From 9ae0ae34621db4d3557be0043cac89c2bb91b327 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: irzamsarfraz Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 11:50:00 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Added findMarkersTree function and updated it to work with SCE objects --- NAMESPACE | 16 + R/findMarkersTree.R | 2963 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ man/findMarkersTree.Rd | 142 ++ man/getDecisions.Rd | 22 + man/plotDendro.Rd | 60 + man/plotMarkerHeatmap.Rd | 62 + 6 files changed, 3265 insertions(+) create mode 100644 R/findMarkersTree.R create mode 100644 man/findMarkersTree.Rd create mode 100644 man/getDecisions.Rd create mode 100644 man/plotDendro.Rd create mode 100644 man/plotMarkerHeatmap.Rd diff --git a/NAMESPACE b/NAMESPACE index a87410ab..c5306e7f 100755 --- a/NAMESPACE +++ b/NAMESPACE @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ export(distinctColors) export(factorizeMatrix) export(featureModuleLookup) export(featureModuleTable) +export(findMarkersTree) export(geneSetEnrich) export(logLikelihood) export(logLikelihoodHistory) @@ -42,12 +43,14 @@ export(plotCeldaViolin) export(plotDecontXContamination) export(plotDecontXMarkerExpression) export(plotDecontXMarkerPercentage) +export(plotDendro) export(plotDimReduceCluster) export(plotDimReduceFeature) export(plotDimReduceGrid) export(plotDimReduceModule) export(plotGridSearchPerplexity) export(plotHeatmap) +export(plotMarkerHeatmap) export(plotRPC) export(recodeClusterY) export(recodeClusterZ) @@ -120,11 +123,15 @@ exportMethods(splitModule) exportMethods(subsetCeldaList) import(Rcpp) import(RcppEigen) +import(dbscan) import(foreach) +import(ggplot2) import(grDevices) import(graphics) import(grid) +import(pROC) import(uwot) +import(withr) importClassesFrom(Matrix,dgCMatrix) importClassesFrom(SingleCellExperiment,SingleCellExperiment) importFrom(MCMCprecision,fit_dirichlet) @@ -134,10 +141,15 @@ importFrom(Matrix,t) importFrom(RColorBrewer,brewer.pal) importFrom(Rtsne,Rtsne) importFrom(data.table, +importFrom(dendextend,get_leaves_attr) +importFrom(dendextend,get_nodes_attr) +importFrom(dendextend,get_nodes_xy) importFrom(digest,digest) importFrom(doParallel,registerDoParallel) importFrom(enrichR,enrichr) importFrom(enrichR,listEnrichrDbs) +importFrom(ggdendro,dendro_data) +importFrom(ggdendro,ggdendrogram) importFrom(ggrepel,geom_text_repel) importFrom(grDevices,colorRampPalette) importFrom(grDevices,colors) @@ -150,8 +162,12 @@ importFrom(gtable,gtable_height) importFrom(gtable,gtable_width) importFrom(matrixStats,logSumExp) importFrom(methods,.hasSlot) +importFrom(methods,hasArg) importFrom(methods,is) importFrom(methods,new) +importFrom(pROC,auc) +importFrom(pROC,coords) +importFrom(pROC,roc) importFrom(plyr,mapvalues) importFrom(reshape2,melt) importFrom(scales,brewer_pal) diff --git a/R/findMarkersTree.R b/R/findMarkersTree.R new file mode 100644 index 00000000..164b40f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/findMarkersTree.R @@ -0,0 +1,2963 @@ + +#' @title Generate marker decision tree from single-cell clustering output +#' @description Create a decision tree that identifies gene markers for given +#' cell populations. The algorithm uses a decision tree procedure to generate +#' a set of rules for each cell cluster defined by single-cell clustering. +#' Splits are determined by one of two metrics at each split: a one-off metric +#' to determine rules for identifying clusters by a single feature, and a +#' balanced metric to determine rules for identifying sets of similar clusters. +#' @param features features-by-samples numeric matrix, e.g. counts matrix. +#' @param class Vector of cell cluster labels. +#' @param oneoffMetric A character string. What one-off metric to run, either +#' `modified F1` or `pairwise AUC`. Default is 'modified F1'. +#' @param metaclusters List where each element is a metacluster (e.g. known +#' cell type) and all the clusters within that metacluster (e.g. subtypes). +#' @param featureLabels Vector of feature assignments, e.g. which cluster +#' does each gene belong to? Useful when using clusters of features +#' (e.g. gene modules or Seurat PCs) and user wishes to expand tree results +#' to individual features (e.g. score individual genes within marker gene modules). +#' @param counts Numeric counts matrix. Useful when using clusters +#' of features (e.g. gene modules) and user wishes to expand tree results to +#' individual features (e.g. score individual genes within marker gene +#' modules). Row names should be individual feature names. +#' @param celda A \emph{celda_CG} or \emph{celda_C} object. +#' Counts matrix has to be provided as well. +#' @param seurat A seurat object. Note that the seurat functions +#' \emph{RunPCA} and \emph{FindClusters} must have been run on the object. +#' @param threshold Numeric between 0 and 1. The threshold for the oneoff +#' metric. Smaller values will result in more one-off splits. Default is 0.90. +#' @param reuseFeatures Logical. Whether or not a feature can be used more than +#' once on the same cluster. Default is TRUE. +#' @param altSplit Logical. Whether or not to force a marker for clusters that +#' are solely defined by the absence of markers. Default is TRUE. +#' @param consecutiveOneoff Logical. Whether or not to allow one-off splits at +#' consecutive brances. Default is FALSE. +#' @param autoMetaclusters. Logical. Whether to identify metaclusters prior to +#' creating the tree based on the distance between clusters in a UMAP +#' dimensionality reduction projection. A metacluster is simply a large +#' cluster that includes several clusters within it. Default is TRUE. +#' @param seed Numeric. Seed used to enable reproducible UMAP results +#' for identifying metaclusters. Default is 12345. +#' @return A named list with six elements: +#' \itemize{ +#' \item rules - A named list with one data frame for every label. Each +#' data frame has five columns and gives the set of rules for disinguishing +#' each label. +#' \itemize{ +#' \item feature - Marker feature, e.g. marker gene name. +#' \item direction - Relationship to feature value. -1 if cluster is +#' down-regulated for this feature, 1 if cluster is up-regulated. +#' \item stat - The performance value returned by the splitting metric for +#' this split. +#' \item statUsed - Which performance metric was used. "Split" if information +#' gain and "One-off" if one-off. +#' \item level - The level of the tree at which is rule was defined. 1 is the +#' level of the first split of the tree. +#' \item metacluster - Optional. If metaclusters were used, the metacluster +#' this rule is applied to. +#' } +#' \item dendro - A dendrogram object of the decision tree output. Plot with +#' plotDendro() +#' \item classLabels - A vector of the class labels used in the model, i.e. +#' cell cluster labels. +#' \item metaclusterLabels - A vector of the metacluster labels +#' used in the model +#' \item prediction - A character vector of label of predictions of the +#' training data using the final model. "MISSING" if label prediction was +#' ambiguous. +#' \item performance - A named list denoting the training performance of the +#' model: +#' \itemize{ +#' \item accuracy - (number correct/number of samples) for the whole set of +#' samples. +#' \item balAcc - mean sensitivity across all clusters +#' \item meanPrecision - mean precision across all clusters +#' \item correct - the number of correct predictions of each cluster +#' \item sizes - the number of actual counts of each cluster +#' \item sensitivity - the sensitivity of the prediciton of each cluster +#' \item precision - the precision of the prediciton of each cluster +#' } +#' } +#' @examples +#' # Generate simulated single-cell dataset using celda +#' sce <- celda::simulateCells("celda_CG", K = 4, L = 10, G = 100) +#' +#' # Select top features +#' sce <- selectFeatures(sce) +#' +#' # Celda clustering into 5 clusters & 10 modules +#' sce <- celda_CG(sce, K=5, L=10, verbose=FALSE) +#' +#' # Get features matrix and cluster assignments +#' factorizedCounts <- factorizeMatrix(sce, type = "counts") +#' featureMatrix <- factorizedCounts$counts$cell +#' classes <- as.integer(celdaClusters(sce)) +#' +#' # Generate Decision Tree +#' DecTree <- findMarkersTree(featureMatrix, classes) +#' +#' # Plot dendrogram +#' plotDendro(DecTree) +#' +#' @importFrom methods hasArg +#' @import dbscan +#' @import uwot +#' @import pROC +#' @import withr +#' @export +findMarkersTree <- function(features, + class, + oneoffMetric = c("modified F1", "pairwise AUC"), + metaclusters, + featureLabels, + counts, + celda, + seurat, + threshold = 0.90, + reuseFeatures = FALSE, + altSplit = TRUE, + consecutiveOneoff = FALSE, + autoMetaclusters = TRUE, + seed = 12345) { + + if(methods::hasArg(celda)){ + #check that counts matrix is provided + if(!methods::hasArg(counts)){ + stop("Please provide counts matrix in addition to celda object.") + } + + #factorize matrix (proportion of each module in each cell) + features <- celda::factorizeMatrix(counts, celda)$proportions$cell + + #get class labels + class <- celda@clusters$z + + #get feature labels + featureLabels <- paste0('L',celda@clusters$y) + } + else if(methods::hasArg(seurat)){ + #get counts matrix from seurat object + counts <- as.matrix(seurat@assays$RNA@data) + + #get class labels + class <- as.character(Idents(seurat)) + + #get feature labels + featureLabels <- unlist(apply(seurat@reductions$pca@feature.loadings,1, + function(x) + return(names(x)[which(x==max(x))]))) + + #sum counts for each PC in each cell + features <- matrix(unlist(lapply(unique(featureLabels), function(pc){ + colSums(counts[featureLabels==pc,]) + })), + ncol = length(class), byrow = TRUE, + dimnames = list(unique(featureLabels),colnames(counts))) + + #normalize column-wise (i.e. convert counts to proportions) + features <- apply(features, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)) + } + + if (ncol(features) != length(class)) { + stop("Number of columns of features must equal length of class") + } + + if (any( { + stop("NA class values") + } + + if (any({ + stop("NA feature values") + } + + # Match the oneoffMetric argument + oneoffMetric <- match.arg(oneoffMetric) + + # Transpose features + features <- t(features) + + # If no detailed cell types are provided or to be identified + if (!methods::hasArg(metaclusters) & (!autoMetaclusters)) { + + message("Building tree...") + + # Set class to factor + class <- as.factor(class) + + # Generate list of tree levels + tree <- .generateTreeList( + features, + class, + oneoffMetric, + threshold, + reuseFeatures, + consecutiveOneoff) + + # Add alternative node for the solely down-regulated leaf + if (altSplit) { + tree <- .addAlternativeSplit(tree, features, class) + } + + message("Computing performance metrics...") + + # Format tree output for plotting and generate summary statistics + DTsummary <- .summarizeTree(tree, features, class) + + # Remove confusing 'value' column + DTsummary$rules <- lapply(DTsummary$rules, function(x) { + x["value"] <- NULL; x }) + + # Add column to each rules table which specifies its class + DTsummary$rules <- mapply(cbind, + "class"=as.character(names(DTsummary$rules)), + DTsummary$rules, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) + + # Generate table for each branch point in the tree + DTsummary$branchPoints <- .createBranchPoints(DTsummary$rules) + + # Add class labels to output + DTsummary$classLabels <- class + + return(DTsummary) + } else { + # If metaclusters are provided or to be identified + + #consecutive one-offs break the code(tricky to find 1st balanced split) + if(consecutiveOneoff){ + stop("Cannot use metaclusters if consecutive one-offs are allowed. + Please set the consecutiveOneoff parameter to FALSE.") + } + + # Check if need to identify metaclusters + if(autoMetaclusters & !methods::hasArg(metaclusters)){ + message("Identifying metaclusters...") + + #if seurat object then use seurat's UMAP parameters + if(methods::hasArg(seurat)){ + suppressMessages(seurat <- RunUMAP(seurat, dims = 1:ncol(seurat@reductions$pca@feature.loadings))) + umap <- seurat@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings + } + else{ + if(is.null(seed)){ + umap <- uwot::umap(t(sqrt(t(features))), + n_neighbors=15, min_dist = 0.01, + spread = 1, n_sgd_threads = 1) + } + else{ + withr::with_seed( + seed, + umap <- uwot::umap(t(sqrt(t(features))), + n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.01, + spread = 1, n_sgd_threads = 1)) + } + } + # dbscan to find metaclusters + dbscan <- dbscan::dbscan(umap, eps = 1) + + # place each population in the correct metacluster + mapping <- + unlist(lapply(sort(as.integer(unique(class))), + function(population) { + #get indexes of occurences of this population + indexes <- which(class == population) + + #get corresponding metaclusters + metaIndices <- dbscan$cluster[indexes] + + #return corresponding metacluster with majority vote + return(names(sort(table(metaIndices),decreasing=TRUE)[1])) + })) + + # create list which will contain subtypes of each metacluster + metaclusters <- vector(mode = "list") + + # fill in list of populations for each metacluster + for(i in unique(mapping)){ + metaclusters[[i]] <- + sort(as.integer(unique(class)))[which(mapping == i)] + } + names(metaclusters) <- paste0("M", unique(mapping)) + + message(paste("Identified",length(metaclusters), "metaclusters")) + } + + # Check that cell types match class labels + if (mean(unlist(metaclusters) %in% unique(class)) != 1) { + stop("Provided cell types do not match class labels. ", + "Please check the 'metaclusters' argument.") + } + + # Create vector with metacluster labels + metaclusterLabels <- class + for (i in names(metaclusters)) { + metaclusterLabels[metaclusterLabels %in% metaclusters[[i]]] <- i + } + + # Rename metaclusters with just one cluster + oneCluster <- names(metaclusters[lengths(metaclusters) == 1]) + if(length(oneCluster) > 0){ + oneClusterIndices <- which(metaclusterLabels %in% oneCluster) + metaclusterLabels[oneClusterIndices] <- + paste0(metaclusterLabels[oneClusterIndices],"(", + class[oneClusterIndices],")") + names(metaclusters[lengths(metaclusters) == 1]) <- + paste0(names(metaclusters[lengths(metaclusters) == 1]), "(", + unlist(metaclusters[lengths(metaclusters) == 1]),")") + } + + #create temporary variables for top-level tree + tmpThreshold <- threshold + + #create list to store split off classes at each threshold + markerThreshold <- list() + + # Create top-level tree + + #while there is still a balanced split at the top-level + while(TRUE){ + #create tree + message("Building top-level tree across all metaclusters...") + tree <- + .generateTreeList( + features, + as.factor(metaclusterLabels), + oneoffMetric, + tmpThreshold, + reuseFeatures, + consecutiveOneoff + ) + + # Add alternative node for the solely down-regulated leaf + tree <- .addAlternativeSplit(tree, features, + as.factor(metaclusterLabels)) + + #store clusters with markers at current threshold + topLevel <- tree[[1]][[1]] + if(topLevel$statUsed == "One-off"){ + markerThreshold[[as.character(tmpThreshold)]] <- unlist( + lapply(topLevel[1:(length(topLevel)-3)], function(marker){ + return(marker$group1Consensus) + }) + ) + } + + #if no more balanced split + if(length(tree) == 1){ + #if all clusters have positive markers + if(length(tree[[1]][[1]]) == (length(metaclusters)+3)){ + break + } + else{ + #decrease threshold by 10% + tmpThreshold <- tmpThreshold*0.9 + message("Decreasing classifier threshold to ",tmpThreshold) + next + } + } + #still balanced split + else{ + #get up-regulated clusters at first balanced split + upClass <- tree[[2]][[1]][[1]]$group1Consensus + + #if only 2 clusters at the balanced split then merge them + if((length(upClass) == 1) && + (length(tree[[2]][[1]][[1]]$group2Consensus) == 1)){ + upClass <- c(upClass, tree[[2]][[1]][[1]]$group2Consensus) + } + + #update metacluster label of each cell + tmpMeta <- metaclusterLabels + tmpMeta[tmpMeta %in% upClass] <- + paste(upClass, sep="", collapse="+") + + + #create top-level tree again + tmpTree <- + .generateTreeList( + features, + as.factor(tmpMeta), + oneoffMetric, + tmpThreshold, + reuseFeatures, + consecutiveOneoff + ) + + # Add alternative node for the solely down-regulated leaf + tmpTree <- .addAlternativeSplit(tmpTree, features, + as.factor(tmpMeta)) + + #if new tree still has balanced split/no markers for some + if((length(tmpTree) > 1) || + (length(tree[[1]][[1]]) != (length(metaclusters) + 3))) { + + #decrease threshold by 10% + tmpThreshold <- tmpThreshold*0.9 + message("Decreasing classifier threshold to ",tmpThreshold) + } + else{ + #set final metacluster labels to new set of clusters + metaclusterLabels <- tmpMeta + + #set final tree to current tree + tree <- tmpTree + + ##update 'metaclusters' (list of metaclusters) + #get celda clusters in these metaclusters + newMetacluster <- unlist(metaclusters[upClass]) + #remove old metaclusters + metaclusters[upClass] <- NULL + #add new metacluster to list of metaclusters + metaclusters[paste(upClass, sep="", collapse="+")] <- + list(unname(newMetacluster)) + + break + } + } + } + + #re-format output + finalTree <- tree + tree <- list(rules = .mapClass2features(finalTree, features, + as.factor(metaclusterLabels), + topLevelMeta = TRUE)$rules) + + #keep markers at first threshold they reached only + markersToRemove <- c() + for(thresh in names(markerThreshold)){ + thresholdClasses <- markerThreshold[[thresh]] + for(cl in thresholdClasses){ + curRules <- tree$rules[[cl]] + lowMarkerIndices <- which(curRules$direction==1 & + curRules$stat0 & length(which(curRules$direction==1))>1){ + markersToRemove <- c(markersToRemove, + curRules[lowMarkerIndices,'feature']) + } + } + } + tree$rules <- lapply(tree$rules, function(rules){ + return(rules[!rules$feature %in% markersToRemove,]) + }) + + #store final set of top-level markers + topLevelMarkers <- unlist(lapply(tree$rules, function(cluster){ + markers <- cluster[cluster$direction==1, "feature"] + return(paste(markers, collapse = ";")) + })) + + #create tree dendrogram + tree$dendro <- + .convertToDendrogram(finalTree, as.factor(metaclusterLabels), + splitNames = topLevelMarkers) + + #add metacluster label to rules table + for(metacluster in names(tree$rules)){ + tree$rules[[metacluster]]$metacluster <- metacluster + } + + # Store tree's dendrogram in a separate variable + dendro <- tree$dendro + + # Find which metaclusters have more than one cluster + largeMetaclusters <- names(metaclusters[lengths(metaclusters) > 1]) + + # Update subtype labels for large metaclusters + subtypeLabels <- metaclusterLabels + subtypeLabels[subtypeLabels %in% largeMetaclusters] <- paste0( + subtypeLabels[subtypeLabels %in% largeMetaclusters], + "(", + class[subtypeLabels %in% largeMetaclusters], + ")" + ) + + # Update metaclusters list + for(metacluster in names(metaclusters)){ + subtypes <- metaclusters[metacluster] + subtypes <- lapply(subtypes, function(subtype){ + paste0(metacluster,"(",subtype,")") + }) + metaclusters[metacluster] <- subtypes + } + + # Create separate trees for each cell type with more than one cluster + newTrees <- lapply(largeMetaclusters, function(metacluster){ + + # Print current status + message("Building tree for metacluster ", metacluster) + + # Remove used features + featUse <- colnames(features) + if (!reuseFeatures) { + tmpRules <- tree$rules[[metacluster]] + featUse <- + featUse[!featUse %in% + tmpRules[tmpRules$direction == 1, "feature"]] + } + + # Create new tree + newTree <- + .generateTreeList( + features[metaclusterLabels == metacluster,featUse], + as.factor(subtypeLabels[metaclusterLabels == metacluster]), + oneoffMetric, + threshold, + reuseFeatures, + consecutiveOneoff + ) + + # Add alternative node for the solely down-regulated leaf + if (altSplit) { + newTree <- + .addAlternativeSplit(newTree, + features[metaclusterLabels == metacluster, featUse], + as.factor(subtypeLabels[metaclusterLabels == metacluster])) + } + + newTree <- list( + rules = .mapClass2features(newTree, + features[metaclusterLabels + == metacluster,], + as.factor(subtypeLabels[ + metaclusterLabels== metacluster] + ))$rules, + dendro = .convertToDendrogram(newTree, + as.factor( + subtypeLabels[ + metaclusterLabels == + metacluster])) + ) + + # Adjust 'rules' table for new tree + newTree$rules <- lapply(newTree$rules, function(rules){ + rules$level <- rules$level + + max(tree$rules[[metacluster]]$level) + rules$metacluster <- metacluster + rules <- rbind(tree$rules[[metacluster]], rules) + }) + + return(newTree) + }) + names(newTrees) <- largeMetaclusters + + # Fix max depth in original tree + if(length(newTrees) > 0){ + maxDepth <- max(unlist(lapply(newTrees, function(newTree) { + lapply(newTree$rules, function(ruleDF) { + ruleDF$level + }) + }))) + addDepth <- maxDepth - attributes(dendro)$height + + dendro <- dendrapply(dendro, function(node, addDepth) { + if (attributes(node)$height > 1) { + attributes(node)$height <- attributes(node)$height + + addDepth + 1 + } + return(node) + }, addDepth) + } + + # Find indices of cell type nodes in tree + indices <- lapply(largeMetaclusters, + function(metacluster) { + # Initialize sub trees, indices string, and flag + dendSub <- dendro + index <- "" + flag <- TRUE + + while (flag) { + # Get the edge with the class of interest + whEdge <- which(unlist( + lapply(dendSub, + function(edge) + metacluster %in% + attributes(edge)$classLabels) + )) + + # Add this as a string + index <- paste0(index, "[[", whEdge, "]]") + + # Move to this branch + dendSub <- eval(parse(text = paste0( + "dendro", index))) + + # Is this the only class in that branch + flag <- length( + attributes(dendSub)$classLabels) > 1 + } + + return(index) + } + ) + names(indices) <- largeMetaclusters + + # Add each cell type tree + for (metacluster in largeMetaclusters) { + + # Get current tree + metaclusterDendro <- newTrees[[metacluster]]$dendro + + # Adjust labels, member count, and midpoint of nodes + dendro <- dendrapply(dendro, function(node){ + # Check if in right branch + if (metacluster %in% + as.character(attributes(node)$classLabels)) { + # Replace cell type label with subtype labels + labels <- attributes(node)$classLabels + labels <- as.character(labels) + labels <- labels[labels != metacluster] + labels <- c(labels, unique(subtypeLabels) + [grep(metacluster,unique(subtypeLabels))]) + attributes(node)$classLabels <- labels + + # Assign new member count for this branch + attributes(node)$members <- + length(attributes(node)$classLabels) + + # Assign new midpoint for this branch + attributes(node)$midpoint <- + (attributes(node)$members - 1) / 2 + } + return(node) + }) + + # Replace label at new tree's branch point + branchPointAttr <- attributes(eval(parse( + text = paste0("dendro", indices[[metacluster]])))) + branchPointLabel <- branchPointAttr$label + branchPointStatUsed <- branchPointAttr$statUsed + + if (!is.null(branchPointLabel)) { + attributes(metaclusterDendro)$label <- branchPointLabel + attributes(metaclusterDendro)$statUsed <- branchPointStatUsed + } + + # Fix height + indLoc <- gregexpr("\\[\\[", indices[[metacluster]])[[1]] + indLoc <- indLoc[length(indLoc)] + parentIndexString <- substr(indices[[metacluster]], + 0, + indLoc - 1) + parentHeight <- attributes(eval(parse( + text = paste0("dendro", parentIndexString))))$height + metaclusterHeight <- attributes(metaclusterDendro)$height + metaclusterDendro <- dendrapply(metaclusterDendro, + function(node, parentHeight, + metaclusterHeight) { + if (attributes(node)$height > 1){ + attributes(node)$height <- + parentHeight - 1 - + (metaclusterHeight - + attributes(node)$height) + } + return(node) + }, parentHeight, metaclusterHeight) + + # Add new tree to original tree + eval(parse(text = paste0( + "dendro", indices[[metacluster]], " <- metaclusterDendro"))) + + # Append new tree's 'rules' tables to original tree + tree$rules <- append(tree$rules, newTrees[[metacluster]]$rules, + after = which(names(tree$rules)==metacluster)) + + # Remove old tree's rules + tree$rules <- tree$rules[-which(names(tree$rules) == metacluster)] + } + + # Set final tree dendro + tree$dendro <- dendro + + # Get performance statistics + message("Computing performance statistics...") + perfList <- .getPerformance(tree$rules, + features, + as.factor(subtypeLabels)) + tree$prediction <- perfList$prediction + tree$performance <- perfList$performance + + # Remove confusing 'value' column + tree$rules <- lapply(tree$rules, function(x) { x["value"] <- NULL; x }) + + #add column to each rules table which specifies its class + tree$rules <- mapply(cbind, "class" = as.character(names(tree$rules)), + tree$rules, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) + + #create branch points table + branchPoints <- .createBranchPoints(tree$rules, largeMetaclusters, metaclusters) + + #collapse all rules tables into one large table + collapsed <-"rbind", tree$rules) + + #get top-level rules + topLevelRules <- collapsed[collapsed$level == 1,] + + #add 'class' column + topLevelRules$class <- topLevelRules$metacluster + + #add to branch point list + branchPoints[["top_level"]] <- topLevelRules + + #check if need to expand features to gene-level + if(methods::hasArg(featureLabels) && methods::hasArg(counts)){ + + message("Computing scores for individual genes...") + + #make sure feature labels match those in the tree + if(!all(unique(collapsed$feature) %in% unique(featureLabels))){ + m<-"Provided feature labels don't match those in count matrix." + stop(m) + } + + #iterate over branch points + branchPoints <- lapply(branchPoints, function(branch){ + + #iterate over unique features + featAUC <- lapply(unique(branch$feature), .getGeneAUC, branch, + subtypeLabels, metaclusterLabels, + featureLabels, counts) + + #update branch table after merging genes data + return("rbind", featAUC)) + }) + + #simplify top-level in rules tables to only up-regulated markers + tree$rules <- lapply(tree$rules, function(rule){ + return(rule[-intersect( + which(rule$level==1), which(rule$direction==(-1))), ]) + }) + + ##add gene-level info to rules tables + #collapse branch points tables into one + collapsedBranches <-"rbind", branchPoints) + collapsedBranches$class <- as.character(collapsedBranches$class) + + #loop over rules tables and get relevant info + tree$rules <- lapply(tree$rules, function(class){ + #initialize table to return + toReturn <- data.frame(NULL) + + #loop over rows of this class + for(i in 1:nrow(class)){ + #extract relevant genes from branch points tables + genesAUC <- collapsedBranches[ + collapsedBranches$feature==class$feature[i] & + collapsedBranches$level==class$level[i] & + collapsedBranches$class==class$class[i],] + + #don't forget top-level + if(class$level[i]==1){ + genesAUC <- collapsedBranches[ + collapsedBranches$feature==class$feature[i] & + collapsedBranches$level==class$level[i] & + collapsedBranches$class==class$metacluster[i],] + } + + #merge table + toReturn <- rbind(toReturn, genesAUC) + } + return(toReturn) + }) + + #remove table row names + tree$rules <- lapply(tree$rules, function(t){ + rownames(t) <- NULL + return(t) + }) + + #add feature labels to output + tree$featureLabels <- featureLabels + + } + + #simplify top-level branch point to save memory + branchPoints$top_level <- branchPoints$top_level[ + branchPoints$top_level$direction==1,] + branchPoints$top_level <- branchPoints$top_level[ + !duplicated(branchPoints$top_level),] + + #remove branch points row names + branchPoints <- lapply(branchPoints, function(br){ + rownames(br) <- NULL + return(br) + }) + + #adjust subtype labels + branchPoints <- lapply(branchPoints, function(br){ + br$class <- as.character(br$class) + br$class[grepl("\\(.*\\)",br$class)] <- regmatches( + br$class[grepl("\\(.*\\)",br$class)], + regexpr(pattern = "(?<=\\().*?(?=\\)$)", + br$class[grepl("\\(.*\\)",br$class)], + perl = TRUE)) + + br$metacluster <- as.character(br$metacluster) + br$metacluster[grepl("\\(.*\\)",br$metacluster)] <- + gsub("\\(.*\\)", "", + br$metacluster[grepl("\\(.*\\)",br$metacluster)]) + + return(br) + }) + #adjust subtype labels + tree$rules <- suppressWarnings(lapply(tree$rules, function(r){ + r$class <- as.character(r$class) + r$class[grepl("\\(.*\\)",r$class)] <- regmatches( + r$class[grepl("\\(.*\\)",r$class)], + regexpr(pattern = "(?<=\\().*?(?=\\)$)", + r$class[grepl("\\(.*\\)",r$class)], + perl = TRUE)) + + r$metacluster[grepl("\\(.*\\)",r$metacluster)] <- + gsub("\\(.*\\)", "", + r$metacluster[grepl("\\(.*\\)",r$metacluster)]) + return(r) + })) + + + #add to tree + tree$branchPoints <- branchPoints + + #return class labels + tree$classLabels <- regmatches(subtypeLabels, + regexpr(pattern = "(?<=\\().*?(?=\\)$)", + subtypeLabels, perl = TRUE)) + + tree$metaclusterLabels <- metaclusterLabels + tree$metaclusterLabels[grepl("\\(.*\\)",metaclusterLabels)] <- + gsub("\\(.*\\)", "", + metaclusterLabels[grepl("\\(.*\\)",metaclusterLabels)]) + + # Final return + return(tree) + } +} + +#helper function to create table for each branch point in the tree +.createBranchPoints <- function(rules, largeMetaclusters, metaclusters){ + # First step differs if metaclusters were used + + if(methods::hasArg(metaclusters) && (length(largeMetaclusters)>0)){ + #iterate over metaclusters and add the rules for each level + branchPoints <- lapply(largeMetaclusters, function(metacluster){ + #get names of subtypes + subtypes <- metaclusters[[metacluster]] + + #collapse rules tables of subtypes + subtypeRules <-"rbind", rules[subtypes]) + + #get rules at each level + levels <- lapply(2:max(subtypeRules$level), function(level){ + return(subtypeRules[subtypeRules$level == level,]) + }) + names(levels) <- paste0(metacluster,"_level_", + 1:(max(subtypeRules$level)-1)) + + return(levels) + }) + branchPoints <- unlist(branchPoints, recursive = FALSE) + } + else{ + #collapse all rules into one table + collapsed <-"rbind", rules) + + #subset rules at each level + branchPoints <- lapply(1:max(collapsed$level), function(level){ + return(collapsed[collapsed$level==level,]) + }) + names(branchPoints) <- paste0("level_",1:max(collapsed$level)) + } + + #split each level into its branch points + branchPoints <- lapply(branchPoints, function(level){ + #check if need to split + firstFeat <- level$feature[1] + firstStat <- level$stat[1] + if(setequal(level[level$feature==firstFeat & level$stat==firstStat, + "class"], + unique(level$class))){ + return(level) + } + + #initialize lists for new tables + bSplits <- NA + oSplits <- NA + + #get balanced split rows by themselves + balS <- level[level$statUsed=="Split",] + + #return table for each unique value of 'stat' + if(nrow(balS) > 0){ + #get unique splits (based on stat) + unS <- unique(balS$stat) + + #return table for each unique split + bSplits <- lapply(unS, function(s){ + balS[balS$stat==s,] + }) + } + + #get one-off rows by themselves + oneS <- level[level$statUsed=="One-off",] + + if(nrow(oneS) > 0){ + #check if need to split + firstFeat <- oneS$feature[1] + if(setequal(oneS[oneS$feature==firstFeat,"class"], + unique(oneS$class))){ + oSplits <- oneS + } + + #get class groups for each marker + markers <- oneS[oneS$direction==1, "feature"] + groups <- unique(unlist(lapply(markers, function(m){ + return(paste( + as.character(oneS[oneS$feature==m,"class"]), + collapse = " ")) + }))) + + #return table for each class group + oSplits <- lapply(groups, function(x){ + gr <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = " ")) + oneS[as.character(oneS$class) %in% gr,] + }) + } + + #rename new tables + if(is.list(bSplits)){ + names(bSplits) <- paste0("split_", + LETTERS[length(bSplits):1]) + } + if(is.list(oSplits)){ + names(oSplits) <- paste0("one-off_", + LETTERS[length(oSplits):1]) + } + + #return 2 sets of table + toReturn <- list(oSplits, bSplits) + toReturn <- toReturn[!] + toReturn <- unlist(toReturn, recursive = FALSE) + return(toReturn) + } + ) + + #adjust for new tables + branchPoints <- lapply(branchPoints, function(br){ + if(inherits(br, "list")){ + return(br) + } + else{ + return(list(br)) + } + }) + branchPoints <- unlist(branchPoints, recursive = FALSE) + #replace dots in names of new branches with underscores + names(branchPoints) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.([^\\.]*)$", + replacement = "_\\1", + names(branchPoints)) + + return(branchPoints) +} + +#helper function to get AUC for individual genes within feature +.getGeneAUC <- function(marker, table, subtypeLabels, + metaclusterLabels, featureLabels, counts){ + #get up-regulated & down-regulated classes for this feature + upClass <- + as.character(table[table$feature == marker & + table$direction == 1, "class"]) + downClasses <- + as.character(table[table$feature == marker & + table$direction == (-1), "class"]) + + #subset counts matrix + if(table$level[1] > 1){ + subCounts <- counts[,which(subtypeLabels %in% c(upClass, downClasses))] + } + else{ + subCounts <- counts[,which(metaclusterLabels %in% + c(upClass, downClasses))] + } + + #subset class labels + if(table$level[1] > 1){ + subLabels <- subtypeLabels[which(subtypeLabels %in% + c(upClass, downClasses))] + } + else{ + subLabels <- metaclusterLabels[which(metaclusterLabels %in% + c(upClass, downClasses))] + } + + #set label to 0 if not class of interest + subLabels <- as.numeric(subLabels %in% upClass) + + #get individual features within this marker + markers <- rownames(counts)[which(featureLabels == marker)] + + #get one-vs-all AUC for each gene + auc <- unlist(lapply(markers, function(markerGene){ + as.numeric(pROC::auc(pROC::roc(subLabels, subCounts[markerGene,], + direction = "<", quiet = TRUE))) + })) + names(auc) <- markers + + #sort by AUC + auc <- sort(auc, decreasing = TRUE) + + #create table for this marker + featTable <- table[table$feature == marker,] + featTable <- featTable[rep(seq_len(nrow(featTable)), each=length(auc)),] + featTable$gene <- rep(names(auc), length(c(upClass, downClasses))) + featTable$geneAUC <- rep(auc, length(c(upClass, downClasses))) + + #return table for merging with main table + return(featTable) +} + +# This function generates the decision tree by recursively separating classes. +.generateTreeList <- function( + features, + class, + oneoffMetric, + threshold, + reuseFeatures, + consecutiveOneoff = FALSE) { + + # Initialize Tree + treeLevel <- tree <- list() + + # Initialize the first split + treeLevel[[1]] <- list() + + # Generate the first split at the first level + treeLevel[[1]] <- .wrapSplitHybrid( + features, + class, + threshold, + oneoffMetric + ) + + # Add set of features used at this split + treeLevel[[1]]$fUsed <- unlist(lapply( + treeLevel[[1]][names(treeLevel[[1]]) != "statUsed"], + function(X) { + X$featureName + })) + + # Initialize split directions + treeLevel[[1]]$dirs <- 1 + + # Add split list as first level + tree[[1]] <- treeLevel + + # Initialize tree depth + mDepth <- 1 + + # Build tree until all leafs are of a single cluster + while (length(unlist(treeLevel)) > 0) { + + # Create list of branches on this level + outList <- lapply(treeLevel, function(split, features, class) { + + # Check for consecutive oneoff + tryOneoff <- TRUE + if (!consecutiveOneoff & split$statUsed == "One-off") { + tryOneoff <- FALSE + } + + # If length(split == 4) than this split is binary node + if (length(split) == 4 & length(split[[1]]$group1Consensus) > 1) { + + # Create branch from this split. + branch1 <- .wrapBranchHybrid( + split[[1]]$group1, + features, class, + split$fUsed, + threshold, + reuseFeatures, + oneoffMetric, + tryOneoff) + + if (!is.null(branch1)) { + + # Add feature to list of used features. + branch1$fUsed <- c(split$fUsed, unlist(lapply( + branch1[names(branch1) != "statUsed"], + function(X) { + X$featureName + }))) + + # Add the split direction (always 1 when splitting group 1) + branch1$dirs <- c(split$dirs, 1) + } + } else { + branch1 <- NULL + } + + # If length(split == 4) than this split is binary node + if (length(split) == 4 & length(split[[1]]$group2Consensus) > 1) { + + # Create branch from this split + branch2 <- .wrapBranchHybrid( + split[[1]]$group2, + features, + class, + split$fUsed, + threshold, + reuseFeatures, + oneoffMetric, + tryOneoff) + + if (!is.null(branch2)) { + + # Add feature to list of used features. + branch2$fUsed <- c(split$fUsed, unlist(lapply( + branch2[names(branch2) != "statUsed"], + function(X) { + X$featureName + }))) + + # Add the split direction (always 2 when splitting group 2) + branch2$dirs <- c(split$dirs, 2) + } + + # If length(split > 4) than this split is more than 2 edges + # In this case group 1 will always denote leaves. + } else if (length(split) > 4) { + + # Get samples that are never in group 1 in this split + group1Samples <- unique(unlist(lapply( + split[!names(split) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")], + function(X) { + X$group1 + }))) + group2Samples <- unique(unlist(lapply( + split[!names(split) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")], + function(X) { + X$group2 + }))) + group2Samples <- group2Samples[!group2Samples %in% + group1Samples] + + # Check that there is still more than one class + group2Classes <- levels(droplevels( + class[rownames(features) %in% group2Samples])) + if (length(group2Classes) > 1) { + + # Create branch from this split + branch2 <- .wrapBranchHybrid( + group2Samples, + features, + class, + split$fUsed, + threshold, + reuseFeatures, + oneoffMetric, + tryOneoff) + + if (!is.null(branch2)) { + + # Add multiple features + branch2$fUsed <- c(split$fUsed, unlist(lapply( + branch2[names(branch2) != "statUsed"], + function(X) { + X$featureName + }))) + + # Instead of 2, this direction is 1 + the num. splits + branch2$dirs <- c(split$dirs, + sum(!names(split) %in% + c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")) + 1) + } + } else { + branch2 <- NULL + } + } else { + branch2 <- NULL + } + + # Combine these branches + outBranch <- list(branch1, branch2) + + # Only keep non-null branches + outBranch <- outBranch[!unlist(lapply(outBranch, is.null))] + if (length(outBranch) > 0) { + return(outBranch) + } else { + return(NULL) + } + }, features, class) + + # Unlist outList so is one list per 'treeLevel' + treeLevel <- unlist(outList, recursive = F) + + # Increase tree depth + mDepth <- mDepth + 1 + + # Add this level to the tree + tree[[mDepth]] <- treeLevel + } + return(tree) +} + + +# Wrapper to subset the feature and class set for each split +.wrapBranchHybrid <- function( + groups, + features, + class, + fUsed, + threshold = 0.95, + reuseFeatures = FALSE, + oneoffMetric, + tryOneoff) { + + # Subset for branch to run split + gKeep <- rownames(features) %in% groups + + # Remove used features? + if (reuseFeatures) { + fSub <- features[gKeep, ] + } else { + fSub <- features[gKeep, !colnames(features) %in% fUsed, drop = FALSE] + } + + # Drop levels (class that are no longer in) + cSub <- droplevels(class[gKeep]) + + # If multiple columns in fSub run split, else return null + if (ncol(fSub) > 1) { + return(.wrapSplitHybrid(fSub, cSub, threshold, oneoffMetric, tryOneoff)) + } else { + return(NULL) + } +} + +# Wrapper function to perform split metrics +.wrapSplitHybrid <- function(features, + class, + threshold = 0.95, + oneoffMetric, + tryOneoff = TRUE) { + + # Get best one-2-one splits + ## Use modified f1 or pairwise auc? + if (tryOneoff) { + if (oneoffMetric == "modified F1") { + splitMetric <- .splitMetricModF1 + } else { + splitMetric <- .splitMetricPairwiseAUC + } + splitStats <- .splitMetricRecursive( + features, + class, + splitMetric = splitMetric) + splitStats <- splitStats[splitStats >= threshold] + statUsed <- "One-off" + } else { + splitStats <- integer(0) + } + + + # If no one-2-one split meets threshold, run semi-supervised clustering + if (length(splitStats) == 0) { + splitMetric <- .splitMetricIGpIGd + splitStats <- .splitMetricRecursive(features, + class, + splitMetric = splitMetric)[1] # Use top + statUsed <- "Split" + } + + # Get split for best gene + splitList <- lapply( + names(splitStats), + .getSplit, + splitStats, + features, + class, + splitMetric) + + + # Combine feature rules when same group1 class arises + + if (length(splitList) > 1) { + + group1Vec <- unlist(lapply( + splitList, function(X) { + X$group1Consensus + }), recursive = F) + + splitList <- lapply( + unique(group1Vec), + function(group1, splitList, group1Vec) { + + # Get subset with same group1 + splitListSub <- splitList[group1Vec == group1] + + # Get feature, value, and stat for these + splitFeature <- unlist(lapply( + splitListSub, + function(X) { + X$featureName + })) + splitValue <- unlist(lapply( + splitListSub, + function(X) { + X$value + })) + splitStat <- unlist(lapply( + splitListSub, + function(X) { + X$stat + })) + + # Create a single object and add these + splitSingle <- splitListSub[[1]] + splitSingle$featureName <- splitFeature + splitSingle$value <- splitValue + splitSingle$stat <- splitStat + + return(splitSingle) + }, splitList, group1Vec) + } + + names(splitList) <- unlist(lapply( + splitList, + function(X) { + paste(X$featureName, collapse = ";") + })) + + # Add statUsed + splitList$statUsed <- statUsed + + return(splitList) +} + +# Recursively run split metric on every feature +.splitMetricRecursive <- function(features, class, splitMetric) { + splitStats <- vapply( + colnames(features), + function(feat, features, class, splitMetric) { + splitMetric(feat, class, features, rPerf = TRUE) + }, features, class, splitMetric, FUN.VALUE = double(1)) + names(splitStats) <- colnames(features) + splitStats <- sort(splitStats, decreasing = TRUE) + + return(splitStats) +} + +# Run pairwise AUC metirc on single feature +#' @importFrom pROC auc roc coords +.splitMetricPairwiseAUC <- function(feat, class, features, rPerf = FALSE) { + + # Get current feature + currentFeature <- features[, feat] + + # Get unique classes + classUnique <- sort(unique(class)) + + # Do one-to-all to determine top cluster + # For each class K1 determine best AUC + auc1toAll <- vapply(classUnique, function(k1, class, currentFeature) { + + # Set value to k1 + classK1 <- as.numeric(class == k1) + + # Get AUC value + aucK1 <- pROC::auc(pROC::roc(classK1, currentFeature, direction = "<", quiet = TRUE)) + + # Return + return(aucK1) + }, class, currentFeature, FUN.VALUE = double(1)) + + # Get class with best AUC (Class with generally highest values) + classMax <- as.character(classUnique[which.max(auc1toAll)]) + + # Get other classes + classRest <- as.character(classUnique[classUnique != classMax]) + + # for each second cluster k2 + aucFram <-, lapply( + classRest, + function(k2, k1, class, currentFeature) { + + # keep cells in k1 or k2 only + obsKeep <- class %in% c(k1, k2) + currentFeatureSubset <- currentFeature[obsKeep] + + # update cluster assignments + currentClusters <- class[obsKeep] + + # label cells whether they belong to k1 (0 or 1) + currentLabels <- as.integer(currentClusters == k1) + + # get AUC value for this feat-cluster pair + rocK2 <- pROC::roc(currentLabels, currentFeatureSubset,direction = "<", quiet=TRUE) + aucK2 <- rocK2$auc + coordK2 <- pROC::coords(rocK2, "best", ret = "threshold", transpose = TRUE)[1] + + # Concatenate vectors + statK2 <- c(threshold = coordK2, auc = aucK2) + + return(statK2) + }, classMax, class, currentFeature))) + + # Get Min Value + aucMin <- min(aucFram$auc) + + # Get indices where this AUC occurs + aucMinIndices <- which(aucFram$auc == aucMin) + + # Use maximum value if there are ties + aucValue <- max(aucFram$threshold) + + # Return performance or value? + if (rPerf) { + return(aucMin) + } else { + return(aucValue) + } +} + + +# Run modified F1 metric on single feature +.splitMetricModF1 <- function(feat, class, features, rPerf = FALSE) { + + # Get number of samples + len <- length(class) + + # Get Values + featValues <- features[, feat] + + # Get order of values + ord <- order(featValues, decreasing = TRUE) + + # Get sorted class and values + featValuesSort <- featValues[ord] + classSort <- class[ord] + + # Keep splits of the data where the class changes + keep <- c( + classSort[seq(1, (len - 1))] != classSort[seq(2, (len))] & + featValuesSort[seq(1, (len - 1))] != featValuesSort[seq(2, (len))], + FALSE) + + # Create data.matrix + X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + classSort) + + # Get cumulative sums + sRCounts <- apply(X, 2, cumsum) + + # Keep only values where the class changes + sRCounts <- sRCounts[keep, , drop = FALSE] + featValuesKeep <- featValuesSort[keep] + + # Number of each class + Xsum <- colSums(X) + + # Remove impossible splits (No class has > 50% of there samples on one side) + sRProbs <- sRCounts %*% diag(Xsum^-1) + sKeepPossible <- rowSums(sRProbs >= 0.5) > 0 & rowSums(sRProbs < 0.5) > 0 + + # Remove anything after a full prob (Doesn't always happen) + maxCheck <- min(c(which(apply(sRProbs, 1, max) == 1), nrow(sRProbs))) + sKeepCheck <- seq(1, nrow(sRProbs)) %in% seq(1, maxCheck) + + # Combine logical vectors + sKeep <- sKeepPossible & sKeepCheck + + if (sum(sKeep) > 0) { + + # Remove these if they exist + sRCounts <- sRCounts[sKeep, , drop = FALSE] + featValuesKeep <- featValuesKeep[sKeep] + + # Get left counts + sLCounts <- t(Xsum - t(sRCounts)) + + # Calculate the harmonic mean of Sens, Prec, and Worst Alt Sens + statModF1 <- vapply( + seq(nrow(sRCounts)), + function(i, Xsum, sRCounts, sLCounts) { + + # Right Side + sRRowSens <- sRCounts[i, ] / Xsum # Right sensitivities + sRRowPrec <- sRCounts[i, ] / sum(sRCounts[i, ]) # Right prec + sRRowF1 <- 2 * (sRRowSens * sRRowPrec) / (sRRowSens + sRRowPrec) + sRRowF1[is.nan(sRRowF1)] <- 0 # Get right F1 + bestF1Ind <- which.max(sRRowF1) # Which is the best? + bestSens <- sRRowSens[bestF1Ind] # The corresponding sensitivity + bestPrec <- sRRowPrec[bestF1Ind] # The corresponding precision + + # Left Side + sLRowSens <- sLCounts[i, ] / Xsum # Get left sensitivities + worstSens <- min(sLRowSens[-bestF1Ind]) # Get the worst + + # Get harmonic mean of best sens, best prec, and worst sens + HMout <- (3 * bestSens * bestPrec * worstSens) / + (bestSens * bestPrec + bestPrec * worstSens + + bestSens * worstSens) + + return(HMout) + }, Xsum, sRCounts, sLCounts, FUN.VALUE = double(1)) + + # Get Max Value + ModF1Max <- max(statModF1) + + # Get indices where this value occurs (use minimum row) + ModF1Index <- which.max(statModF1) + + # Get value at this point + ValueCeiling <- featValuesKeep[ModF1Index] + ValueWhich <- which(featValuesSort == ValueCeiling) + ModF1Value <- mean( + c(featValuesSort[ValueWhich], featValuesSort[ValueWhich + 1])) + } else { + ModF1Max <- 0 + ModF1Value <- NA + } + + if (rPerf) { + return(ModF1Max) + } else { + return(ModF1Value) + } +} + +# Run Information Gain (probability + density) on a single feature +.splitMetricIGpIGd <- function(feat, class, features, rPerf = FALSE) { + + # Get number of samples + len <- length(class) + + # Get Values + featValues <- features[, feat] + + # Get order of values + ord <- order(featValues, decreasing = TRUE) + + # Get sorted class and values + featValuesSort <- featValues[ord] + classSort <- class[ord] + + # Keep splits of the data where the class changes + keep <- c( + classSort[seq(1, (len - 1))] != classSort[seq(2, (len))] & + featValuesSort[seq(1, (len - 1))] != featValuesSort[seq(2, (len))], + FALSE) + + # Create data.matrix + X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + classSort) + + # Get cumulative sums + sRCounts <- apply(X, 2, cumsum) + + # Keep only values where the class changes + sRCounts <- sRCounts[keep, , drop = FALSE] + featValuesKeep <- featValuesSort[keep] + + # Number of each class + Xsum <- colSums(X) + + # Remove impossible splits + sRProbs <- sRCounts %*% diag(Xsum^-1) + sKeep <- rowSums(sRProbs >= 0.5) > 0 & rowSums(sRProbs < 0.5) > 0 + + if (sum(sKeep) > 0) { + + # Remove these if they exist + sRCounts <- sRCounts[sKeep, , drop = FALSE] + featValuesKeep <- featValuesKeep[sKeep] + + # Get left counts + sLCounts <- t(Xsum - t(sRCounts)) + + # Multiply them to get probabilities + sRProbs <- t(t(sRCounts) %*% + diag(rowSums(sRCounts)^-1, nrow = nrow(sRCounts))) + sLProbs <- t(t(sLCounts) %*% + diag(rowSums(sLCounts)^-1, nrow = nrow(sLCounts))) + + # Multiply them by there log + sRTrans <- sRProbs * log(sRProbs) + sRTrans[] <- 0 + sLTrans <- sLProbs * log(sLProbs) + sLTrans[] <- 0 + + # Get entropies + HSR <- -rowSums(sRTrans) + HSL <- -rowSums(sLTrans) + + # Get overall probabilities and entropy + nProbs <- colSums(X) / len + HS <- -sum(nProbs * log(nProbs)) + + # Get split proporions + sProps <- rowSums(sRCounts) / nrow(X) + + # Get information gain (Probability) + IGprobs <- HS - (sProps * HSR + (1 - sProps) * HSL) + IGprobs[is.nan(IGprobs)] <- 0 + IGprobsQuantile <- IGprobs / max(IGprobs) + IGprobsQuantile[is.nan(IGprobsQuantile)] <- 0 + + # Get proportions at each split + classProps <- sRCounts %*% diag(Xsum^-1) + classSplit <- classProps >= 0.5 + + # Initialize information gain density vector + splitIGdensQuantile <- rep(0, nrow(classSplit)) + + # Get unique splits of the data + classSplitUnique <- unique(classSplit) + classSplitUnique <- classSplitUnique[!rowSums(classSplitUnique) %in% + c(0, ncol(classSplitUnique)), , drop = FALSE] + + # Get density information gain + if (nrow(classSplitUnique) > 0) { + + # Get log(determinant of full matrix) + DET <- .psdet(stats::cov(features)) + + # Information gain of every observation + IGdens <- apply( + classSplitUnique, + 1, + .infoGainDensity, + X, + features, + DET) + + names(IGdens) <- apply( + classSplitUnique * 1, + 1, + function(X) { + paste(X, collapse = "") + }) + + IGdens[is.nan(IGdens) | IGdens < 0] <- 0 + IGdensQuantile <- IGdens / max(IGdens) + IGdensQuantile[is.nan(IGdensQuantile)] <- 0 + + # Get ID of each class split + splitsIDs <- apply( + classSplit * 1, + 1, + function(x) { + paste(x, collapse = "") + }) + + # Append information gain density vector + for (ID in names(IGdens)) { + splitIGdensQuantile[splitsIDs == ID] <- IGdensQuantile[ID] + } + } + + # Add this to the other matrix + IG <- IGprobsQuantile + splitIGdensQuantile + + # Get IG(probabilty) of maximum value + IGreturn <- IGprobs[which.max(IG)[1]] + + # Get maximum value + maxVal <- featValuesKeep[which.max(IG)] + wMax <- max(which(featValuesSort == maxVal)) + IGvalue <- mean(c(featValuesSort[wMax], featValuesSort[wMax + 1])) + + } else { + IGreturn <- 0 + IGvalue <- NA + } + + # Report maximum ID or value at maximum IG + if (rPerf) { + return(IGreturn) + } else { + return(IGvalue) + } +} + +# Function to find pseudo-determinant +.psdet <- function(x) { + if (sum( == 0) { + svalues <- zapsmall(svd(x)$d) + sum(log(svalues[svalues > 0])) + } else { + 0 + } +} + +# Function to calculate density information gain +.infoGainDensity <- function(splitVector, X, features, DET) { + + # Get Subsets of the feature matrix + sRFeat <- features[as.logical( + rowSums(X[, splitVector, drop = F])), , drop = F] + sLFeat <- features[as.logical( + rowSums(X[, !splitVector, drop = F])), , drop = F] + + # Get pseudo-determinant of covariance matrices + DETR <- .psdet(cov(sRFeat)) + DETL <- .psdet(cov(sLFeat)) + + # Get relative sizes + sJ <- nrow(features) + sJR <- nrow(sRFeat) + sJL <- nrow(sLFeat) + + IUout <- 0.5 * (DET - (sJR / sJ * DETR + sJL / sJ * DETL)) + + return(IUout) +} + +# Wrapper function for getting split statistics +.getSplit <- function(feat, splitStats, features, class, splitMetric) { + stat <- splitStats[feat] + splitVal <- splitMetric(feat, class, features, rPerf = FALSE) + featValues <- features[, feat] + + # Get classes split to one node + node1Class <- class[featValues > splitVal] + + # Get proportion of each class at each node + group1Prop <- table(node1Class) / table(class) + group2Prop <- 1 - group1Prop + + # Get class consensus + group1Consensus <- names(group1Prop)[group1Prop >= 0.5] + group2Consensus <- names(group1Prop)[group1Prop < 0.5] + + # Get group samples + group1 <- rownames(features)[class %in% group1Consensus] + group2 <- rownames(features)[class %in% group2Consensus] + + # Get class vector + group1Class <- droplevels(class[class %in% group1Consensus]) + group2Class <- droplevels(class[class %in% group2Consensus]) + + return(list( + featureName = feat, + value = splitVal, + stat = stat, + + group1 = group1, + group1Class = group1Class, + group1Consensus = group1Consensus, + group1Prop = c(group1Prop), + + group2 = group2, + group2Class = group2Class, + group2Consensus = group2Consensus, + group2Prop = c(group2Prop) + )) +} + +# Function to annotate alternate split of a soley downregulated terminal nodes +.addAlternativeSplit <- function(tree, features, class) { + + # Unlist decsision tree + DecTree <- unlist(tree, recursive = F) + + # Get leaves + groupList <- lapply(DecTree, function(split) { + + # Remove directions + split <- split[!names(split) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")] + + # Get groups + group1 <- unique(unlist(lapply( + split, + function(node) { + node$group1Consensus + }))) + group2 <- unique(unlist(lapply( + split, + function(node) { + node$group2Consensus + }))) + + return(list( + group1 = group1, + group2 = group2 + )) + }) + + # Get vector of each group + group1Vec <- unique(unlist(lapply(groupList, function(g) g$group1))) + group2Vec <- unique(unlist(lapply(groupList, function(g) g$group2))) + + # Get group that is never up-regulated + group2only <- group2Vec[!group2Vec %in% group1Vec] + + # Check whether there are solely downregulated splits + AltSplitInd <- which(unlist(lapply(groupList, function(g, group2only) { + group2only %in% g$group2 + }, group2only))) + + if (length(AltSplitInd) > 0) { + + AltDec <- max(which(unlist(lapply(groupList, function(g, group2only) { + group2only %in% g$group2 + }, group2only)))) + + # Get split + downSplit <- DecTree[[AltDec]] + downNode <- downSplit[[1]] + + # Get classes to rerun + branchClasses <- names(downNode$group1Prop) + + # Get samples from these classes and features from this cluster + sampKeep <- class %in% branchClasses + featKeep <- !colnames(features) %in% downSplit$fUsed + + # Subset class and features + cSub <- droplevels(class[sampKeep]) + fSub <- features[sampKeep, featKeep, drop = F] + + # Get best alternative split + altStats <-, lapply( + colnames(fSub), + function(feat, splitMetric, features, class, cInt) { + Val <- splitMetric(feat, cSub, fSub, rPerf = F) + + # Get node1 classes + node1Class <- class[features[, feat] > Val] + + # Get sensitivity/precision/altSens + Sens <- sum(node1Class == cInt) / sum(class == cInt) + Prec <- mean(node1Class == cInt) + + # Get Sensitivity of Alternate Classes + AltClasses <- unique(class)[unique(class) != cInt] + AltSizes <- vapply( + AltClasses, + function(cAlt, class) { + sum(class == cAlt) + }, class, FUN.VALUE = double(1)) + AltWrong <- vapply( + AltClasses, + function(cAlt, node1Class) { + sum(node1Class == cAlt) + }, node1Class, FUN.VALUE = double(1)) + AltSens <- min(1 - (AltWrong / AltSizes)) + + # Get harmonic mean + HM <- (3 * Sens * Prec * AltSens) / + (Sens * Prec + Prec * AltSens + Sens * AltSens) + HM[is.nan(HM)] <- 0 + + # Return + return(data.frame( + feat = feat, + val = Val, + stat = HM, + stringsAsFactors = F)) + }, .splitMetricModF1, fSub, cSub, group2only)) + altStats <- altStats[order(altStats$stat, decreasing = TRUE), ] + + # Get alternative splits + splitStats <- altStats$stat[1] + names(splitStats) <- altStats$feat[1] + altSplit <- .getSplit( + altStats$feat[1], + splitStats, + fSub, + cSub, + .splitMetricModF1) + + # Check that this split out the group2 of interest + if (length(altSplit$group1Consensus) == 1) { + + # Add it to split + downSplit[[length(downSplit) + 1]] <- altSplit + names(downSplit)[length(downSplit)] <- altStats$feat[1] + downSplit <- downSplit[c( + which(!names(downSplit) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")), + which(names(downSplit) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")))] + + # Get index of split to add it to + branchLengths <- unlist(lapply(tree, length)) + branchCum <- cumsum(branchLengths) + wBranch <- min(which(branchCum >= AltDec)) + if(wBranch==1){ + wSplit <- 1 + } + else{ + wSplit <- which(seq( + (branchCum[(wBranch - 1)] + 1), + branchCum[wBranch]) == AltDec) + } + + # Add it to decision tree + tree[[wBranch]][[wSplit]] <- downSplit + } else { + cat("No non-ambiguous rule to separate", group2only, "from", + branchClasses, ". No alternative split added.") + } + } else { + # print("No solely down-regulated cluster to add alternative split.") + } + + return(tree) +} + +#' @title Gets cluster estimates using rules generated by +#' `celda::findMarkersTree` +#' @description Get decisions for a matrix of features. Estimate cell +#' cluster membership using feature matrix input. +#' @param rules List object. The `rules` element from `findMarkersTree` +#' output. Returns NA if cluster estimation was ambiguous. +#' @param features A L(features) by N(samples) numeric matrix. +#' @return A character vector of label predicitions. + +getDecisions <- function(rules, features) { + features <- t(features) + votes <- apply(features, 1, .predictClass, rules) + return(votes) +} + +# Function to predict class from list of rules +.predictClass <- function(samp, rules){ + + # Initilize possible classes and level + classes <- names(rules) + level <- 1 + + # Set maximum levele possible to prevent infinity run + maxLevel <- max(unlist(lapply(rules, function(ruleSet) { + ruleSet$level + }))) + + while (length(classes) > 1 & level <= maxLevel) { + + # Get possible classes + clLogical <- unlist(lapply(classes, function(cl, rules, level, samp) { + + # Get the rules for this class + ruleClass <- rules[[cl]] + + # Get the rules for this level + ruleClass <- ruleClass[ruleClass$level == level, , drop = FALSE] + + # Subset class for the features at this level + ruleClass$sample <- samp[ruleClass$feature] + + # For multiple direction == 1, use one with the top stat + if (sum(ruleClass$direction == 1) > 1){ + ruleClass <- ruleClass[order( + ruleClass$direction + , decreasing = T), ] + ruleClass <- ruleClass[c(which.max( + ruleClass$stat[ruleClass$direction == 1]), + which(ruleClass$direction == -1)), , drop = FALSE] + } + + # Check for followed rules + ruleClass$check <- ruleClass$sample >= ruleClass$value + ruleClass$check[ruleClass$direction == -1] <- !ruleClass$check[ + ruleClass$direction == -1] + + # Check that all rules were followed + ruleFollowed <- mean( + ruleClass$check & ruleClass$direction == 1) > 0 | + mean(ruleClass$check) == 1 + + return(ruleFollowed) + + }, rules, level, samp)) + + # Subset possible classes + classes <- classes[clLogical] + + # Add level + level <- level + 1 + } + + # Return if only one class selected + if (length(classes) == 1) { + return(classes) + } else { + return(NA) + } +} + +# Function to summarize and format tree list output by .generateTreeList +.summarizeTree <- function(tree, features, class) { + + # Format tree into dendrogram object + dendro <- .convertToDendrogram(tree, class) + + # Map classes to features + class2features <- .mapClass2features(tree, features, class) + + # Get performance of the tree on training samples + perfList <- .getPerformance(class2features$rules, features, class) + + return(list( + rules = class2features$rules, + dendro = dendro, + prediction = perfList$prediction, + performance = perfList$performance + )) +} + +# Function to reformat raw tree ouput to a dendrogram +.convertToDendrogram <- function(tree, class, splitNames = NULL) { + + # Unlist decision tree (one element for each split) + DecTree <- unlist(tree, recursive = F) + + if(is.null(splitNames)){ + # Name split by gene and threshold + splitNames <- lapply(DecTree, function(split) { + + # Remove non-split elements + dirs <- paste0(split$dirs, collapse = "_") + split <- split[!names(split) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")] + + # Get set of features and values for each + featuresplits <- lapply(split, function(node) { + nodeFeature <- node$featureName + nodeStrings <- paste(nodeFeature, collapse = ";") + }) + + # Get split directions + names(featuresplits) <- paste( + dirs, + seq(length(featuresplits)), + sep = "_") + + return(featuresplits) + }) + splitNames <- unlist(splitNames) + names(splitNames) <- sub("1_", "", names(splitNames)) + } + else{ + names(splitNames) <- 1:(length(DecTree[[1]])-3) + } + + # Get Stat Used + statUsed <- unlist(lapply( + DecTree, function(split) { + split$statUsed + })) + statRep <- unlist(lapply( + DecTree, + function(split) { + length(split[!names(split) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")]) + })) + statUsed <- unlist(lapply( + seq(length(statUsed)), + function(i) { + rep(statUsed[i], statRep[i]) + })) + names(statUsed) <- names(splitNames) + + # Create Matrix of results + mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(DecTree), ncol = length(unique(class))) + colnames(mat) <- unique(class) + for (i in seq(1, length(DecTree))) { + + # If only one split than ezpz + split <- DecTree[[i]] + split <- split[!names(split) %in% c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")] + if (length(split) == 1) { + mat[i, split[[1]]$group1Consensus] <- 1 + mat[i, split[[1]]$group2Consensus] <- 2 + + # Otherwise we need to assign > 2 splits for different higher groups + } else { + # Get classes in group 1 + group1classUnique <- unique(lapply( + split, + function(X) { + X$group1Consensus + })) + group1classVec <- unlist(group1classUnique) + + # Get classes always in group 2 + group2classUnique <- unique(unlist(lapply( + split, + function(X) { + X$group2Consensus + }))) + group2classUnique <- group2classUnique[!group2classUnique %in% + group1classVec] + + # Assign + for (j in seq(length(group1classUnique))) { + mat[i, group1classUnique[[j]]] <- j + } + mat[i, group2classUnique] <- j + 1 + } + } + + ## Collapse matrix to get set of direction to include in dendrogram + matCollapse <- sort(apply( + mat, + 2, + function(x) { + paste(x[x != 0], collapse = "_") + })) + matUnique <- unique(matCollapse) + + # Get branchlist + bList <- c() + j <- 1 + for (i in seq(max(ncharX(matUnique)))) { + sLength <- matUnique[ncharX(matUnique) >= i] + sLength <- unique(subUnderscore(sLength, i)) + for (k in sLength) { + bList[j] <- k + j <- j + 1 + } + } + + # Initialize dendrogram list + val <- max(ncharX(matUnique)) + 1 + dendro <- list() + attributes(dendro) <- list( + members = length(matCollapse), + classLabels = unique(class), + height = val, + midpoint = (length(matCollapse) - 1) / 2, + label = NULL, + name = NULL) + + for (i in bList) { + + # Add element + iSplit <- unlist(strsplit(i, "_")) + iPaste <- paste0("dendro", + paste(paste0("[[", iSplit, "]]"), collapse = "")) + eval(parse( + text = + paste0(iPaste, "<-list()") + )) + + # Add attributes + classLabels <- names( + matCollapse[subUnderscore(matCollapse, ncharX(i)) == i]) + members <- length(classLabels) + + # Add height, set to one if leaf + height <- val - ncharX(i) + + # Check that this isn't a terminal split + if (members == 1) { + height <- 1 + } + + # Add labels and stat used + if (i %in% names(splitNames)) { + lab <- splitNames[i] + statUsedI <- statUsed[i] + } else { + lab <- NULL + statUsedI <- NULL + } + att <- list( + members = members, + classLabels = classLabels, + edgetext = lab, + height = height, + midpoint = (members - 1) / 2, + label = lab, + statUsed = statUsedI, + name = i) + eval(parse( + text = paste0("attributes(", iPaste, ") <- att"))) + + # Add leaves + leaves <- matCollapse[matCollapse == i] + if (length(leaves) > 0) { + for (l in seq(1, length(leaves))) { + + # Add element + lPaste <- paste0(iPaste, "[[", l, "]]") + eval(parse( + text = paste0(lPaste, "<-list()"))) + + # Add attributes + members <- 1 + leaf <- names(leaves)[l] + height <- 0 + att <- list( + members = members, + classLabels = leaf, + height = height, + label = leaf, + leaf = TRUE, + name = i) + eval(parse( + text = paste0("attributes(", lPaste, ") <- att"))) + } + } + } + class(dendro) <- "dendrogram" + return(dendro) +} + +# Function to calculate the number of non-underscore characters in a string +ncharX <- function(x) unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, "_"), length)) + +# Function to subset a string of characters seperated by underscores +subUnderscore <- function(x, n) unlist(lapply( + strsplit(x, "_"), + function(y) { + paste(y[seq(n)], collapse = "_") + })) + +# Function to calculate performance statistics +.getPerformance <- function(rules, features, class) { + + # Get classification accuracy, balanced accurecy, and per class sensitivity + ## Get predictions + votes <- getDecisions(rules, t(features)) + votes[] <- "MISSING" + + ## Calculate accuracy statistics and per class sensitivity + class <- as.character(class) + acc <- mean(votes == as.character(class)) + classCorrect <- vapply( + unique(class), + function(x) { + sum(votes == x & class == x) + }, FUN.VALUE = double(1)) + classCount <- c(table(class))[unique(class)] + sens <- classCorrect / classCount + + ## Calculate balanced accuracy + balacc <- mean(sens) + + ## Calculate per class and mean precision + voteCount <- c(table(votes))[unique(class)] + prec <- classCorrect / voteCount + meanPrecision <- mean(prec) + + ## Add performance metrics + performance <- list( + accuracy = acc, + balAcc = balacc, + meanPrecision = meanPrecision, + correct = classCorrect, + sizes = classCount, + sensitivity = sens, + precision = prec + ) + + return(list( + prediction = votes, + performance = performance + )) +} + +# Create rules of classes and features sequences +.mapClass2features <- function(tree, features, class, topLevelMeta = FALSE) { + + # Get class to feature indices + class2featuresIndices <-, lapply( + seq(length(tree)), + function(i) { + treeLevel <- tree[[i]] + c2fsub <-, lapply( + treeLevel, + function(split) { + # Keep track of stat used for rule list + statUsed <- split$statUsed + + # Keep only split information + split <- split[!names(split) %in% + c("statUsed", "fUsed", "dirs")] + + # Create data frame of split rules + edgeFram <-, lapply(split, function(edge) { + + # Create data.frame of groups, split-dirs, feature IDs + groups <- c(edge$group1Consensus, edge$group2Consensus) + sdir <- c( + rep(1, length(edge$group1Consensus)), + rep(-1, length(edge$group2Consensus))) + feat <- edge$featureName + val <- edge$value + stat <- edge$stat + data.frame( + class = rep(groups, length(feat)), + feature = rep(feat, each = length(groups)), + direction = rep(sdir, length(feat)), + value = rep(val, each = length(groups)), + stat = rep(stat, each = length(groups)), + stringsAsFactors = F + ) + })) + + # Add stat used + edgeFram$statUsed <- statUsed + + return(edgeFram) + + }))) + c2fsub$level <- i + return(c2fsub) + })) + rownames(class2featuresIndices) <- NULL + + # Generate list of rules for each class + if(topLevelMeta){ + orderedClass <- unique( + class2featuresIndices[class2featuresIndices$direction==1,"class"]) + } + else{ + orderedClass <- levels(class) + } + + rules <- lapply(orderedClass, function(cl, class2featuresIndices) { + + class2featuresIndices[class2featuresIndices$class == cl, + colnames(class2featuresIndices) != "class"] + + }, class2featuresIndices) + names(rules) <- orderedClass + + return(list( + rules = rules)) +} + +#' @title Plots dendrogram of \emph{findMarkersTree} output +#' @description Generates a dendrogram of the rules and performance +#' (optional) of the decision tree generated by findMarkersTree(). +#' @param tree List object. The output of findMarkersTree() +#' @param classLabel A character value. The name of a specific label to draw +#' the path and rules. If NULL (default), the tree for all clusters is shown. +#' @param addSensPrec Logical. Print training sensitivities and precisions +#' for each cluster below leaf label? Default is FALSE. +#' @param maxFeaturePrint Numeric value. Maximum number of markers to print +#' at a given split. Default is 4. +#' @param leafSize Numeric value. Size of text below each leaf. Default is 24. +#' @param boxSize Numeric value. Size of rule labels. Default is 7. +#' @param boxColor Character value. Color of rule labels. Default is black. +#' @examples +#' # Generate simulated single-cell dataset using celda +#' sim_counts <- celda::simulateCells("celda_CG", K = 4, L = 10, G = 100) +#' +#' # Celda clustering into 5 clusters & 10 modules +#' cm <- celda_CG(sim_counts$counts, K=5, L=10, verbose=FALSE) +#' +#' # Get features matrix and cluster assignments +#' factorized <- factorizeMatrix(sim_counts$counts, cm) +#' features <- factorized$proportions$cell +#' class <- clusters(cm)$z +#' +#' # Generate Decision Tree +#' DecTree <- findMarkersTree(features,class,threshold = 1) +#' +#' # Plot dendrogram +#' plotDendro(DecTree) +#' +#' @return A ggplot2 object +#' @import ggplot2 +#' @importFrom ggdendro dendro_data ggdendrogram +#' @importFrom dendextend get_nodes_xy get_nodes_attr get_leaves_attr +#' @export +plotDendro <- function(tree, + classLabel = NULL, + addSensPrec = FALSE, + maxFeaturePrint = 4, + leafSize = 10, + boxSize = 2, + boxColor = "black") { + + # Get necessary elements + dendro <- tree$dendro + + # Get performance information (training or CV based) + if(addSensPrec){ + performance <- tree$performance + + # Create vector of per class performance + perfVec <- paste0("Sens. ", + format(round(performance$sensitivity, 2), nsmall = 2), + "\n Prec. ", + format(round(performance$precision, 2), nsmall = 2) + ) + names(perfVec) <- names(performance$sensitivity) + } + + # Get dendrogram segments + dendSegs <- ggdendro::dendro_data(dendro, type = "rectangle")$segments + + # Get necessary coordinates to add labels to + # These will have y > 1 + dendSegs <- unique(dendSegs[dendSegs$y > 1, c("x", "y", "yend", "xend")]) + + # Labeled splits will be vertical (x != xend) or + # Length 0 (x == xend & y == yend) + dendSegsAlt <- dendSegs[ + dendSegs$x != dendSegs$xend | + (dendSegs$x == dendSegs$xend & dendSegs$y == dendSegs$yend), + c("x", "xend", "y")] + colnames(dendSegsAlt)[1] <- "xalt" + + # Label names will be at nodes, these will + # Occur at the end of segments + segs <- + colnames(segs) <- c("xend", "yend") + + # Add labels to nodes + segs$label <- gsub(";", "\n", dendextend::get_nodes_attr(dendro, "label")) + + # Subset for max + segs$label <- sapply(segs$label, function(lab, maxFeaturePrint) { + loc <- gregexpr("\n", lab)[[1]][maxFeaturePrint] + if(! { + lab <- substr(lab, 1, loc-1) + } + return(lab) + }, maxFeaturePrint) + + segs$statUsed <- dendextend::get_nodes_attr(dendro, "statUsed") + + # If highlighting a class label, remove non-class specific rules + if (!is.null(classLabel)) { + if (!classLabel %in% names(tree$rules)) { + stop("classLabel not a valid class ID.") + } + dendro <- .highlightClassLabel(dendro, classLabel) + keepLabel <- dendextend::get_nodes_attr(dendro, "keepLabel") + keepLabel[] <- FALSE + segs$label[!keepLabel] <- NA + } + + # Remove non-labelled nodes & + # leaf nodes (yend == 0) + segs <- segs[!$label) & segs$yend != 0, ] + + # Merge to full set of coordinates + dendSegsLabelled <- merge(dendSegs, segs) + + # Remove duplicated labels + dendSegsLabelled <- dendSegsLabelled[order(dendSegsLabelled$y, + decreasing = T), ] + dendSegsLabelled <- dendSegsLabelled[ + !duplicated(dendSegsLabelled[, + c("xend", "x", "yend", + "label", "statUsed")]), ] + + # Merge with alternative x-coordinates for alternative split + dendSegsLabelled <- merge(dendSegsLabelled, dendSegsAlt) + + # Order by height and coordinates + dendSegsLabelled <- dendSegsLabelled[order(dendSegsLabelled$x), ] + + # Find information gain splits + igSplits <- dendSegsLabelled$statUsed == "Split" & + !duplicated(dendSegsLabelled[, c("xalt", "y")]) + + # Set xend for IG splits + dendSegsLabelled$xend[igSplits] <- dendSegsLabelled$xalt[igSplits] + + # Set y for non-IG splits + dendSegsLabelled$y[!igSplits] <- dendSegsLabelled$y[!igSplits] - 0.2 + + # Get index of leaf labels + leafLabels <- dendextend::get_leaves_attr(dendro, "label") + + # Adjust leaf labels if there are metacluster labels + if(!is.null(tree$metaclusterLabels)){ + leafLabels <- regmatches(leafLabels, + regexpr(pattern = "(?<=\\().*?(?=\\)$)", + leafLabels, perl = TRUE)) + } + + # Add sensitivity and precision measurements + if (addSensPrec) { + leafLabels <- paste(leafLabels, perfVec, sep = "\n") + leafAngle <- 0 + leafHJust <- 0.5 + leafVJust <- -1 + } else { + leafAngle <- 90 + leafHJust <- 1 + leafVJust <- 0.5 + } + + # Create plot of dendrogram + suppressMessages(dendroP <- ggdendro::ggdendrogram(dendro) + + ggplot2::geom_label( + data = dendSegsLabelled, + ggplot2::aes(x = dendSegsLabelled$xend, + y = dendSegsLabelled$y, + label = dendSegsLabelled$label), + size = boxSize, + label.size = 1, + fontface = "bold", + vjust = 1, + nudge_y = 0.1, + color = boxColor) + + ggplot2::theme_bw() + + ggplot2::scale_x_reverse(breaks = + seq(length(leafLabels)), + label = leafLabels) + + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + + ggplot2::theme( + panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), + legend.position = "none", + panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), + panel.grid.minor.