%models(5) user manual | version 0.0.1 14f6d2f % R. S. Doiel % 2024-09-20
import "github.com/caltechlibrary/models"
models is a Go package. A model is expressed in YAML. They are used by modelgen
to render HTML web forms
or SQLite3 schema.
id : The identifier for the model. Is the "id" given to the generated HTML web form.
title : If provided it will be used to insert a title above your web form.
attributes : These map to the HTML attributes in a web form. Typical you would include method (e.g. GET, POST) and action (e.g. a URL to the form page). Attributes are a key/value map of form attributes.
description : This is simple description of the model. It will be included as a comment in the SQLite3 SQL. This is a text string or block.
elements : This is a list of elements that describe the data attributes of your model.
The elements attribute holds a list of elements. You can think of these as HTML5 form elements described in YAML. They will also be used to infer SQLite 3 column types.
Each element is made from the following properties.
type : (required) This is a string and maps to the input element types available in HTML51.
id : (optional) This is the element's identifier. It should be unique with in the model. While optional it is used to retrieve an element from a model. If is also required when rendering column definitions in SQLite 3. A model that includes a submit or reset button would examples of when to leave it blank.
: (optional) This is a list of key/value pairs that map to HTML5 input elements. Boolean HTML element attributes like "required" and "checked" you are expressed
as required: true
and checked: true
in YAML. NOTE: attributes value's are resolved to quoted strings when rendered as HTML.
pattern : (optional) This is a regular expression pattern that is used to validate the input of the element2.
options : (optional) Are a list of key/value maps used to expression HTML5 select elements. They can be be used in validation of a model's content as well as in render HTML selection elements.
is_primary_id : (optional) If set to true it indicates a given element holds the model's primary identifier. If you are store model content in a SQLite 3 database or Dataset collection this would be the unique identifier used to retrieve the modeled object.
label : (optional) If set it is used as the text content of the label when rendering a web form.
The models package starts from the premise of supporting a YAML description of a web form that then can be used to render HTML and SQL Schema. It also needs to be able to be a thin layer in a Go API that can validate the elements of a model just like they are validated browser side by the HTML5 input types. The following are all implemented by the models package using a naive validation approach3.
- button
- checkbox
- color
- date
- datetime-local
- hidden
- image
- month
- number
- password
- radio
- range
- reset
- search
- submit
- tel
- text
- time
- url
- week
Additional data types4 can be defined by using the Model.Define
function provided in this package. You need to provide a name for the new type as well as the func's name. The "defined" data types are applied before the default types. This allows for improvements to the defaults while retaining a fallback. Hopefully this mechanism can prove useful to expanding the data types supported by models.
NOTE: As the models package evolves the validation methods provided out of the box will evolve too. Some may even be dropped if they prove problematic5.
This is an example model of a guest book entry used in a Dataset base guest book web application.
id: test_model
method: GET
action: ./
x-success: http://localhost:8000/success.html
x-fail: http://localhost:8000/failed.html
- id: id
type: text
name: id
placeholder: Enter a unique string
required: true
is_primary_id: true
- id: name
type: text
name: name
placeholdertext: Enter your name
required: true
- id: msg
type: textarea
name: msg
placehodertext: Enter a short message or comment
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input for details. ↩
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/pattern for details of how patterns are used in validation. ↩
"naive" in this case means overly simplistic validation, e.g. min max ranges don't validate against step attributes. ↩
The validation function is used server side only because it is written in Go. E.g. by Dataset's JSON API. ↩
E.g. "week" input type is not widely used and is poorly supported by browsers in 2024. "image" doesn't make a whole lot of sense. ↩