Releases: caelum/vraptor4
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #736 Initial support new messages grouped by severity (by @Turini)
- #740 Creating a WeldProxifier to fix 734 PR (by @Turini)
- #739 Refactoring step invoker to avoid expose Mirror API (by @garcia-jj)
- #729 from csokol/better-stacktrace unwrapping cause of ReflectionProviderException (by @Turini)
- #730 from dtelaroli/master Open Linker for extension (by @Turini)
- #737 from defaultbr/patch-1 Correctly closing tag artifactId in EN docs (by @garcia-jj)
- #738 from defaultbr/patch-2 correctly closing (by @garcia-jj)
- #723 Fixing maven dist files (by @garcia-jj)
- #732 from renanigt/fixRoadmapLink Fixing Roadmap link on VRaptor's site. (by @Turini)
- #727 from vitornp/nullInstantiator [DOCS] Fixing return of method useNullForMissingParameters (by @Turini)
- #726 [jungle] removing jetty-env.xml and JNDI resource (by @Turini)
- #717 from renanigt/improveConsumesDeserialization Improvement to Consumes Deserialization (by @Turini)
- #702 from dtelaroli/master Refactoring LinkToHandler to easy overrides (by @Turini)
- #724 Improving upload and download docs (by @garcia-jj)
- #711 Some dependencies and prerequisites docs improvements (by @garcia-jj)
- #721 Removing javatime plugin because already exists into vraptor-java8 (by @garcia-jj)
- #722 from vitornp/visibility Changing visibility of DefaultLogicResult methods (by @Turini)
- #719 sendind BAD_REQUEST when using GET with _method PUT (by @Turini)
- #715 [jungle] removing legacy MusicOwner (by @Turini)
- #710 Adding paginator to plugins page (by @Turini)
- #708 from renanigt/minorFixing Removing final from attributes that are using Inject annotation. (by @Turini)
- #705 from renanigt/changingURI Adding docs about common extensions. (by @Turini)
- #698 updating site dependencies and ruby version (by @Turini)
- #707 from vitornp/master Fixing docs about upload size limit (by @garcia-jj)
- #704 [jungle] post construct instead of empty constructor (by @Turini)
- #703 Updating javadocs removing Component refs (by @Turini)
- #701 Fixind readme typo and text semantic (by @garcia-jj)
- #700 from renanigt/addCookbooksOnMenu Adding cookbook on menu (by @Turini)
- #697 from nykolaslima/improve_readme improving READ with links to VRaptor's documentation and site (by @Turini)
- #699 adding vraptor-test plugin. Closes #675 (by @Turini)
- #695 updating version on readme and download page (by @Turini)
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #694 Fixing broken links on en-docs. (by @renanigt)
- #689 Fixing tiles template definition. Closes #686 (by @garcia-jj)
- #691 renanigt/minorFixAndInterceptorsMenu - Adding Interceptors link on menu (by @renanigt)
- #690 Fixing the indentation of logging (by @Turini)
- #687 adding warning about mvn version when using tomcat and jetty plugins (by @Turini)
- #684 Removing unused imports. (by @renanigt)
- #680 Fixing instability with deserializing and instantiator order (by @Turini)
- #683 Fixing a minor typo on en-doc (by @renanigt)
- #672 checking if beandescriptor is null (by @Turini)
- #681 adding docs about Consumes annotation (by @Turini)
- #679 adding isRecursive method on XStreamBuilderImpl (by @Turini)
- #669 Adding vraptor-java8 plugin on docs (by @Turini)
- #631 fixing problem with null headers (by @Turini)
- #670 using protected on vraptor-blank project default constructor (by @Turini)
- #667 Fixing collections converter behavior with more than one element. (by @renanigt)
- #665 Just adding a fail message on musicjungle test. (by @renanigt)
- #664 Adding fail() to converter tests (by @garcia-jj)
- #660 adding method to allow choosing when to instantiate null params (by @Turini)
- #663 Adding docs about null parameters (by @Turini)
- #658 Fixing an wrong converter behavior. (by @Turini)
