Impressi is an in-browser development tool built on impress.js that makes it easy for anyone to create beautiful presentations.
Originally built by:
Silas Barta (no relation to the impress.js creator)
You can:
Input text
Style it with bold and itacilized text using an implementation of Markdown
Add and delete slides
Select from a number of preset templates
Note: The current template implementation limits transitions to following a preset function based on the index number of the slide. We plan for future versions to support more freedom in this area.
We encourage you to contribute to Impressi! Please fork and submit a pull request.
Features we’d like to see:
An interface for producing custom templates
More flexibility in setting slide transformations
Images and video insertion
We’d like to express our thanks to Christian Fernandez and Marcus Phillips for being awesome mentors during the initial development process.
Impressi is released under the MIT license: