A F# based Akka.Net multiple node seeding tool.
At each node you want to deploy a seed node, just configure the "majoritynodecount" number in app.config, e.g. 3 (of 5 seed nodes). They will auto elect a leader, and auto vote until the vote of every node received meets the majoritynodecount, all the 5 nodes will invoke joinseednode to form the Akka cluster.
For the Fsi use case, I did some change to P2PNET to make it work fine with Fsi in Windows.
Every node crashed would easily to rejoin with the welcome message. You can kill each process of each nodes and restart the program to see they found out each other and auto join again.
anibal.yeh@gmail.com +886908208029
10:00AM ~ 22:00PM GMT+8
PS C:\Users\anibal> cd "Z:\SharFTrade\AkkaSeed\FAkkaSeed\bin\Debug" PS Z:\SharFTrade\AkkaSeed\FAkkaSeed\bin\Debug> .\FAkkaSeed.exe USAGE: FAkkaSeed.exe [--help] [--windowsize ] [--majoritynodecount ] [--transportmanagerport ] [--seedport ] [--seedhostnametype ] [--hostname ] [--pubhostname ] [--persistdb ] [--persistdbuid ] [--persistdbpwd ]
--windowsize <winsz> specify a initial candidate recommandation waiting time period
--majoritynodecount <mnc>
specify a reasonable initial seednode number, at should be at least more then half of the
node number
--transportmanagerport <port>
--seedport <port> <pubSeedPort>
--seedhostnametype <hostname> <pubHostname>
--hostname <string> --pubhostname <string>
--persistdb <string> --persistdbuid <string>
--persistdbpwd <string>
--help display this list of options.
# default IP address used to listen for incoming petabridge.cmd client connections
# should be a safe default as it listens on "all network interfaces".
host = ""
# default port number used to listen for incoming petabridge.cmd client connections
port = 9110
# when true, logs all loaded palettes on startup
log-palettes-on-startup = on
akka {
stdout-loglevel = DEBUG
loglevel = DEBUG
#log-config-on-start = on
loggers = ["Akka.Logger.NLog.NLogLogger, Akka.Logger.NLog"]
debug {
receive = on
autoreceive = on
lifecycle = on
event-stream = on
unhandled = on
actor {
# debug.unhandled = on
provider = cluster
inbox {
inbox-size = 100000
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
#byte-order = "little-endian"
public-hostname = ""
hostname = ""
public-port = 9000
port = 9000
cluster {
auto-down-unreachable-after = off
roles = ["petabridge.cmd", "ShardNode", "singletonRole"]
sharding {
role = "ShardNode"
# journal-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.journal.inmem"
# snapshot-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.inmem"
journal-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.journal.sharding"
snapshot-plugin-id = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.sharding"
#seed-nodes = [ "akka.tcp://cluster-system@localhost:8081", "akka.tcp://cluster-system@localhost:8082" ]
query.journal.sql {
max-buffer-size = 10000
journal {
plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.sql-server"
sql-server {
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Journal.BatchingSqlServerJournal, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
connection-string = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=/'],lp123/'],lp123;Initial Catalog=AkkaPersistence;Server="
# default SQL commands timeout
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = journal
metadata-table-name = metadata
auto-initialize = off
event-adapters {
json-adapter = "Sessionrapper+EventAdapter, mdcf"
#"Nrk.Oddjob.Upload.PersistenceUtils+EventAdapter, Upload"
event-adapter-bindings {
# to journal
"System.Object, mscorlib" = json-adapter
# from journal
"Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject, Newtonsoft.Json" = [json-adapter]
sharding {
connection-string = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=/'],lp123/'],lp123;Initial Catalog=AkkaPersistence;Server="
auto-initialize = on
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Journal.SqlServerJournal,
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = journal
timestamp-provider = "Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal.DefaultTimestampProvider,
metadata-table-name = metadata
snapshot-store {
plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.sql-server"
sql-server {
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotStore, Akka.Persistence.SqlServer"
serializer = hyperion
connection-string = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=/'],lp123/'],lp123;Initial Catalog=AkkaPersistence;Server="
# default SQL commands timeout
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = snapshot
auto-initialize = off
sharding {
class = "Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotStore,
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
connection-string = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=/'],lp123/'],lp123;Initial Catalog=AkkaPersistence;Server="
connection-timeout = 30s
schema-name = dbo
table-name = ShardingSnapshotStore
auto-initialize = on
extensions = ["Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.DistributedPubSubExtensionProvider,Akka.Cluster.Tools"]
[DEBUG][9/26/2020 1:31:28 PM][Thread 0001][EventStream] StandardOutLogger started [INFO][9/26/2020 1:31:28 PM][Thread 0008][akka://cluster-system/system/log1-NLogLogger] NLogLogger started [DEBUG][9/26/2020 1:31:28 PM][Thread 0001][EventStream(cluster-system)] Logger log1-NLogLogger [NLogLogger] started [DEBUG][9/26/2020 1:31:28 PM][Thread 0001][EventStream(cluster-system)] StandardOutLogger being removed 9/26/2020 9:31:43 PM 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM setWaitCandidateBase: not ifOnlyVillage reset timer from 15000.000000 to 14974.001500 seq [] seq []
msg from msg from tell tell Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") tell tell tell tell Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") : Welcome (("d41dadba-9521-4a85-9a98-e9f68ddc6135", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 6:00:39 PM, akka.tcp://cluster-system@ Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") : :
: Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") no need to make in advance: 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM "" first join with welcome: akka.tcp://cluster-system@ msg from Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") no need to make in advance: 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM msg from Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") setWaitCandidateBase: ifOnlyVillage no need to make in advance: 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM msg from Recommand (("fe8dc719-d72b-4674-bfc5-2d5fa5877c5b", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM, "") no need to make in advance: 9/26/2020 9:31:28 PM msg from Welcome (("d41dadba-9521-4a85-9a98-e9f68ddc6135", akka.tcp://cluster-system@, 9/26/2020 6:00:39 PM, akka.tcp://cluster-system@ "" first join with welcome: akka.tcp://cluster-system@ setWaitCandidateBase: ifOnlyVillage seq [] seq [] seq [] seq [] akka.tcp://cluster-system@ seq [Member(address = akka.tcp://cluster-system@, Uid=1992894030 status = Up, role=[ShardNode,singletonRole,petabridge.cmd], upNumber=3); Member(address = akka.tcp://cluster-system@, Uid=844398658 status = Up, role=[ShardNode,singletonRole,petabridge.cmd], upNumber=4)] seq [] akka.tcp://cluster-system@ seq [Member(address = akka.tcp://cluster-system@, Uid=1992894030 status = Up, role=[ShardNode,singletonRole,petabridge.cmd], upNumber=3); Member(address = akka.tcp://cluster-system@, Uid=844398658 status = Up, role=[ShardNode,singletonRole,petabridge.cmd], upNumber=4)] seq []