- #648 Adding docs about logging under JBoss Wildfly (by @garcia-jj)
- #659 Removing Shiro from docs due issues regarding session (by @Turini)
- #661 changing default constructors visibility to protected (by @Turini)
- #642 translating dependencies docs (by @csokol)
- #649 Adding translation to cookbook construindo-uma-aplicacao-web-com-java8-vraptor4-wi... (by @Turini)
- #646 Integrating VRaptor with Tiles 3 (by @garcia-jj)
- #655 Fixing one minute guide translation (by @garcia-jj)
- #650 Translating view and ajax (by @Turini)
- #647 Adding interceptors docs (EN) (by @garcia-jj)
- #645 Translating cookbook - Avoiding browser cache (by @garcia-jj)
- #652 Adding assembly to export eclipse package (blank project) (by @garcia-jj)
- #654 Just minor fixes on english docs. (by @renanigt)
- #653 Fixing some typos on Ten minutes guide. (by @renanigt)
- #644 Adding docs about indented JSON/XML (by @garcia-jj)
- #641 improving docs format and syntax (by @Turini)
- #638 Supports method should return false if key isn't found (by @garcia-jj)
- #643 JSON indentation with environment support (by @garcia-jj)
- #619 XML indentation with environment support (by @garcia-jj)
- #630 fixing beans.xml startup verification (by @csokol)
- #640 removing index.html because of wildfly issue (by @Turini)
- #637 Removing unnecessery link. (by @renanigt)
- #633 translating components docs to english (by @csokol)
- #632 translating Referer Header cookbook to EN (by @Turini)
- #622 Adding a cookbook about tiles. Closes #481 (by @garcia-jj)
- #605 Compress images and removing imagemin (by @vitornp)
- #634 explaining that the default scope is dependent (by @csokol)
- #625 translating rest controllers docs to english, related to #386 (by @csokol)
- #626 improving intro and scopes doc (by @csokol)
- #627 Linking to VRaptor Book. Closes #597 (by @lucas Cavalcanti)
- #624 Implementing the Java8-vraptor4 Cookbook (by @rsaraiva)
- #601 Supporting secure domains (by @garcia-jj)
- #623 Fixing resource lookup under Wildfly (by @garcia-jj)
- #621 Improving docs about validation (by @garcia-jj)
- #620 Adding more info about exception handler (by @garcia-jj)
- #614 Refactoring vraptor-musicjungle's tests (by @renanigt)
- #607 Adding the default constructor for MockSerializationResult. (by @renanigt)
- #610 using protected and javadoc on jungle constructors (by @Turini)
- #611 Improving some docs examples format (by @Turini)
- #609 removing commented alternatives (by @Turini)
- #606 Fixing kramdown sintaxe (by @Turini)
- #560 Add exemple converter JavaBeans (by @vitornp)
- #604 Space to tabs (docs) (by @Turini)
- #596 Docs improvements (by @garcia-jj)
- #594 Updating download pages (by @Turini)
- #603 Reverting PR #600 (by @Turini)
- #602 Adding default constructor on doc about Components (by @renanigt)
- #599 Updating Wildfly 8.1.0 plugin (by @garcia-jj)
- #593 Improving some docs format (by @garcia-jj)
- #592 Adding english doc about tests. (by @renanigt)
- #589 Fixing a typo and a little improvement removing repeated words. (by @Turini)
- #587 fixing query selector (by @Turini)
- #585 Adding anchors on docs (by @Turini)
- #586 Some improvements on doc about test. (by @renanigt)
- #580 Adding pt doc "Testing Components and Controllers" (by @renanigt)
- #584 adding empty line between code highlight (by @Turini)
- #581 Fixing broken link on "Ten minute guide" (by @renanigt)
- #579 Fixing link on Page Validation. (by @renanigt)
- #574 Updating hibernate-validator-cdi on jungle, blank and docs (by @Turini)
- #573 returning index.html to music-jungle. Closes #520 (by @Turini)
- #572 Adding explanation about object's population. (by @renanigt)
- #562 Formating Date objects as ISO8601 (by @Turini)
- #559 fixing docs about custom xml serialization (by @Turini)
- #565 updating vraptor-time-converters version (by @Turini)
