A memoization library in calcit, port from Cumulo/memof.
Call by comparing to last memoization cache, only 1 cache is stored:
ns demo.main $ :require
memof.once :refer $ memof1-call memof1-call-by reset-memof1-caches! memof1-as
defn add3 (a b c) (+ a b c)
; storing 1 item of caches for function
memof1-call add3 1 2 3
; storing items of caches of a function by a given key, pass nil to skip
memof1-call-by |a-unique-key add3 1 2 3
; clear caches after hot reloading
To clear caching of a specific function:
swap! memof.once/*keyed-call-caches dissoc f
A macro for caching a value of an expression directly with a key:
memof1-as |key (+ 1 2)
A tricky implementation like internal states for React hooks, providing:
function to pick internal state,memof.anchor/identity-path
macro to extra path from a symbol, in format of<ns> / <def> / <sym>
for example:
*a $ anchor-state (identity-path 's0)
is $ = @*a nil
.set! *a 1
is $ = @*a 1
*a $ anchor-state (identity-path 's0)
is $ = @*a 1
Install Calcit to run demo: