type ResponseHandler = (params: any, responseType: number) => void;
Handles additional function responses.
: any – Response parameters. Actual type depends on API function.responseType
: number – Function specific response type.
client – Provides information about library.
get_api_reference – Returns Core Library API reference
version – Returns Core Library version
build_info – Returns detailed information about this build.
resolve_app_request – Resolves application request processing result
crypto – Crypto functions.
factorize – Integer factorization
modular_power – Modular exponentiation
ton_crc16 – Calculates CRC16 using TON algorithm.
generate_random_bytes – Generates random byte array of the specified length and returns it in base64
convert_public_key_to_ton_safe_format – Converts public key to ton safe_format
generate_random_sign_keys – Generates random ed25519 key pair.
sign – Signs a data using the provided keys.
verify_signature – Verifies signed data using the provided public key. Raises error if verification is failed.
sha256 – Calculates SHA256 hash of the specified data.
sha512 – Calculates SHA512 hash of the specified data.
scrypt – Perform scrypt
nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key – Generates a key pair for signing from the secret key
nacl_sign – Signs data using the signer's secret key.
nacl_sign_open – Verifies the signature and returns the unsigned message
nacl_sign_detached – Signs the message using the secret key and returns a signature.
nacl_sign_detached_verify – Verifies the signature with public key and unsigned
nacl_box_keypair – Generates a random NaCl key pair
nacl_box_keypair_from_secret_key – Generates key pair from a secret key
nacl_box – Public key authenticated encryption
nacl_box_open – Decrypt and verify the cipher text using the receivers secret key, the senders public key, and the nonce.
nacl_secret_box – Encrypt and authenticate message using nonce and secret key.
nacl_secret_box_open – Decrypts and verifies cipher text using nonce
and secret key
mnemonic_words – Prints the list of words from the specified dictionary
mnemonic_from_random – Generates a random mnemonic
mnemonic_from_entropy – Generates mnemonic from pre-generated entropy
mnemonic_verify – Validates a mnemonic phrase
mnemonic_derive_sign_keys – Derives a key pair for signing from the seed phrase
hdkey_xprv_from_mnemonic – Generates an extended master private key that will be the root for all the derived keys
hdkey_derive_from_xprv – Returns extended private key derived from the specified extended private key and child index
hdkey_derive_from_xprv_path – Derives the extended private key from the specified key and path
hdkey_secret_from_xprv – Extracts the private key from the serialized extended private key
hdkey_public_from_xprv – Extracts the public key from the serialized extended private key
chacha20 – Performs symmetric chacha20
register_signing_box – Register an application implemented signing box.
get_signing_box – Creates a default signing box implementation.
signing_box_get_public_key – Returns public key of signing key pair.
signing_box_sign – Returns signed user data.
remove_signing_box – Removes signing box from SDK.
register_encryption_box – Register an application implemented encryption box.
remove_encryption_box – Removes encryption box from SDK
encryption_box_get_info – Queries info from the given encryption box
encryption_box_encrypt – Encrypts data using given encryption box Note.
encryption_box_decrypt – Decrypts data using given encryption box Note.
create_encryption_box – Creates encryption box with specified algorithm
abi – Provides message encoding and decoding according to the ABI specification.
encode_message_body – Encodes message body according to ABI function call.
encode_message – Encodes an ABI-compatible message
encode_internal_message – Encodes an internal ABI-compatible message
attach_signature – Combines hex
-encoded signature
with base64
-encoded unsigned_message
. Returns signed message encoded in base64
decode_message – Decodes message body using provided message BOC and ABI.
decode_message_body – Decodes message body using provided body BOC and ABI.
encode_account – Creates account state BOC
decode_account_data – Decodes account data using provided data BOC and ABI.
update_initial_data – Updates initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key. This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.
encode_initial_data – Encodes initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key into a data BOC that can be passed to encode_tvc
function afterwards.