- #570 Doesn't have the validation page in English. (by @renanigt)
- #571 Adding a title to Event's page. (by @renanigt)
- #569 Cookbook - Evitando que o browser faça cache das páginas. Adding default constructor, CDI eyes only. (by @renanigt)
- #563 adding vraptor-i18n plugin (by @Turini)
- #555 checking for /META-INF/beans.xml too (by @Turini)
- #561 Remove plugin eclipse duplicate (by @vitornp)
- #556 updating vraptor jpa plugin (by @Turini)
- #558 Making it possible to set properties of a convertable (by @lucas Cavalcanti)
- #547 adding dependency on package.json (by @Turini)
- #552 Update environment.html (by @snaketl)
- #549 fixing some errors on vraptor docs (by @felipeweb)
- #548 updating plugin pages (by @Turini)
- #545 Fix variable name in upload (by @vitornp)
- #542 adding mandatory info about validation dependency (by @Turini)
- #544 fix to broken link (plugins) (by @tiagojco)
- #543 fixing unbalanced markdown (by @Turini)
- #541 Updates of links to plugins. (by @gabrielrubens)
- #538 Improving Environment log message (by @nykolaslima)
- #537 commenting javac.inject scope. Closes #535 (by @Turini)
- #533 fixing cookbook code. Closes #531 (by @Turini)
- #534 now plugin links are clickable (by @Turini)
- #526 Added another way to do URL equivalence in docs. (by @fabriciofx)
- #497 More functional features to stay closer to Java 8 lambdas (by @garcia-jj)
- #525 Updating one minute guide (by @Turini)
- #523 Updating download links (by @Turini)
- #522 Update version (by @vitornp)
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #521 fixing user messages (by @Turini)
- #519 adding temporary dialect. (by @Turini)
- #514 removing all ignored tests (by @Turini)
- #517 removing @component from docs (by @Turini)
- #512 removing relative path from deploy/index.html (by @Turini)
- #513 adding Default Value support for environment (by @Turini)
- #511 fixing weld dependencies in vraptorsite (by @csokol)
- #510 using artifacts from weld instead of weldservlet (by @csokol)
- #508 Automatizing site deploy (by @Turini)
- #500 removing links for empty EN pages (by @Turini)
- #507 grunt task to use EN/index as home page. Closes #336 (by @Turini)
- #506 fixing messages on jungle (by @Turini)
- #505 avoiding NFE when messageParameters is empty. Closes #503 (by @Turini)
- #501 Fixing jungle acceptance tests (by @Turini)
- #495 Removing method name from bean validation (by @garcia-jj)
- #494 Prettify error messages (by @garcia-jj)
- #490 adding more plugins on vraptorsite docs. Closes #482 (by @Turini)
- #496 License on files (by @garcia-jj)
- #479 Allow calendar creation by locale (by @garcia-jj)
- #493 relaxing get uris visibility (by @FernandaBernardo)
- #491 missing PARAMETER target for @Property (by Lucas Cavalcanti)
- #488 adding docs about vraptor events. Closes #387 (by @Turini)
- #480 Removing legacy code: StereotypeInfo (by @garcia-jj)
- #485 Adds support to avoid VRaptor stack if needed (by @Turini)
- #482 English docs improved (by @garcia-jj)
- #486 instructions to release a new version. Closes #467 (by @Turini)
- #477 First attempt from guava to get closer to lambdas (by @garcia-jj)
- #484 throwing out unused files (by @Turini)
- #483 Translating home, 1 minute guide and 10 minutes guide to English (by @Turini)
- #474 Sorting methods by status codes on Status (by Lucas Cavalcanti)
- #475 Adding ensure and addIf to Validator (by Lucas Cavalcanti)
- #469 adding hibernatevalidatorcdi to blank project (by @Turini)
- #472 [vraptorsite] adding community sprite (by @Turini)
- #473 Adding method to get category from JSTL (by @garcia-jj)
- #471 [vraptorsite] Updating home images (by @Turini)
- #457 Moving EmptyBundle to core package like SafeResourceBundle (by @garcia-jj)
- #465 Fixing pom to install with JDK 8 (by @garcia-jj)
- #470 throwing ApplicationLogicException on ExectuteMethod (by @Turini)
- #462 updating download link and project version (by @Turini)
- #459 Adding mocked resource bundle (by @garcia-jj)
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #461 Moving internal cache to paranamer own cache (by @garcia-jj)
- #460 Moving jodatime to time plugins (by @garcia-jj)
- #458 Allow method chain for Validator methods (by @garcia-jj)
- #454 Do not try to forward if response is commited. Fixes #452 (by @lucascs)
- #455 Observing initialization of AppScoped to get the ServletContext. (by @lucascs)
- #443 comment weld-servlet provided scope (by @Turini)
- #446 Avoid class load twice in the same classloader (by @garcia-jj)
- #450 Can't rely on observers execution order (by @lucascs)
- #448 importing wiki changes (by @Turini)
- #447 adding EN index content on new site (by @Turini)
- #367 Mirror instead invoke dynamic, since uses less memory and cpu (by @garcia-jj)
- #439 Removing ContainerProvider (by @lucascs)
- #440 Removing RequestInfo (by @lucascs)
- #438 dropping unused Routes and DefaultRoutes (by @Turini)
- #436 Simplifying Events (by @lucascs)
- #437 Adding 'EndRequest' event and changing FTDV to listen to it (by @lucascs)
- #435 migrating some cookbooks to vr4 (by @Turini)
- #429 firing StackStarting inside InterceptorStack (by @lucascs)
- #431 Adding javax.inject to blank project, so eclipse can import it properly (by @lucascs)
- #430 Deserializing observing StackStarting. Closes #425 (by @Turini)
- #428 adding link to github milestones. Closes #400 (by @Turini)
- #423 Upload size validation for each file (by @garcia-jj)
- #422 Some minor fixes under container/cdi package (by @garcia-jj)
- #420 Upgrading Hibernate Validator due performance issues (by @garcia-jj)
- #417 changing GUJ.png (color and size) (by @Turini)
- #418 Validate if CDI 1.1 and Servlet 3 (by @garcia-jj)
- #419 Removing ifs and lazy initialization since CDI already do this job (by @garcia-jj)
- #415 Using variables to get core dependency (by @garcia-jj)
- #413 minors on index.html, adding cdi infos and fixing link (by @Turini)
- #411 adding grunt infos on vr-site README (by @Turini)
- #409 EnvironmentType is now a class to allow more flexible environments (by @csokol)
- #414 fixed supports("true ") evaluating to false (by @tiagojco)
- #410 New VRaptor 4 site layout (by @Turini)
- #408 Suppress the warning from tomcat (by @dipold)
- #399 Dropped Jetty plugin (by @garcia-jj)
- #396 Enable paranamer if available in classpath (by @garcia-jj)
- #385 Changing versions (projects and vraptor dependency) to 4.0.0-RC2-SNAPSHOT (by @leocomelli)
- #397 Check for tempdir once (by @garcia-jj)
- #394 Extract linkto class mappping to a method (by @garcia-jj)
- #377 Stringnifier isn't used for anything important (by @garcia-jj)
- #388 Changing version visibility and log level (by @garcia-jj)
- #382 Adding language icons on site (by @Turini)
- #373 Disconnecting Parameter from AnnotatedElement due compilation errors under JDK8 (by @garcia-jj)
- #378 Some fixes on Gson tests (by @garcia-jj)
- #372 Updating commons-fileupload due security fixes (by @garcia-jj)
- #379 changing download version and pt_br text (by @Turini)
- #371 Changing import declarations to help JDK 8 changes (by @garcia-jj)
- #374 Using factory for easily creation of Paranamer provider (by @garcia-jj)
- #375 Using joiner because replace is too uggly (by @garcia-jj)
- #381 Changing url bintray without version (by @vitornp)
- #376 Updating xstream due security issues and other improvements (by @garcia-jj)
- #380 Changing version in (by @Turini)
- #370 Using Guava to group messages (by @garcia-jj)
- #368 Fixing link to home (when pt or en) (by @Turini)
Incompatibility with previous releases
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #368 Fixing link to home (when pt or en) (by @Turini)
