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Logging output from testing
The Tuya driver makes a lot of logs (we'll cut these down before issuing the PR). Temporarily, I've enabled a new define TUYA_MORE_DEBUG which calls fns to service MQTT and syslog logging after major Tuya events (normally these are called once per second).
The way I get logs from my device is using Node-Red, subscribe to stat/yourdevname/#
, and append all output to a file.
Generally, it's not too hard to see what caused actions from logs, but it may be useful when explaing an issue to mark up the log with your exact actions.
If you can't use MQTT or syslog logs to get complete logs, then 'WebRefresh 1000' may help in getting more of the logs in the web console.
In the below example log:
s 11 -> 13 - sends 31, rxs 32
- indicates a state change in the message state machine. sends and rxes are counts of messages - used to understand if we lost any logs or not...
TYA: Send "55aa0002000001"
- a message sent to the MCU.
- response to the above.
Most messages that we send need a response form the MCU before we send another message.
For most commands, the response command is the same number. A notable exception is commands 6 and 8, which are both responded to by command 7.
Most MCUs should respond with a message starting with 55AA03
, however older MCUs may respond with other values in the third byte, so we now ignore it.
TYA: Protocol timeout state 4 -> 5
- specifically this is ok, the command we're waiting for is optional
TYA: Protocol timeout state x -> y
- other than 4 to 5, this is bad....
00:00:00.132 TYA: E55 0xFF
- I do see this at startup sometimes. It means that TAS was waiting for a 55, but got FF.
00:00:00.146 TYA: Errorcnt 0->1
- if there is a low level protocol error, Errorcnt will increase, and when it changes, we log it.
please highlight if you see any of these, they may indicate a bad MCU implementation, etc.:
TYA: Reset by unexpected 55AA - maybe a 55AA inside a message. could happen for RGB data?
TYA: Reset by char timeout - we were mid message, and >100ms passed
TYA: E55 xx - extra data on the line outside of a message
TYA: EAA xx - corruption
TYA: input overflow - length word corruption, or mad MCU sending more than 250 byte messages?
TYA: Bad CS xx != yy - message corruption - I have seen this (where byte 3 was corrupted, CS would have been ok if byte 3 had been 03
TYA: Dim command 0 disabled
- device last reported 'off', so we won't send a dim command - because some MCUs will turn on again.
TYA: Dim Delay 0 -> 0.
- when we send a power or dim command to the MCU, we set a timer (tuyadimdelay - default 2000ms). this log indicates that the timer expired, and a pending dim command (if any) could be sent.
TYA: Dim command 0 deferred for 2000ms
- TAS wants to send a dim command, but the above timer is still running.
TYA: fnId=21 RX value 300 from dpId 2
- MCU send a dim value. 300 is the MCU's version of the value (i.e. for me, this equals 30% in TAS speak, with a dimmer max of 1000).
List of current DP values. mcuval is the last rxed. desired is the last set. setflag means we want it to be set. rxed means the mcu has sent it at least once (we won't set it unless the MCU has sent a value at least once). For strings/bool/enum, we print as a hex 32 bit representation. These logs will be supressed in the production version.
07:00:19.442 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 300 desired 309 setflag 1 rxed 1
07:00:19.444 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000001 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 0 rxed 1
TYA: Send "55aa0006000802020004000001354b"
- command 06 is the set DP command. This tells us exactly when we set what.
corresponding response: (note, it's possible/likely that it will be followed by a couple of other unsolicited command 07 DP status messages). Sometimes a dim value will not be the same as the one set (quantisation in the MCU?)...
example boot log
00:00:00.187 TYA: Heartbeat
00:00:00.195 TYA: Send "55aa0001000000"
00:00:00.196 TYA: s 2 -> 3 - sends 2, rxs 1
00:00:00.197 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:00.198 WIF: Attempting connection...
00:00:00.535 WIF: Connecting to AP1 MYSSID Channel 11 BSSId 00:37:B7:30:E0:0E in mode 11n as ATDIM-1-4195...
