Fix Code review failed
BP-1088 Billink logo update
BP-1128 Shopware 5 - afterpay's capture popup is empty in admin area
BP-1129 Shopware 5 - support and test PHP 8 | PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count()
BP-1132 refund pushes cause http 500 error
BP-1130 Shopware 5 - Billink - there is no way to capture aurhorized orders
BP-1131 Shopware 5 - CreditCards - encypt mode doesn't work
BP-1189 New Sofort logo added
BP-1192 Shopware 5 CSE tooltip (#8)
BP-1130 Shopware 5 - remove mode selector for Billink
BP-1313 Cannot save creditcard info
BP-1316 Klarna empy cart if cancel order
BP-1312 Cannot save selected payment method, when other methods have invalid fields
BP-1315 Payconiq empty checkout after cancel modal
BP-1343 No validation message on payment faild
BP-1344 Klarna invoice select has duplicate option (#11)