- #362 updating vraptor logo. Closes #332 (by @Turini)
- #363 Fixing links, markdown and old texts on docs (pt) (by @Turini)
- #360 fixing EN layouts, using partial header (by @Turini)
- #358 Adding EN folders, layouts and empty files (by @Turini)
- #356 using render to extract html head informations (by @Turini)
- #357 adding cookbook layout and some empty pages (by @Turini)
- #355 Closes caelum/vraptor#581. Only instantiate objects with same type (by @garcia-jj)
- #354 Adding unproxifier method. Closes #315 #316 (by @garcia-jj)
- #348 adding simple readme on vraptor-site (by @Turini)
- #352 Adding not implemented status to shortcuts. Closes #321 (by @garcia-jj)
- #353 Warn if beans.xml isn't found under WEB-INF. Closes #326 (by @garcia-jj)
- #350 Add message to validation when fileuploadexception occurs (by @garcia-jj)
- #346 Changing vraptor-site highlight css (by @Turini)
- #347 adding gemfile on vraptor-site. (by @Turini)
- #344 creating the new vraptor site base, using nanoc (by @Turini)
- #343 Setting bundle on Validator check method. (by @Turini)
- #329 changing to el-api 2.2 to avoid tomcat problems (by @Turini)
- #328 using constructor injection on blank-project (by @Turini)
- #324 Now we can run musicjungle under Wildfly embedded (by @garcia-jj)
- #327 Throwing out unused classes on tests (by @Turini)
- #325 We don´t need profile for run jetty with 9.x version (by @dipold)
- #323 Fixing class name to avoid weld warning when commons-fileupload is not (by @garcia-jj)
- #322 Upgrading to weld 2.1.2 (by @garcia-jj)
- #320 Removing unnecessary null check (by @garcia-jj)
- #319 changing ServletBasedEnvironment order (by @Turini)
- #317 Upload as application scoped (by @garcia-jj)
- #307 Getting category navigating under properties (by @garcia-jj)
- #312 Merging serialization and deserialization packages (by @garcia-jj)
- #314 Removing duplicated dependencies from musicjungle (by @garcia-jj)
- #313 Validator is already created by org.hibernate.validator.cdi (by @garcia-jj)
- #308 Removing unused components (by @garcia-jj)
- #309 Removing unnecessary statement (by @garcia-jj)
- #305 Error messages is only grouped by category once and lazy as possible (by @garcia-jj)
- #306 Music jungle with vraptor-jpa flavor (by @garcia-jj)
- #300 Call MethodInfo instead Paranamer (by @garcia-jj)
- #302 Some linkto minor fixes (by @garcia-jj)
- #304 Exporting Eclipse config files with assembly package (by @garcia-jj)
- #303 Beans will never null (by @garcia-jj)
- #301 Removing converter prefix name (by @garcia-jj)
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #299 - Disconnecting blank-project and musicjungle from parent (by @garcia-jj)
- #297 - Adding environment on core (by @Turini)
- #296 - Update version of some dependencies (by @dipold)
- #290 - Now we have supports for Valued Parameters (by @garcia-jj)
- #291 - bug fix: Checking if bean is a proxy (by @garcia-jj)
- #294 - Removing container irrelevant tests (by @Turini)
- #288 - bug fix: Returning the first route found (by @garcia-jj)
- #292 - bug fix: Fixing linkto frozen class when hot deploy app (by @garcia-jj)
- #283 - bug fix: Only ask CDI if at least one bean is found (by @garcia-jj)
- #266 - Provide a Deserializer Builder (by @dipold)
- #281 - Handling all request execution with events (by @Turini)
- #280 - bug fix: Starting InterceptorStack only if controller was found (by @Turini)
- #273 - Removing ignore from VRaptorTest (by @Turini)
- #272 - Method validator observing ReadyToExecuteMethod event (by @Turini)
- #278 - bug fix: Changing scope of InstantiateObserver (by @mariofts)
- #275 - Add a severity to all Messages (by @mariofts)
- #263 - Fix excludeAll() and add includeIfExist() and excludeIfExist() methods to Serializee (by @dipold)