00:00:01.003 TYA: s 3 -> 4 - sends 2, rxs 2
00:00:01.005 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0301002A7B2270223A223772747576676D30687A736F6E79647A222C2276223A22312E302E30222C226D223A327D86","Cmnd":1,"CmndData":"7B2270223A223772747576676D30687A736F6E79647A222C2276223A22312E302E30222C226D223A327D"}}
00:00:01.007 TYA: MCU Product ID: {"p":"7rtuvgm0hzsonydz","v":"1.0.0","m":2}
00:00:01.253 TYA: Protocol timeout state 4 -> 5
00:00:01.262 TYA: Send "55aa0002000001"
00:00:01.263 TYA: s 5 -> 6 - sends 3, rxs 2
00:00:01.270 TYA: s 6 -> 7 - sends 3, rxs 3
00:00:01.271 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0302000004","Cmnd":2}}
00:00:01.272 TYA: RX MCU configuration Mode=0
00:00:01.328 TYA: Send "55aa000300010407"
00:00:01.329 TYA: s 7 -> 8 - sends 4, rxs 3
00:00:01.337 TYA: s 8 -> 9 - sends 4, rxs 4
00:00:01.338 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0303000005","Cmnd":3}}
00:00:01.339 TYA: RX WiFi LED set ACK
00:00:01.444 TYA: Send "55aa0008000007"
00:00:01.445 TYA: s 9 -> 10 - sends 5, rxs 4
00:00:01.458 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA03070005010100010011","Cmnd":7,"CmndData":"0101000100","DpType1Id1":0,"1":{"DpId":1,"DpIdType":1,"DpIdData":"00"}}}
00:00:01.460 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 0 desired 10 setflag 1 rxed 0
00:00:01.461 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000000 desired[0] 0x00000000 setflag 1 rxed 1
00:00:01.463 TYA: fnId=11 RX Relay-1 --> MCU State: Off Current State:Off
00:00:01.474 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0307000802020004000001DBF5","Cmnd":7,"CmndData":"02020004000001DB","DpType2Id2":475,"2":{"DpId":2,"DpIdType":2,"DpIdData":"000001DB"}}}
00:00:01.476 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 475 desired 10 setflag 1 rxed 1
00:00:01.478 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000000 desired[0] 0x00000000 setflag 1 rxed 1
00:00:01.479 TYA: fnId=21 RX value 475 from dpId 2
00:00:01.775 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:01.776 WIF: Connected
00:00:01.925 TYA: Set WiFi LED 3 (0)
00:00:01.935 TYA: Send "55aa000300010306"
00:00:01.936 TYA: s 11 -> 12 - sends 6, rxs 6
00:00:01.943 TYA: s 12 -> 11 - sends 6, rxs 7
00:00:01.945 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0303000005","Cmnd":3}}
00:00:01.947 TYA: RX WiFi LED set ACK
00:00:02.043 TYA: DP set ignored - same value dpid 1, value 0x 0, len 1
00:00:02.047 HTP: Web server active on ATDIM-1-4195 with IP address
00:00:02.392 WIF: Sending Gratuitous ARP
00:00:02.395 NTP: Sync time...
00:00:02.428 RTC: UTC 2022-04-10T07:31:22, DST 2022-03-27T02:00:00, STD 2022-10-30T03:00:00
08:31:22.000 RTC: Synced by NTP
08:31:22.215 HTP: Command
08:31:23.044 MQT: Attempting connection...
08:31:23.057 MQT: Connected
08:31:23.061 MQT: tele/ATDIM-1/LWT = Online (retained)
08:31:23.065 MQT: cmnd/ATDIM-1/POWER =
08:31:23.068 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/ATDIM-1/#
08:31:23.072 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/tasmotas/#
08:31:23.076 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/DVES_CE5063_fb/#
08:31:23.082 MQT: tele/ATDIM-1/INFO1 = {"Info1":{"Module":"Athom Dimmer Switch","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_CE5063_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"}}
08:31:23.089 MQT: tele/ATDIM-1/INFO2 = {"Info2":{"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"ATDIM-1-4195","IPAddress":""}}
08:31:23.094 MQT: tele/ATDIM-1/INFO3 = {"Info3":{"RestartReason":"Software/System restart","BootCount":5}}
08:31:23.098 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}
08:31:23.100 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/POWER = OFF
08:31:23.154 TYA: Set WiFi LED 4 (0)
08:31:23.164 TYA: Send "55aa000300010407"
08:31:23.166 TYA: s 11 -> 12 - sends 7, rxs 7
08:31:23.173 TYA: s 12 -> 11 - sends 7, rxs 8
08:31:23.175 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0303000005","Cmnd":3}}
08:31:23.177 TYA: RX WiFi LED set ACK
08:31:23.430 TYA: Dim Delay 0 -> 0.
