This library provide a simple object factory for generating data using Bogus as fake data generator.
dotnet add package Bunnypro.SimpleFactory
Usage Example
using Bunnypro.SimpleFactory;
// Register Factory
Factory.Register<Person>(faker => new Person
Name = faker.Name.FullName(),
Phone = faker.Phone.PhoneNumber(),
Email = faker.Internet.Email()
// Generate Data
IEnumerable<Person> people = Factory.Create<Person>(4);
Person[] arrayPeople = people.ToArray();
List<Person> listPeople = people.ToList();
// Generate Unique Data
IEnumerable<Person> people = Factory.CreateUnique<Person>(4);
// Generate One Data
Person person = Factory.CreateOne<Person>();
// Extending Data
static const email = "";
IEnumerable<Person> people = Factory.CreateUnique<Person>(4, (person, faker) =>
person.Email = email;
return person;
// Register With Generate Nested Data
Factory.Register<Schedule>(faker => new Schedule
People = Factory.CreateUnique<Person>(4).ToList(),
Date = faker.Date
IEnumerable<Schedule> schedules = Factory.Create<Schedule>(10);
// Check Registered Factory Existence
bool personFactoryExists = Factory.Has<Person>();
// Unregister Factory
bool personFactoryRemoved = Factory.Remove<Person>();
// Clear Factory
// Generate Without Register
double[] doubles = Factory.Once<double>(
faker => Math.Round(faker.Random.Double(2, 4), 2) // generate double with two decimal places
// Or Another Way
Factory<double> DoubleFactory = new Factory<double>(
faker => Math.Round(faker.Random.Double(2, 4), 2)
double[] doubles = DoubleFactory.Create(4).ToArray();
Factory<Person> PersonFactory = new Factory<Person>(faker => new Person
FullName = faker.Person.FullName,
Address = faker.Person.Address
// same as
Factory<Person> PersonFactory = Factory.Once<Person>(faker => new Person
FullName = faker.Person.FullName,
Address = faker.Person.Address
var people = PersonFactory.Create(100);