- #271 - Simple CDI runner for tests (by @Turini)
- #268 - Removing ApplicationConfigurationTest duplicated code (by @Turini)
- #269 - Adding MockValidatorProducer to avoid empty test classes (by @Turini)
- #270 - Mock servlet context factory for tests (by @Turini)
- #267 - Removing arquillian dependency (by @Turini)
- #264 - InstantiateInterceptor observing ControllerMethodDiscovered (by @Turini)
- #265 - ControllerLookup observing ReadyToStartInterceptorStack (by @Turini)
- #262 - OutjectResult application scoped (by @Turini)
- #261 - NullMultipartObserver application scoped (by @Turini)
- #260 - CommonsUploadMultipartObserver application scoped (by @Turini)
- #258 - Deserializing observing instead of intercepting (by @Turini)
- #259 - Changing DownloadObserver scope (by @Turini)
- #255 - Download observing instead of intercepting (by @Turini)
- #256 - Upload observing instead of intercepting (by @Turini)
- #254 - Excluding scan for events package (by @Turini)
- #253 - Moving from interceptor to observer package (by @Turini)
- #252 - Renaming outject result event (by @Turini)
- #251 - ParameterIncluder are now observing instead of intercepting (by @Turini)
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #250 - Removing final to enable mocking this class (by @csokol)
- #248 - OutjectResult are now observing, and not intercepting (by @Turini)
- #246 - Rollback to use Parameter as array (by @garcia-jj)
- #244 - Single managed InterceptorExecutor (by @Turini)
- #245 - Dropping unused test classes (by @Turini)
- #243 - This return and generics are never used (by @Turini)
- #242 - Startup classes should be dependent (by @Turini)
- #233 - Removing debug message when Weld isn't found (by @mariofts)
- #239 - Improving internal and custom interceptor accepts. Closes #216 (by @Turini)
- #241 - removingContainerCache removing container intance cache (by @Turini)
- #240 - Custom and internal accepts validation rule (by @Turini)
- #238 - Removing mock, because it's too hard to use mocked method parameters (by @garcia-jj)
- #237 - weld to 2.1.0.Final (by @Turini)
- #234 - We are using simplelogger for testing (by @garcia-jj)
- #232 - Avoiding mock paranamer (by @garcia-jj)
- #236 - Selenium must used only in test scope (by @garcia-jj)
- #230 - Using Java 7 equals (by @garcia-jj)
- #231 - HeaderParam should use setParameter instead of setAttribute (by @garcia-jj)
- #229 - Avoid find operation when creates cache (by @garcia-jj)
- #226 - Parameter names as list (by @garcia-jj)
- #225 - Using simple stack on stack next executor (by @Turini)
- #224 - Using java7 features (by @garcia-jj)
- #223 - Merging Outjector with ParameterIncluder (by @garcia-jj)
- #215 - Improving new interceptors validation (by @Turini)
- #214 - Removing weld direct dependency on JavaassistProxyfier (by @mariofts)
- #219 - Unnecessary maven plugin (by @garcia-jj)
- #212 - Removing legacy class RoutesConfiguration (by @garcia-jj)
- #211 - Changing IOGI constructor avoid NullPointerException on CDI constructor (by @garcia-jj)
- #210 - Removing deprecated code from XStream (by @garcia-jj)
- #209 - Removing BasicConfiguration. Closes #208 (by @garcia-jj)
- #207 - Changing def CDI constructor (by @garcia-jj)
- #202 - Removing container injection from provider (by @Turini)
- #206 - Using profiles to run jetty easily (by @garcia-jj)
- #205 - Removing maven features that already inhherited from parent pom (by @garcia-jj)
- #200 - Moving Converter interface to converter package (by @Turini)
- #203 - Removing unused params on new interceptor (by @Turini)
- #201 - Excluding cdi scan for* (by @Turini)
- #199 - Moving Validator interface to validator package (by @Turini)
- #197 - Removing DefaultParameterNameProvider, since paranamer is mandatory (by @garcia-jj)
- #198 - Excluding scan for util packages (by @Turini)