decode_initial_data – Decodes initial values of a contract's static variables and owner's public key from account initial data This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.
decode_boc – Decodes BOC into JSON as a set of provided parameters.
encode_boc – Encodes given parameters in JSON into a BOC using param types from ABI.
boc – BOC manipulation module.
parse_message – Parses message boc into a JSON
parse_transaction – Parses transaction boc into a JSON
parse_account – Parses account boc into a JSON
parse_block – Parses block boc into a JSON
parse_shardstate – Parses shardstate boc into a JSON
get_blockchain_config – Extract blockchain configuration from key block and also from zerostate.
get_boc_hash – Calculates BOC root hash
get_boc_depth – Calculates BOC depth
get_code_from_tvc – Extracts code from TVC contract image
cache_get – Get BOC from cache
cache_set – Save BOC into cache
cache_unpin – Unpin BOCs with specified pin.
encode_boc – Encodes bag of cells (BOC) with builder operations. This method provides the same functionality as Solidity TvmBuilder. Resulting BOC of this method can be passed into Solidity and C++ contracts as TvmCell type.
get_code_salt – Returns the contract code's salt if it is present.
set_code_salt – Sets new salt to contract code.
decode_tvc – Decodes tvc into code, data, libraries and special options.
encode_tvc – Encodes tvc from code, data, libraries ans special options (see input params)
encode_external_in_message – Encodes a message
get_compiler_version – Returns the compiler version used to compile the code.
processing – Message processing module.
send_message – Sends message to the network
wait_for_transaction – Performs monitoring of the network for the result transaction of the external inbound message processing.
process_message – Creates message, sends it to the network and monitors its processing.
utils – Misc utility Functions.
convert_address – Converts address from any TON format to any TON format
get_address_type – Validates and returns the type of any TON address.
calc_storage_fee – Calculates storage fee for an account over a specified time period
compress_zstd – Compresses data using Zstandard algorithm
decompress_zstd – Decompresses data using Zstandard algorithm
run_executor – Emulates all the phases of contract execution locally
run_tvm – Executes get-methods of ABI-compatible contracts
run_get – Executes a get-method of FIFT contract
net – Network access.
query – Performs DAppServer GraphQL query.
batch_query – Performs multiple queries per single fetch.
query_collection – Queries collection data
aggregate_collection – Aggregates collection data.
wait_for_collection – Returns an object that fulfills the conditions or waits for its appearance
unsubscribe – Cancels a subscription
subscribe_collection – Creates a collection subscription
subscribe – Creates a subscription
suspend – Suspends network module to stop any network activity
resume – Resumes network module to enable network activity
find_last_shard_block – Returns ID of the last block in a specified account shard
fetch_endpoints – Requests the list of alternative endpoints from server
set_endpoints – Sets the list of endpoints to use on reinit
get_endpoints – Requests the list of alternative endpoints from server
query_counterparties – Allows to query and paginate through the list of accounts that the specified account has interacted with, sorted by the time of the last internal message between accounts
query_transaction_tree – Returns a tree of transactions triggered by a specific message.
create_block_iterator – Creates block iterator.
resume_block_iterator – Resumes block iterator.
create_transaction_iterator – Creates transaction iterator.
resume_transaction_iterator – Resumes transaction iterator.
iterator_next – Returns next available items.
remove_iterator – Removes an iterator
init – UNSTABLE Creates and instance of DeBot.
start – UNSTABLE Starts the DeBot.
fetch – UNSTABLE Fetches DeBot metadata from blockchain.
execute – UNSTABLE Executes debot action.
send – UNSTABLE Sends message to Debot.
remove – UNSTABLE Destroys debot handle.
proof_block_data – Proves that a given block's data, which is queried from TONOS API, can be trusted.
proof_transaction_data – Proves that a given transaction's data, which is queried from TONOS API, can be trusted.
proof_message_data – Proves that a given message's data, which is queried from TONOS API, can be trusted.