- OSMBC - export
- open OSMBC: https://osmbc.openstreetmap.de/
- select the respective blog
- Edit blog detail (bottom of the page) - https://osmbc.openstreetmap.de/blog/edit/WNxxx
- Close all languages that have two* reviews.
- return to blog and to the top of the page where the language tabs are displayed. A download option for all closed languages should be available, if not: reload the page. download the multi language export and headers from the dropdown menu.
- WordPress import
- create a new post in WordPress: https://weeklyosm.eu/wp-admin/post-new.php
- paste the content from the header export as title of the post
- make sure the content view is set to Text mode
- paste the content from the multi language export as content of the post
- change authors to weeklyteam
- Save Draft
- switch from Text mode to visual
- check all languages are correct and remove leading empty rows
- Save Draft
- Publish
- Close blog: Back in OSMBC click on "more" at "Blogs to work on" and close the oldest one.
- Notify our readers: Use our script to notify our community on mailing lists, josm, mastodon, forum, telegram channels and alike: https://github.com/call-me-matt/weeklyOSMnotifier
*) exceptions:
- KO - ok with one reviewer, we only have one contributor
- PL - ok if conradoos has reviewed
- CZ - not to be published via this workflow