- #196 - Removing unused objects (by @garcia-jj)
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #193 - InputStreamDownload should not close resources that others have opened (by @garcia-jj)
- #190 - Removing unnecessary components for uploads... (by @garcia-jj)
- #192 - Removing unused stuff (by @garcia-jj)
- #186 - File name conversion must be done in interceptor (by @garcia-jj)
- #171 - Fix ClassCastException for ParameterizedType and Added the capability to deserialize arrays (by @dipold)
- #185 - Removing modules that won't deployed (by @garcia-jj)
- #183 - Adding override annotation (by @garcia-jj)
- #182 - ParameterClass was not being used (by @Turini)
- #181 - Some code fixes, and removing deprecated elements (by @garcia-jj)
- #176 - Better interceptor structure for multipart requests (by @garcia-jj)
- #164 - Removing getOriginalRequest and getOriginalResponse (by @garcia-jj)
- #170 - Goodbye servletupload (by @garcia-jj)
- #169 - Improving the cache API. Closes #151 (by @lucascs)
- #168 - Fixing weld artifact (by @garcia-jj)
- #166 - Hamcrest is only used in test scope (by @garcia-jj)
- #167 - LinkTo: more verbose messages (by @garcia-jj)
- #159 - Renaming cache to a better name (by @garcia-jj)
- #153 - Removing list producer (by @Turini)
- #160 - Adding Eclipse profile with cleanup task. (by @garcia-jj)
- #161 - XStream and Gson will scanned only if present (by @garcia-jj)
Initial release of VRaptor 4 with CDI provider.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #157 - Maven preprocessor to change log version when release a new version (by @garcia-jj)
- #156 - Adding assembly task to package vraptor dist files (by @garcia-jj)
- #154 - Less number of classes managed (by @Turini)
- #147 - Container cache instance (by @mariofts)
- #148 - Refactoring to use JPA instead of Hibernate on Music Jungle (by @rponte)
- #145 - Fixes auth interceptor on MusicJungle (by @rponte)
- #139 - Flash interceptor needs concurrency check. Closes #129 (by @garcia-jj)
- #143 - Better linkTo syntax (by @lucascs)
- #141 - 2nd refactor for serialization/deserialization packages (by @garcia-jj)
- #140 - linkTo can be managed by CDI too lazy as possible (by @garcia-jj)
- #135 - IOGI: Some code changes (by @garcia-jj)
- #138 - Improving music jungle (by @dipold)
- #137 - Delegating proxy instantiation to Javassist (by @garcia-jj)
- #136 - Cacheable is an orphan class (by @garcia-jj)
- #130 - Changing List to Map to improve search performance (by @garcia-jj)
- #132 - Update Dependencies Versions (by @dipold)
- #134 - Replace web-fragment to @webfilter (by @dipold)
- #133 - DateMidnight is deprecated, since may not exists in some timezones (by @garcia-jj)
- #131 - Removing Restfulie, that will be a plugin soon (by @garcia-jj)
- #126 - Removing unused stuff (by @garcia-jj)
- #128 - Caching objenesis instantiator (by @garcia-jj)
- #127 - Only catching parse exceptions (by @garcia-jj)
- #125 - Extract date format (by @garcia-jj)
- #124 - Locale based converters as default (by @garcia-jj)
- #122 - Extract formatters to allow users easily override then (by @garcia-jj)
- #123 - Normalizing Whitespaces: Spaces to Tabs and CRLF to LF (by @lucascs)
- #121 - Refactoring ConverterException (by @lucascs)
- #110 - fix #77 (by @mariofts)
- #112 - Removing proxy initializer. Closes #102 (by @garcia-jj)
- #113 - Converters are refactored. (by @garcia-jj)
- #119 - OneReflectionInsteadFive One reflection instead five (by @Turini)
- #118 - initializingCacheOnStartupInsteadFirstRequest Initializing cache on startup instead first request (by @Turini)
- #117 - We don't need factory for encoding handler (by @garcia-jj)
- #114 - Javassist fixes (by @garcia-jj)
- #115 - Throwing out default interceptor registry (by @Turini)
- #116 - Removing servlet context from provider (by @Turini)