08:31:24.080 SRC: MQTT
08:31:24.083 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'STATE', Idx 1, Len 0, Pld -99, Data ''
08:31:24.092 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"Time":"2022-04-10T08:31:24","Uptime":"0T00:00:06","UptimeSec":6,"Vcc":3.447,"Heap":31,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Dimmer":10,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"MYSSID","BSSId":"00:37:B7:30:E0:0E","Channel":11,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":70,"Signal":-65,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}
08:31:26.469 QPC: Reset
08:31:27.248 HTP: Main Menu
08:31:27.476 MQT: tele/ATDIM-1/STATE = {"Time":"2022-04-10T08:31:27","Uptime":"0T00:00:09","UptimeSec":9,"Vcc":3.446,"Heap":27,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":29,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Dimmer":10,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"MYSSID","BSSId":"00:37:B7:30:E0:0E","Channel":11,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":70,"Signal":-65,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}
08:31:28.435 APP: Boot Count 5
08:31:28.589 CFG: Saved to flash at F6, Count 14, Bytes 4096
08:31:29.448 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 7, rxs 8
08:31:29.555 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:31:29.556 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 8, rxs 8
08:31:29.564 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 8, rxs 9
08:31:29.566 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:31:29.568 TYA: Heartbeat
08:31:32.454 MQT: tasmota/discovery/40F520CE5063/config = {"ip":"","dn":"Tasmota","fn":["Tasmota",null,null,null,null,null,null,null],"hn":"ATDIM-1-4195","mac":"40F520CE5063","md":"Athom Dimmer Switch","ty":1,"if":0,"ofln":"Offline","onln":"Online","state":["OFF","ON","TOGGLE","HOLD"],"sw":"","t":"ATDIM-1","ft":"%prefix%/%topic%/","tp":["cmnd","stat","tele"],"rl":[2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"swc":[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1],"swn":[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null],"btn":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"so":{"4":0,"11":0,"13":0,"17":0,"20":0,"30":0,"68":0,"73":0,"82":0,"114":0,"117":0},"lk":1,"lt_st":1,"sho":[0,0,0,0],"ver":1} (retained)
08:31:32.461 MQT: tasmota/discovery/40F520CE5063/sensors = {"sn":{"Time":"2022-04-10T08:31:32"},"ver":1} (retained)
08:31:33.816 SRC: MQTT
08:31:33.819 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'STATE', Idx 1, Len 0, Pld -99, Data ''
08:31:33.828 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"Time":"2022-04-10T08:31:33","Uptime":"0T00:00:15","UptimeSec":15,"Vcc":3.448,"Heap":29,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Dimmer":10,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"MYSSID","BSSId":"00:37:B7:30:E0:0E","Channel":11,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":74,"Signal":-63,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}
08:31:37.597 HTP: Command
08:31:40.457 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 8, rxs 9
08:31:40.514 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:31:40.516 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 9, rxs 9
08:31:40.523 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 9, rxs 10
08:31:40.526 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:31:40.528 TYA: Heartbeat
08:35:42.566 TYA: Heartbeat
08:35:52.629 HTP: Command
08:35:53.540 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 31, rxs 32
08:35:53.647 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:35:53.649 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 32, rxs 32
08:35:53.656 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 32, rxs 33
08:35:53.659 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:35:53.661 TYA: Heartbeat
08:35:59.540 SRC: WebGui from
08:35:59.543 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'DIMMER', Idx 1, Len 2, Pld 59, Data '59'
08:35:59.546 SRC: Light
08:35:59.549 TYA: setchannels
08:35:59.551 TYA: DP 2 desiredvalue set (0x3b000000 len 4)
08:35:59.553 TYA: set of dpid 2 to 59 requested
08:35:59.555 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 475 desired 59 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:35:59.557 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000000 desired[0] 0x00000000 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:35:59.579 TYA: DP 1 desiredvalue set (0x00000001 len 1)
08:35:59.581 TYA: set of dpid 1 to 1 requested
08:35:59.583 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 475 desired 59 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:35:59.585 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000000 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:35:59.588 TYA: posted rpower 1 val 1 to dpid 1 src 16 dev 0
08:35:59.609 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON","Dimmer":59}
08:35:59.668 TYA: setchannels
08:35:59.671 TYA: DP 2 desiredvalue set (0x3b000000 len 4)
08:35:59.673 TYA: set of dpid 2 to 59 requested
08:35:59.675 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 475 desired 59 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:35:59.677 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000000 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:35:59.692 TYA: Dim command 0 disabled
08:35:59.706 TYA: Send "55aa0006000501010001010e"
08:35:59.714 TYA: s 11 -> 12 - sends 33, rxs 33
08:35:59.768 CFG: Saved to flash at F5, Count 15, Bytes 4096
08:35:59.773 TYA: s 12 -> 11 - sends 33, rxs 34
08:35:59.776 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA03070005010100010112","Cmnd":7,"CmndData":"0101000101","DpType1Id1":1,"1":{"DpId":1,"DpIdType":1,"DpIdData":"01"}}}
08:35:59.780 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 475 desired 59 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:35:59.782 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000001 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:35:59.784 TYA: fnId=11 RX Relay-1 --> MCU State: On Current State:On
08:36:00.896 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA03070005010100010112","Cmnd":7,"CmndData":"0101000101","DpType1Id1":1,"1":{"DpId":1,"DpIdType":1,"DpIdData":"01"}}}
08:36:00.900 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 475 desired 59 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:36:00.902 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000001 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:36:00.904 TYA: fnId=11 RX Relay-1 --> MCU State: On Current State:On
08:36:00.911 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0307000802020004000001DBF5","Cmnd":7,"CmndData":"02020004000001DB","DpType2Id2":475,"2":{"DpId":2,"DpIdType":2,"DpIdData":"000001DB"}}}
08:36:00.914 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 475 desired 59 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:36:00.917 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000001 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:36:00.919 TYA: fnId=21 RX value 475 from dpId 2
08:36:00.921 SRC: Switch
08:36:00.924 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'DIMMER', Idx 3, Len 3, Pld 100, Data '100'
08:36:00.928 TYA: setchannels
08:36:00.961 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON","Dimmer":100}
08:36:01.565 CFG: Saved to flash at F4, Count 16, Bytes 4096
08:36:01.761 WIF: Checking connection...
08:36:02.589 HTP: Command
08:36:02.916 TYA: Dim Delay 0 -> 0.
08:36:02.934 TYA: Send "55aa00060008020200040000003b50"
08:36:02.943 TYA: s 11 -> 12 - sends 34, rxs 36
08:36:02.952 TYA: s 12 -> 11 - sends 34, rxs 37
08:36:02.954 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA03070008020200040000003B54","Cmnd":7,"CmndData":"020200040000003B","DpType2Id2":59,"2":{"DpId":2,"DpIdType":2,"DpIdData":"0000003B"}}}
08:36:02.958 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 59 desired 59 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:36:02.960 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000001 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:36:02.962 TYA: fnId=21 RX value 59 from dpId 2
08:36:02.964 SRC: Switch
08:36:02.967 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'DIMMER', Idx 3, Len 2, Pld 59, Data '59'
08:36:02.971 TYA: setchannels
08:36:02.000 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON","Dimmer":59}
08:36:03.556 CFG: Saved to flash at FB, Count 17, Bytes 4096
08:36:04.419 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 34, rxs 37
08:36:04.517 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:36:04.519 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 35, rxs 37
08:36:04.527 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 35, rxs 38
08:36:04.529 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:36:04.531 TYA: Heartbeat
08:36:04.910 TYA: Dim Delay 0 -> 0.
08:36:15.415 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 35, rxs 38
08:36:15.522 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:36:15.524 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 36, rxs 38
08:36:15.531 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 36, rxs 39
08:36:15.533 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:36:15.535 TYA: Heartbeat
08:36:17.627 HTP: Command
08:36:20.394 WIF: Sending Gratuitous ARP
08:36:21.765 WIF: Checking connection...
08:36:26.408 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 36, rxs 39
08:36:26.516 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:36:26.517 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 37, rxs 39
08:36:26.526 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 37, rxs 40
08:36:26.528 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:36:26.530 TYA: Heartbeat
08:36:27.424 MQT: tele/ATDIM-1/STATE = {"Time":"2022-04-10T08:36:27","Uptime":"0T00:05:09","UptimeSec":309,"Vcc":3.447,"Heap":27,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":10,"LoadAvg":99,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"ON","Dimmer":59,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"MYSSID","BSSId":"00:37:B7:30:E0:0E","Channel":11,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":70,"Signal":-65,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}
08:36:27.614 HTP: Command
08:36:37.407 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 37, rxs 40
08:36:37.524 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:36:37.526 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 38, rxs 40
08:36:37.533 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 38, rxs 41
08:36:37.535 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:36:37.537 TYA: Heartbeat
08:36:37.635 HTP: Command
08:36:41.767 WIF: Checking connection...
08:36:48.413 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 38, rxs 41
08:36:48.521 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:36:48.523 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 39, rxs 41
08:36:48.530 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 39, rxs 42
08:36:48.532 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:36:48.534 TYA: Heartbeat
08:36:52.642 HTP: Command
08:36:59.409 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 39, rxs 42
08:36:59.516 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:36:59.518 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 40, rxs 42
08:36:59.527 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 40, rxs 43
08:36:59.529 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:36:59.531 TYA: Heartbeat
08:37:01.767 WIF: Checking connection...
