items:
$stop: route stop sequence stop id
$stopSequence: count - first stop sequence
$trip: trip
$time: route stop sequence time time point
The GTFS calendar.txt is created by the arguments $calendarStartDate, $calendarEndDate, and by examining the scheduleType associated with each serviceId. This map is built up while constructing service Ids.