- #100 - First refactor for serialization package (by @garcia-jj)
- #109 - Removing manual bean validation, closes #91 (by @garcia-jj)
- #103 - Caching which method have contraints (by @garcia-jj)
- #105 - Removing InternalAcceptsSignature (by @Turini)
- #99 - ExtJS will be a plugin in the future (by @garcia-jj)
- #97 - InterceptorMethodParametersResolver and DefaultEncodingHandler are now managed and app scoped (by @Turini)
- #96 - Logger don't need to be managed (by @garcia-jj)
- #95 - Removing validate/validateProperty/validateProperties methods. Closes #91 (by @garcia-jj)
- #81 - Adding support for errors grouped by category (by @garcia-jj)
- #94 - Fixing validation expression, that must be negated (by @garcia-jj)
- #92 - Removing container.instanceFor(...). Closes #83 (by @Turini)
- #93 - InterceptorContainerDecorator deleted (by @Turini)
- #89 - Adding blank project (by @Turini)
- #84 - Removing old stuff (by @garcia-jj)
- #86 - Injecting step invoker (by @Turini)
- #87 - Removing unused interface (by @Turini)
- #88 - removing unused old test project (by @Turini)
- #85 - Encoding handler can be more simple (by @mariofts)
- #79 - Validations refactor (by @garcia-jj)
- #80 - Music jungle validations (by @garcia-jj)
- #75 - Guice is not used anymore (by @garcia-jj)
- #70 - Refactoring new interceptors handler (by @Turini)
- #58 - Caching routes (by @csokol)
- #68 - Missing web-fragment is back (by @garcia-jj)
- #64 - Unwrapping exceptions for JSP files too (by @Turini)
- #69 - Parameter name provider minors (by @csokol)
- #55 - Encode url parameter (by @mariofts)
- #65 - Iso8601 (by @garcia-jj)
- #67 - Issues from vraptor3 (by @garcia-jj)
- #63 - Removing base components (by @Turini)
- #61 - Diamonds are forever (by @garcia-jj)
- #60 - Moving Hibernate features do Hibernate Plugin (by @garcia-jj)
- #59 - Exceptions thrown by your controllers should not be wrapped multiple times in InterceptorExceptions (by @csokol)
- #57 - Routes lower case if contains uppercase word (by @garcia-jj)
- #56 - Maven fixes (by @garcia-jj)
- #47 - Avoiding ciclic dependency between packages (by @garcia-jj)
- #36 - Issue32 handle proxy methods (by @Turini)
- #53 - Missing scopes (by @Turini)
- #51 - Cleaning base components (by @Turini)
- #50 - Issue31 new interceptor problem fixes #31 (by @Turini)
- #45 - Dropping OGNL support. #42 (by @garcia-jj)
- #48 - CglibProxifierTest was testing JavassistProxifier (by @Turini)
- #39 - Deleting unused stuffs (by @Turini)
- #38 - Removing "? extends Interceptor" (by @Turini)
- #43 - Removing scannotation. #42 (by @Turini)
- #44 - Upgrading slf4j to 1.7.x. #42 (by @Turini)
- #37 - Handling MirrorException and wrapping in a InterceptionException closes ... (by @Turini)
- #35 - Removing VRaptor scopes (by @Turini)
- #34 - Issue26 wrong package (by @Turini)
- #28 - Removing DeltaSpike dependency (by @asouza)
- #30 - Using superclass when proxifying a proxy (by @Turini)
- #27 - Creating a event for initialization (by @Turini)
- #25 - beans.xml: removing alternative classes (by @Turini)
- #22 - Alternatives Priority (by @Turini)
- #24 - Alternatives with LIBRARY_BEFORE Priority closes #23 (by @Turini)
- #21 - Parameter includer only with annotation (by @Turini)
- #17 - Vraptor-music-jungle working on Tomcat 7 with Weld 2.0.3 (by @mariofts)
- #19 - Excluding method info (by @Turini)
- #18 - Renaming resources to controller (by @Turini)
- #14 - Removing lazy (by @Turini)
- #12 - Throwing out ComponentRegistry (by @Turini)
- #11 - Removing Deprecateds (by @asouza)
- #10 - Throwing out HibernateProxyInitializer (by @asouza)
- #8 - Refactor interceptor (by @asouza)
- #6 - Droping unused code (by @Turini)
- #4 - Junglecss (by @mariofts)
- #2 Simple form selecting music format (by @Turini)
- #1 - Adding readme (by @lucascs)