08:37:02.628 HTP: Command
08:37:10.416 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 40, rxs 43
08:37:10.522 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:37:10.524 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 41, rxs 43
08:37:10.531 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 41, rxs 44
08:37:10.533 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:37:10.536 TYA: Heartbeat
08:37:17.631 HTP: Command
08:37:20.400 WIF: Sending Gratuitous ARP
08:37:21.412 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 41, rxs 44
08:37:21.521 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:37:21.523 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 42, rxs 44
08:37:21.530 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 42, rxs 45
08:37:21.533 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:37:21.535 TYA: Heartbeat
08:37:21.763 WIF: Checking connection...
08:37:23.944 HTP: Console
08:37:27.626 HTP: Command
08:37:32.417 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 42, rxs 45
08:37:32.524 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:37:32.526 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 43, rxs 45
08:37:32.534 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 43, rxs 46
08:37:32.536 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:37:32.538 TYA: Heartbeat
08:37:40.442 CMD: DimmerRange 10,1000
08:37:40.444 SRC: WebConsole from
08:37:40.446 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'DIMMERRANGE', Idx 1, Len 7, Pld 10, Data '10,1000'
08:37:40.454 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"DimmerRange":{"Min":10,"Max":1000}}
08:37:40.514 TYA: setchannels
08:37:40.584 CFG: Saved to flash at FA, Count 18, Bytes 4096
08:37:41.766 WIF: Checking connection...
08:37:42.616 HTP: Command
08:37:43.408 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 43, rxs 46
08:37:43.514 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:37:43.516 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 44, rxs 46
08:37:43.525 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 44, rxs 47
08:37:43.527 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:37:43.529 TYA: Heartbeat
08:37:48.786 HTP: Main Menu
08:37:51.026 SRC: WebGui from
08:37:51.028 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'DIMMER', Idx 1, Len 2, Pld 50, Data '50'
08:37:51.035 MQT: stat/ATDIM-1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON","Dimmer":50}
08:37:51.093 TYA: setchannels
08:37:51.096 TYA: DP 2 desiredvalue set (0xf9010000 len 4)
08:37:51.098 TYA: set of dpid 2 to 505 requested
08:37:51.100 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 59 desired 505 setflag 1 rxed 1
08:37:51.102 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000001 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:37:51.144 TYA: Send "55aa0006000802020004000001f90f"
08:37:51.149 TYA: s 11 -> 12 - sends 45, rxs 47
08:37:51.161 TYA: s 12 -> 11 - sends 45, rxs 48
08:37:51.164 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0307000802020004000001F913","Cmnd":7,"CmndData":"02020004000001F9","DpType2Id2":505,"2":{"DpId":2,"DpIdType":2,"DpIdData":"000001F9"}}}
08:37:51.166 TYA: Valid DP 2 type 2 (val) mcuval 505 desired 505 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:37:51.168 TYA: Valid DP 1 type 1 (bool/enum) mcuval[0] 0x00000001 desired[0] 0x00000001 setflag 0 rxed 1
08:37:51.170 TYA: fnId=21 RX value 505 from dpId 2
08:37:51.563 CFG: Saved to flash at F9, Count 19, Bytes 4096
08:37:52.650 HTP: Command
08:37:53.117 TYA: Dim Delay 0 -> 0.
08:37:54.411 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 45, rxs 48
08:37:54.520 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:37:54.522 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 46, rxs 48
08:37:54.530 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 46, rxs 49
08:37:54.532 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:37:54.534 TYA: Heartbeat
08:38:01.763 WIF: Checking connection...
08:38:05.417 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 46, rxs 49
08:38:05.524 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:38:05.526 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 47, rxs 49
08:38:05.533 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 47, rxs 50
08:38:05.536 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:38:05.538 TYA: Heartbeat
08:38:07.609 HTP: Command
08:38:16.414 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 47, rxs 50
08:38:16.522 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"
08:38:16.524 TYA: s 13 -> 14 - sends 48, rxs 50
08:38:16.532 TYA: s 14 -> 11 - sends 48, rxs 51
08:38:16.534 {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA030000010104","Cmnd":0,"CmndData":"01"}}
08:38:16.536 TYA: Heartbeat
08:38:17.639 HTP: Command
08:38:20.403 WIF: Sending Gratuitous ARP
08:38:21.760 WIF: Checking connection...
08:38:27.414 TYA: s 11 -> 13 - sends 48, rxs 51
08:38:27.522 TYA: Send "55aa00000000ff"