This is not how people finder is actually deployed but provides an environment to do development on the app.
On a Ubuntu 12.04 LTE box:
- install curl, git, postgresql, postgresql-dev-all, nodejs
- install rails through rvm. One way is:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
- start a new shell
rvm gemset use global
gem install bundler
gem install rails
clone this repository
cd peoplefinder
bundle install
sudo su postgres createuser ubuntu
(or the name of the user the application will be running as)createdb peoplefinder_development
(as the user the application will be running as)bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
bundle exec rails s -b
Point your browser to and you should see the application's start page.
These should be defined in the config/application.rb or in the enviroments/environment.rb files if the settings need to be defined on a per environment basis.
e.g. 'My New People Finder'
e.g. { host: }
Hide the tagging (Skills and expertise) functionality from the edit profile page
Disable the 'token-based authentication' feature
Disable the 'communities' feature
Required for production (see Search section below)
Google Analytics tracking id [optional]. e.g. 'XXXX-XXX'
e.g. ''
The system allows logging in for emails which have domains from the whitelist. The whitelist is in the database, managed by PermittedDomain
model. At least one domain has to be whitelisted before anyone can log in (that applies to development too).
In rails console:
PermittedDomain.create(domain: '')
Policies can be applied to each team. This feature restrains users to edit profiles from other teams.
A seed file loads the policies that are going to be applied. Bear in mind that if you want to remove one policy, commenting it in this file is not enough, you'll have to delete the policy manually using the rails console
Policy.find_by(name: 'some-policy-name').destroy
Authentication requires two environment variables. You can obtain these by visiting the Google Developers Console.
Create a project, and wait for the process to complete.
Select APIs & auth from the sidebar, followed by Credentials, then Add credentials, then select OAuth 2.0 client ID and Web application.
Set Authorized JavaScript origins to the root (e.g. http://localhost:3000
and Authorized redirect URIs to the OAuth redirect path, which will be
something like http://localhost:3000/auth/gplus/callback
to the value of Client ID and GPLUS_CLIENT_SECRET
to Client secret.
You will also need to configure OAuth consent screen using the tab at the top of the page: entering the name and setting all the URLs to the root of your application is sufficient for logging in to work.
For local development, you can use a .env
file; see .env.sample
for an
The permitted domains are configured in config/application.rb
An alternative 'token-based' authentication method is also supported. The token authentication method relies upon the users access to their email account to authenticate them.
Each time the user wishes to start a session, they need to generate an authentication token. This can be done by entering their email address on the login screen. They will be sent an email message containing a link with a unique random token. Clicking on the link will allow them to login.
People finder sends a few types of e-mail. E-mails are delivered using delayed_job
adapter for activejob
. Run rake jobs:work
to activate the worker.
E-mails in development environment are setup to be delivered using mailcatcher
gem. For that mailcatcher
has to be started and then accessed on http://localhost:1080
to read the delivered e-mails.
To run the engine in production mode, config.elastic_search_url
must be set in, for example, config/application.rb.
See 'Configurable elements' above.
Heroku provides Bonsai Elasticsearch as an add-on.
You can install a development version from Elasticsearch downloads
or with a package manager.
e.g. brew install elasticsearch
Elasticsearch requires jdk version 7 or greater.
If you get an IndexMissingException, you will need to index the Person model:
bundle exec rake environment elasticsearch:import:model CLASS='Person' FORCE=y
Or you can create the index from the console:
Person.__elasticsearch__.create_index! index: Person.index_name, force: true
And populate it:
You can also delete the index:
To run specs without Elasticsearch:
bin/rspec . --tag ~elastic
We use MiniMagick so either Imagemagick or Graphicsmagick need to be installed for image manipulation and for some of the tests.
If using brew you can use the following command:
brew install imagemagick
You'll need to install PhantomJS in order to run the headless browser tests and the smoke_test.
brew install phantomjs
On a Linux box, you won't find a pre-packaged headless phantomjs as of this writing. You might need to recompile it from source (we have it in a private apt repository).
Also, if you'd like test coverage for Javascript you'll need to have Node and Istanbul installed. The easiest way to do this is installing Node via nvm and then use npm to install Istanbul like so:
npm install -g istanbul
The application layout is set by the moj_internal_template that is installed as part of this engine.
You can override this layout in wrapper application, create your own file:
A lot of the text in the views is configurable in the translations file.
You can override these in wrapper application by creating your own file:
The RandomGenerator
is able to generate several layers of teams and people with randomly generated details in those teams.
group = Group.find(...)
# initialise the generator with a parent group
generator =
# clean all subgroups and people within the provided parent group
# generate team structure and people with the given parameters
groups_levels = 2 # number of levels to generate
groups_per_level = 3 # how many teams per each level
people_per_group = 5 # how many people should be in the bottom most teams
domain = '' # which e-mail address should be used for e-mails (has to be whitelisted)
generator.generate(groups_levels, groups_per_level, people_per_group, domain)
CI by Travis.
Software metrics by Code Climate
If the Peoplefinder is to be successful, profiles need to be populated and maintained.
To view a list of people whose profiles are deemed to be 'inadequate' (not having a phone number, location and photo):
rake peoplefinder:inadequate_profiles
To send emails prompting people to complete their profiles:
rake peoplefinder:inadequate_profile_reminders
##Environment Variables
A support email address is set as SUPPORT_EMAIL.