This project is a web app that allows you to search the stats for any player in Destiny 2.
Created react and node.js.
Data is pulled from the API.
After downloading go into the file src/key.js
Change the variable apiKey to your personal api key
You key does not need any advanced permissions
After those changes return to the root directory and run npm start
The app should now be launched on localhost
The top of the page has search bar where you enter the display name of the target character
Under that will be the option to select the platform of the desired character
After filling those out click the search button and the player stats will be displayed after they are retrieved
Data is separated by the individual characters on the searched account
Cards will be displayed with general character info as well as detailed stats
Stats are separated by PVE, PVP, and Gambit
Currently planning to add the following features/fixes:
-A better search system to account for multiple accounts with the same name
-A UI that doesn't look like it was made in 1995