This repo is for programs that communicate with the Peloton API to get detailed workout statistics for a desired user.
As of right now there is only the python version in jupyter notebook, a Javascript version will be added at some point as well.
Most of the API fetching is pulled Directly from here:
Slight modifications are made to use the data in dataframe form rather than exporting to a CSV
Still a work in progress and will be expanded upon in the future
The program is split up into multiple cells that can be run separately
Imports all required libraries.
Must be run first but only needs to be run once
Requests the users login info.
Must be run second and does not need to run again unless searching another user.
Will return 200 if the user exists, if anything else is returned run this cell over again with correct info
The bulk of the API calls take place here.
Must be run immidiately after cell 2 is run every time
Everything after cell 3 is optional and provides a different set of statistics and graphs
Read the commented description for its purpose and run if you are interested in that data