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jbrouwerdigibase edited this page Mar 25, 2024 · 2 revisions

bSDD Revit plugin wiki

Welcome to the bSDD-Revit-plugin wiki!

Check out this demo video on Youtube

User interface

bSDD toolbar

Revit bSDD toolbar screenshot

bSDD sidepanel: Settings tab

Revit bSDD sidepanel settings screenshot

bSDD sidepanel: Selection tab

Revit bSDD sidepanel selection screenshot

bSDD search panel

Revit bSDD search panel screenshot

Basic usage

Start by configuring the project settings

  1. Open the "settings" tab from the selection sidepanel
  2. Select the main dictionary (for example: Basis Bouw producten 0.8.0) that will be used in this project
  3. Select the IFC dictionary (IFC 4.3) as filter dictionary to make sure IFC entities related to the main dictionary will also be used.
  4. Set parameter mappings
    • (Optionally) Type "Description" into the field for the main dictionary, or another existing parameter that gives an indication of the bSDD type.
    • Type "Export Type to IFC As" into the field for the IFC dictionary to correctly map the Revit IFC exporter

Enrich Revit types with bSDD data

  1. Open the "Link" tab from the selection sidepanel
  2. Select Revit types using one of the slection modes in the top of the panel:
    • Make selection
    • Select all
    • Select visible in view
  3. Open a group, and click the pencil icon to attach bSDD data to the Revit type
  4. The bSDD search panel opens and searches for the value in the chosen main dictionary parameter
    • if it is found it is activated
    • if not you can search in the search bar for an appropriate class in the main dictionary
  5. After selecting:
    • it retrieves any related classifications set in the filter dictionaries, when multiple from the same dictionary are found those are shown in a dropdown list to shoose from.
    • retrieves any propertysets
  6. Select classifications and fill out properties, then click save.

Export to IFC

Using the IFC export button in the toolbar export the model to IFC. The plugin automatically creates a new IFC export profile "Bsdd export settings", it can be modified if you need to but it is preset with our best-practice settings. It uses the normal Revit IFC exporter but changes a few settings:

  • It adds the bSDD dictionaries as stored in the project settings

After export a postprosessing task will add proper bSDD URL's to the IfcClassificationReferences.