- travis: install karma@v0.10.2 due to broken v0.10.3 (dc995dc7)
- events: now emiting $scope events rather than DOM events (7b711238)
Rather than binding $element.bind('filled.comments', fn)
, one must instead
$scope.$on('$filledNestedComments', fn)
and expect a jQuery/jqLite element,
which is either the comment element itself (if there is no commentsTransclude
in use), or the commentsTransclude element (or the comments collection which
replaces it) if it is present.
Similarly, $element.bind('emptied.comments', fn)
must instead be written as
$scope.$on('$emptiedNestedComments', fn)
. The same parameter rules as above
The event names are not yet final, and will likely be broken again in the near future. (7b711238)
- comments: directive to define insert nested comments in template (4c796ccc)
- style: remove tab spacing from source files (2066c22f)
- release:
- docs: Setup GA on API docs and demo (0a125574)
- release:
- release: Generate gh-pages branch before setting SNAPSHOT version (52cb6549)
- TravisCI: Use
npm --silent
instead ofnpm --quiet
(bcd30e2a) - demo: Fixup demo URL to API docs (ac467814)
- ngdocs: Temporarily using fork which preprocesses navTemplate (f0812f45)
- tools: Auto-publishing of gh-pages branch. (c1508fcb)
- comments: Improve commentsConfig.set() perf. (7bfc109d)
- dependencies: Update semver and shelljs devDependencies (ba71f839)
- event: Emit event only after compilation is completed (c5c23b6d)
- release: Prefix tag-names with 'v', for semver-ness (29f20bc6)
- template: ngHref and ngSrc directives fixed (a8835770)