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), + panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), + panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), + axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank(), + axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(), + axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text( + hjust = leafHJust, + angle = leafAngle, + size = leafSize, + family = "Palatino", + face = "bold", + vjust = leafVJust), + axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank() + ) + ) + + # Check if need to add metacluster labels + if(!is.null(tree$metaclusterLabels)){ + #store metacluster labels to add + newLabels <- unique(tree$branchPoints$top_level$metacluster) + + #adjust labels for metaclusters of size one + newLabels <- unlist(lapply(newLabels, function(curMeta){ + if(substr(curMeta, nchar(curMeta), nchar(curMeta)) == ")"){ + return(gsub(pattern = "\\(.*\\)$", replacement = "", + x = curMeta)) + } + else{ + return(curMeta) + } + })) + + # Create table for metacluster labels + metaclusterText <- dendSegsLabelled[dendSegsLabelled$y == + max(dendSegsLabelled$y), + c("xend", "y", "label")] + metaclusterText$label <- newLabels + + # Add metacluster labels to top of plot + dendroP <- dendroP + + geom_text(data = metaclusterText, + aes(x = xend, y = y, + label = label, fontface=2), + angle = 90, + nudge_y = 0.5, + family = "Palatino", + size = leafSize/3) + + #adjust coordinates of plot to show labels + dendroP <- dendroP + coord_cartesian(ylim = + c(0, + max(dendSegsLabelled$y+1))) + + } + + # Increase line width slightly for aesthetic purposes + dendroP$layers[[2]]$aes_params$size <- 1.3 + + return(dendroP) +} + +# Function to reformat the dendrogram to draw path to a specific class +.highlightClassLabel <- function(dendro, classLabel) { + + # Reorder dendrogram + flag <- TRUE + bIndexString <- "" + + # Get branch + branch <- eval(parse(text = paste0("dendro", bIndexString))) + + while (flag) { + + # Get attributes + att <- attributes(branch) + + # Get split with the label of interest + labList <- lapply(branch, function(split) + attributes(split)$classLabels) + wSplit <- which(unlist(lapply( + labList, + function(vec) { + classLabel %in% vec + }))) + + # Keep labels for this branch + branch <- lapply(branch, function(edge) { + attributes(edge)$keepLabel <- TRUE + return(edge) + }) + + # Make a dendrogram class again + class(branch) <- "dendrogram" + attributes(branch) <- att + + # Add branch to dendro + eval(parse(text = paste0("dendro", bIndexString, "<- branch"))) + + # Create new bIndexString + bIndexString <- paste0(bIndexString, "[[", wSplit, "]]") + + # Get branch + branch <- eval(parse(text = paste0("dendro", bIndexString))) + + # Add flag + flag <- attributes(branch)$members > 1 + } + + return(dendro) +} + + +#' @title Generate heatmap for a marker decision tree +#' @description Creates heatmap for a specified branch point in a marker tree. +#' @param tree A decision tree from CELDA's \emph{findMarkersTree} function. +#' @param counts Numeric matrix. Gene-by-cell counts matrix. +#' @param branchPoint Character. Name of branch point to plot heatmap for. +#' Name should match those in \emph{tree$branchPoints}. +#' @param featureLabels List of feature cluster assignments. Length should +#' be equal to number of rows in counts matrix, and formatting should match +#' that used in \emph{findMarkersTree()}. Required when using clusters +#' of features and not previously provided to \emph{findMarkersTree()} +#' @param topFeatures Integer. Number of genes to plot per marker module. +#' Genes are sorted based on their AUC for their respective cluster. +#' Default is 10. +#' @param silent Logical. Whether to avoid plotting heatmap to screen. +#' Default is FALSE. +#' @return A heatmap visualizing the counts matrix for the cells and genes at +#' the specified branch point. +#' @examples +#' # Generate simulated single-cell dataset using celda +#' sim_counts <- celda::simulateCells("celda_CG", K = 4, L = 10, G = 100) +#' +#' # Celda clustering into 5 clusters & 10 modules +#' cm <- celda_CG(sim_counts$counts, K=5, L=10, verbose=FALSE) +#' +#' # Get features matrix and cluster assignments +#' factorized <- factorizeMatrix(sim_counts$counts, cm) +#' features <- factorized$proportions$cell +#' class <- clusters(cm)$z +#' +#' # Generate Decision Tree +#' DecTree <- findMarkersTree(features,class,threshold = 1) +#' +#' # Plot example heatmap +#' plotMarkerHeatmap(DecTree, sim_counts$counts, branchPoint = "top_level", +#' featureLabels = paste0("L",clusters(cm)$y)) +#' +#' @export +plotMarkerHeatmap <- function(tree, counts, branchPoint, featureLabels, + topFeatures = 10, silent = FALSE){ + + #get branch point to plot + branch <- tree$branchPoints[[branchPoint]] + + #check that user entered valid branch point name + if(is.null(branch)){ + stop("Invalid branch point. + Branch point name should match one of those in tree$branchPoints.") + } + + #convert counts matrix to matrix (e.g. from dgCMatrix) + counts <- as.matrix(counts) + + #get marker features + marker <- unique(branch$feature) + + #add feature labels + if('featureLabels' %in% names(tree)){ + featureLabels <- tree$featureLabels + } + + #check that feature labels are provided + if(missing(featureLabels) & + !('featureLabels' %in% names(tree)) & + (sum(marker %in% rownames(counts)) != length(marker))){ + stop("Please provide feature labels, i.e. gene cluster labels") + } + else{ + if(missing(featureLabels) & + !('featureLabels' %in% names(tree)) & + (sum(marker %in% rownames(counts)) == length(marker))){ + featureLabels == rownames(counts) + } + } + + #make sure feature labels match the table + if(!all(branch$feature %in% featureLabels)){ + stop("Provided feature labels don't match those in the tree. + Please check the feature names in the tree's rules' table.") + } + + #if top-level in metaclusters tree + if(branchPoint == "top_level"){ + #get unique metaclusters + metaclusters <- unique(branch$metacluster) + + #list which will contain final set of genes for heatmap + whichFeatures <- c() + + #loop over unique metaclusters + for(meta in metaclusters){ + + #subset table + curMeta <- branch[branch$metacluster==meta,] + + #if we have gene-level info in the tree + if("gene" %in% names(branch)){ + #sort by gene AUC score + curMeta <- curMeta[order(curMeta$geneAUC, decreasing = TRUE),] + + #get genes + genes <- unique(curMeta$gene) + + #keep top N features + genes <- head(genes, topFeatures) + + #get gene indices + markerGenes <- which(rownames(counts) %in% genes) + + #get features with non-zero variance to avoid clustering error + markerGenes <- .removeZeroVariance(counts, + cells = which( + tree$metaclusterLabels %in% + unique(curMeta$metacluster)), + markers = markerGenes) + + #add to list of features + whichFeatures <- c(whichFeatures, markerGenes) + } + else{ + #current markers + curMarker <- unique(curMeta$feature) + + #get marker gene indices + markerGenes <- which(featureLabels %in% curMarker) + + #get features with non-zero variance to avoid error + markerGenes <- .removeZeroVariance(counts, + cells = which( + tree$metaclusterLabels %in% + unique(curMeta$metacluster)), + markers = markerGenes) + + #add to list of features + whichFeatures <- c(whichFeatures, markerGenes) + } + } + + #order the metaclusters by size + colOrder <- data.frame(groupName = names( + sort(table(tree$metaclusterLabels), decreasing = T)), + groupIndex = seq_along(unique(tree$metaclusterLabels))) + + #order the markers for metaclusters + allMarkers <- setNames(as.list(colOrder$groupName), colOrder$groupName) + allMarkers <- lapply(allMarkers, function(x){ + unique(branch[branch$metacluster==x,"feature"]) + }) + rowOrder <- data.frame(groupName = unlist(allMarkers), + groupIndex = seq_along(unlist(allMarkers))) + toRemove <- which(!rowOrder$groupName %in% featureLabels[whichFeatures]) + if(length(toRemove) > 0){ + rowOrder <- rowOrder[-toRemove,] + } + + #sort cells according to metacluster size + x <- tree$metaclusterLabels + y <- colOrder$groupName + sortedCells <- seq(ncol(counts))[order(match(x,y))] + + #create heatmap with only the markers + return( + plotHeatmap(counts = counts, z = tree$metaclusterLabels, + y = featureLabels, featureIx=whichFeatures, + cellIx = sortedCells, showNamesFeature = TRUE, + main = "Top-level", silent = silent, + treeheightFeature = 0, colGroupOrder = colOrder, + rowGroupOrder = rowOrder, treeheightCell = 0) + ) + } + + #if balanced split + if(branch$statUsed[1] == "Split"){ + #keep entries for balanced split only (in case of alt. split) + split <- branch$feature[1] + branch <- branch[branch$feature == split,] + + #get up-regulated and down-regulated classes + upClasses <- unique(branch[branch$direction==1, "class"]) + downClasses <- unique(branch[branch$direction==(-1), "class"]) + + #re-order cells to keep up and down separate on the heatmap + reorderedCells <- c((which(tree$classLabels %in% upClasses) + [order(tree$classLabels[ + tree$classLabels %in% upClasses])]), + (which(tree$classLabels %in% downClasses) + [order(tree$classLabels[ + tree$classLabels %in% downClasses])])) + + #cell annotation based on split + cellAnno <- data.frame(split = rep("Down-regulated", ncol(counts)), + stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + cellAnno$split[which(tree$classLabels %in% upClasses)] <- "Up-regulated" + rownames(cellAnno) <- colnames(counts) + + #if we have gene-level info in the tree + if(("gene" %in% names(branch))){ + #get genes + genes <- unique(branch$gene) + + #keep top N features + genes <- head(genes, topFeatures) + + #get gene indices + whichFeatures <- which(rownames(counts) %in% genes) + + #get features with non-zero variance to avoid error + whichFeatures <- .removeZeroVariance(counts, + cells = which( + tree$classLabels %in% + unique(branch$class)), + markers = whichFeatures) + + #create heatmap with only the split feature and split classes + return(plotHeatmap(counts = counts, z = tree$classLabels, + y=featureLabels, featureIx=whichFeatures, + cellIx = reorderedCells, clusterCell = FALSE, + showNamesFeature = TRUE, main = branchPoint, + silent = silent, treeheightFeature = 0, + treeheightCell = 0, annotationCell = cellAnno)) + } + else{ + + #get features with non-zero variance to avoid error + whichFeatures <- .removeZeroVariance(counts, cells = reorderedCells, + markers = which( + featureLabels==branch$feature[1])) + + #create heatmap with only the split feature and split classes + return(plotHeatmap(counts = counts, z = tree$classLabels, + y=featureLabels, featureIx=whichFeatures, + cellIx = reorderedCells, clusterCell = FALSE, + showNamesFeature = TRUE, main = branchPoint, + silent = silent, treeheightFeature = 0, + treeheightCell = 0, annotationCell = cellAnno)) + } + + } + + #if one-off split + if(branch$statUsed[1] == "One-off"){ + + #get unique classes + classes <- unique(branch$class) + + #list which will contain final set of genes for heatmap + whichFeatures <- c() + + #loop over unique classes + for(class in classes){ + + #subset table + curClass <- branch[branch$class==class & branch$direction==1,] + + #if we have gene-level info in the tree + if(("gene" %in% names(branch))){ + #get genes + genes <- unique(curClass$gene) + + #keep top N features + genes <- head(genes, topFeatures) + + #get gene indices + markerGenes <- which(rownames(counts) %in% genes) + + #get features with non-zero variance to avoid error + markerGenes <- .removeZeroVariance(counts, + cells = which( + tree$classLabels %in% + unique(curClass$class)), + markers = markerGenes) + + #add to list of features + whichFeatures <- c(whichFeatures, markerGenes) + } + else{ + + #get features with non-zero variance to avoid error + markerGenes <- .removeZeroVariance( + counts, + cells = which(tree$classLabels %in% + unique(curClass$class)), + markers = which(featureLabels %in% + unique(curClass$feature)) + ) + + #add to list of features + whichFeatures <- c(whichFeatures, markerGenes) + } + } + + #order the clusters such that up-regulated come first + colOrder <- data.frame(groupName = unique( + branch[order(branch$direction, decreasing = T),"class"]), + groupIndex = seq_along(unique(branch$class))) + + #order the markers for clusters + allMarkers <- setNames(as.list(colOrder$groupName), colOrder$groupName) + allMarkers <- lapply(allMarkers, function(x){ + unique(branch[branch$class==x & branch$direction==1,"feature"]) + }) + rowOrder <- data.frame(groupName = unlist(allMarkers), + groupIndex = seq_along(unlist(allMarkers))) + toRemove <- which(!rowOrder$groupName %in% featureLabels[whichFeatures]) + if(length(toRemove) > 0){ + rowOrder <- rowOrder[-toRemove,] + } + + #sort cells according to metacluster size + x <- tree$classLabels#[tree$classLabels %in% unique(branch$class)] + y <- colOrder$groupName + sortedCells <- seq(ncol(counts))[order(match(x,y))] + sortedCells <- sortedCells[seq(sum(tree$classLabels %in% classes))] + + #create heatmap with only the split features and split classes + return(plotHeatmap(counts = counts, z = tree$classLabels, + y = featureLabels, featureIx=whichFeatures, + cellIx = sortedCells, + showNamesFeature = TRUE, main = branchPoint, + silent = silent, treeheightFeature = 0, + colGroupOrder = colOrder, rowGroupOrder = rowOrder, + treeheightCell = 0)) + } + +} + +#helper function to identify zero-variance genes in a counts matrix +.removeZeroVariance <- function(counts, cells, markers){ + #subset counts matrix + counts <- counts[, cells] + + #scale rows + counts <- t(scale(t(counts))) + + #get indices of genes which have NA + zeroVarianceGenes <- which(!complete.cases(counts)) + + #find overlap between zero-variance genes and marker genes + zeroVarianceMarkers <- intersect(zeroVarianceGenes, markers) + + #return indices of marker genes without zero-variance + if(length(zeroVarianceMarkers) > 0) + return(markers[-which(markers %in% zeroVarianceMarkers)]) + else + return(markers) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/man/findMarkersTree.Rd b/man/findMarkersTree.Rd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..303ad7e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/findMarkersTree.Rd @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand +% Please edit documentation in R/findMarkersTree.R +\name{findMarkersTree} +\alias{findMarkersTree} +\title{Generate marker decision tree from single-cell clustering output} +\usage{ +findMarkersTree( + features, + class, + oneoffMetric = c("modified F1", "pairwise AUC"), + metaclusters, + featureLabels, + counts, + celda, + seurat, + threshold = 0.9, + reuseFeatures = FALSE, + altSplit = TRUE, + consecutiveOneoff = FALSE, + autoMetaclusters = TRUE, + seed = 12345 +) +} +\arguments{ +\item{features}{features-by-samples numeric matrix, e.g. counts matrix.} + +\item{class}{Vector of cell cluster labels.} + +\item{oneoffMetric}{A character string. What one-off metric to run, either +`modified F1` or `pairwise AUC`. Default is 'modified F1'.} + +\item{metaclusters}{List where each element is a metacluster (e.g. known +cell type) and all the clusters within that metacluster (e.g. subtypes).} + +\item{featureLabels}{Vector of feature assignments, e.g. which cluster +does each gene belong to? Useful when using clusters of features +(e.g. gene modules or Seurat PCs) and user wishes to expand tree results +to individual features (e.g. score individual genes within marker gene modules).} + +\item{counts}{Numeric counts matrix. Useful when using clusters +of features (e.g. gene modules) and user wishes to expand tree results to +individual features (e.g. score individual genes within marker gene +modules). Row names should be individual feature names.} + +\item{celda}{A \emph{celda_CG} or \emph{celda_C} object. +Counts matrix has to be provided as well.} + +\item{seurat}{A seurat object. Note that the seurat functions +\emph{RunPCA} and \emph{FindClusters} must have been run on the object.} + +\item{threshold}{Numeric between 0 and 1. The threshold for the oneoff +metric. Smaller values will result in more one-off splits. Default is 0.90.} + +\item{reuseFeatures}{Logical. Whether or not a feature can be used more than +once on the same cluster. Default is TRUE.} + +\item{altSplit}{Logical. Whether or not to force a marker for clusters that +are solely defined by the absence of markers. Default is TRUE.} + +\item{consecutiveOneoff}{Logical. Whether or not to allow one-off splits at +consecutive brances. Default is FALSE.} + +\item{seed}{Numeric. Seed used to enable reproducible UMAP results +for identifying metaclusters. Default is 12345.} + +\item{autoMetaclusters.}{Logical. Whether to identify metaclusters prior to +creating the tree based on the distance between clusters in a UMAP +dimensionality reduction projection. A metacluster is simply a large +cluster that includes several clusters within it. Default is TRUE.} +} +\value{ +A named list with six elements: +\itemize{ + \item rules - A named list with one data frame for every label. Each + data frame has five columns and gives the set of rules for disinguishing + each label. + \itemize{ + \item feature - Marker feature, e.g. marker gene name. + \item direction - Relationship to feature value. -1 if cluster is + down-regulated for this feature, 1 if cluster is up-regulated. + \item stat - The performance value returned by the splitting metric for + this split. + \item statUsed - Which performance metric was used. "Split" if information + gain and "One-off" if one-off. + \item level - The level of the tree at which is rule was defined. 1 is the + level of the first split of the tree. + \item metacluster - Optional. If metaclusters were used, the metacluster + this rule is applied to. + } + \item dendro - A dendrogram object of the decision tree output. Plot with + plotDendro() + \item classLabels - A vector of the class labels used in the model, i.e. + cell cluster labels. + \item metaclusterLabels - A vector of the metacluster labels + used in the model + \item prediction - A character vector of label of predictions of the + training data using the final model. "MISSING" if label prediction was + ambiguous. + \item performance - A named list denoting the training performance of the + model: + \itemize{ + \item accuracy - (number correct/number of samples) for the whole set of + samples. + \item balAcc - mean sensitivity across all clusters + \item meanPrecision - mean precision across all clusters + \item correct - the number of correct predictions of each cluster + \item sizes - the number of actual counts of each cluster + \item sensitivity - the sensitivity of the prediciton of each cluster + \item precision - the precision of the prediciton of each cluster + } +} +} +\description{ +Create a decision tree that identifies gene markers for given + cell populations. The algorithm uses a decision tree procedure to generate + a set of rules for each cell cluster defined by single-cell clustering. + Splits are determined by one of two metrics at each split: a one-off metric + to determine rules for identifying clusters by a single feature, and a + balanced metric to determine rules for identifying sets of similar clusters. +} +\examples{ +# Generate simulated single-cell dataset using celda +sce <- celda::simulateCells("celda_CG", K = 4, L = 10, G = 100) + +# Select top features +sce <- selectFeatures(sce) + +# Celda clustering into 5 clusters & 10 modules +sce <- celda_CG(sce, K=5, L=10, verbose=FALSE) + +# Get features matrix and cluster assignments +factorizedCounts <- factorizeMatrix(sce, type = "counts") +featureMatrix <- factorizedCounts$counts$cell +classes <- as.integer(celdaClusters(sce)) + +# Generate Decision Tree +DecTree <- findMarkersTree(featureMatrix, classes) + +# Plot dendrogram +plotDendro(DecTree) + +} diff --git a/man/getDecisions.Rd b/man/getDecisions.Rd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e79e5356 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/getDecisions.Rd @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand +% Please edit documentation in R/findMarkersTree.R +\name{getDecisions} +\alias{getDecisions} +\title{Gets cluster estimates using rules generated by + `celda::findMarkersTree`} +\usage{ +getDecisions(rules, features) +} +\arguments{ +\item{rules}{List object. The `rules` element from `findMarkersTree` +output. Returns NA if cluster estimation was ambiguous.} + +\item{features}{A L(features) by N(samples) numeric matrix.} +} +\value{ +A character vector of label predicitions. +} +\description{ +Get decisions for a matrix of features. Estimate cell + cluster membership using feature matrix input. +} diff --git a/man/plotDendro.Rd b/man/plotDendro.Rd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1e43ad8 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/plotDendro.Rd @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand +% Please edit documentation in R/findMarkersTree.R +\name{plotDendro} +\alias{plotDendro} +\title{Plots dendrogram of \emph{findMarkersTree} output} +\usage{ +plotDendro( + tree, + classLabel = NULL, + addSensPrec = FALSE, + maxFeaturePrint = 4, + leafSize = 10, + boxSize = 2, + boxColor = "black" +) +} +\arguments{ +\item{tree}{List object. The output of findMarkersTree()} + +\item{classLabel}{A character value. The name of a specific label to draw +the path and rules. If NULL (default), the tree for all clusters is shown.} + +\item{addSensPrec}{Logical. Print training sensitivities and precisions +for each cluster below leaf label? Default is FALSE.} + +\item{maxFeaturePrint}{Numeric value. Maximum number of markers to print +at a given split. Default is 4.} + +\item{leafSize}{Numeric value. Size of text below each leaf. Default is 24.} + +\item{boxSize}{Numeric value. Size of rule labels. Default is 7.} + +\item{boxColor}{Character value. Color of rule labels. Default is black.} +} +\value{ +A ggplot2 object +} +\description{ +Generates a dendrogram of the rules and performance +(optional) of the decision tree generated by findMarkersTree(). +} +\examples{ +# Generate simulated single-cell dataset using celda +sim_counts <- celda::simulateCells("celda_CG", K = 4, L = 10, G = 100) + +# Celda clustering into 5 clusters & 10 modules +cm <- celda_CG(sim_counts$counts, K=5, L=10, verbose=FALSE) + +# Get features matrix and cluster assignments +factorized <- factorizeMatrix(sim_counts$counts, cm) +features <- factorized$proportions$cell +class <- clusters(cm)$z + +# Generate Decision Tree +DecTree <- findMarkersTree(features,class,threshold = 1) + +# Plot dendrogram +plotDendro(DecTree) + +} diff --git a/man/plotMarkerHeatmap.Rd b/man/plotMarkerHeatmap.Rd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5263cdd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/plotMarkerHeatmap.Rd @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand +% Please edit documentation in R/findMarkersTree.R +\name{plotMarkerHeatmap} +\alias{plotMarkerHeatmap} +\title{Generate heatmap for a marker decision tree} +\usage{ +plotMarkerHeatmap( + tree, + counts, + branchPoint, + featureLabels, + topFeatures = 10, + silent = FALSE +) +} +\arguments{ +\item{tree}{A decision tree from CELDA's \emph{findMarkersTree} function.} + +\item{counts}{Numeric matrix. Gene-by-cell counts matrix.} + +\item{branchPoint}{Character. Name of branch point to plot heatmap for. +Name should match those in \emph{tree$branchPoints}.} + +\item{featureLabels}{List of feature cluster assignments. Length should +be equal to number of rows in counts matrix, and formatting should match +that used in \emph{findMarkersTree()}. Required when using clusters +of features and not previously provided to \emph{findMarkersTree()}} + +\item{topFeatures}{Integer. Number of genes to plot per marker module. +Genes are sorted based on their AUC for their respective cluster. +Default is 10.} + +\item{silent}{Logical. Whether to avoid plotting heatmap to screen. +Default is FALSE.} +} +\value{ +A heatmap visualizing the counts matrix for the cells and genes at +the specified branch point. +} +\description{ +Creates heatmap for a specified branch point in a marker tree. +} +\examples{ +# Generate simulated single-cell dataset using celda +sim_counts <- celda::simulateCells("celda_CG", K = 4, L = 10, G = 100) + +# Celda clustering into 5 clusters & 10 modules +cm <- celda_CG(sim_counts$counts, K=5, L=10, verbose=FALSE) + +# Get features matrix and cluster assignments +factorized <- factorizeMatrix(sim_counts$counts, cm) +features <- factorized$proportions$cell +class <- clusters(cm)$z + +# Generate Decision Tree +DecTree <- findMarkersTree(features,class,threshold = 1) + +# Plot example heatmap +plotMarkerHeatmap(DecTree, sim_counts$counts, branchPoint = "top_level", +featureLabels = paste0("L",clusters(cm)$y)) + +}