In this repository, we document and discuss features that are currently under development and experimentation. All content is highly subjected to change and in constant development, so feel free to edit, propose, discuss, comment, rant, etc. If you want to start a technical discussion, just open a PR or an issue.
- Sign Overview (doc)
- Session Proposal (doc)
- Session Namespaces (doc)
- Pairing URI (doc)
- RPC methods (doc)
- Client API (doc)
- Data Structures (doc)
- Error Codes (doc)
- Migration (doc)
- Chat Overview (doc)
- Invite URI (doc)
- Client API (doc)
- Discoverability (doc)
- Chat Invite (doc)
- RPC Methods (doc)
- Message Status (doc)
- Chat Keyserver (doc)
- Data Structures (doc)
- Auth Overview (doc)
- Request URI (doc)
- Client API (doc)
- Authentication (doc)
- RPC Methods (doc)
- Data Structures (doc)
- Push Overview (doc)