OpenFonR_API is a microservice used to share open research data. It puts at the disposal of the users a collection of data that can be viewed in OpenFonR (Click here). The user can get recordings, annotations and metadata on Sud-Oranais Berber varieties to study the sound system of this language.
Three endpoints are proposed: wav, label and metadata. The endpoint wav allows us to obtain a raw audio format, label provides annotations describing phonetic details of a specific audio item and metadata gives all the meta-information about the files. Two URL parameters, speaker and callType, should be added to query the dataset. The parameter speaker corresponds to the informant who elicited the items, whereas, callType refers to particuliar item.
A prototype is available at: To run an example, put the following address in your web browser: All the outputs returned are in JSON format.
This repository includes a docker file and a Plumber file (R package).