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Sticky Notes MCP Server

A MCP (Model Context Protocol) server for managing sticky notes. This project provides both an MCP interface and a fully-featured REST API to create, update, delete, search, and manage notes, tags, and sections. It also serves a React-based UI for interacting with your sticky notes.

UI Overview

Sticky Notes UI

The Sticky Notes UI provides a modern, intuitive interface for managing your notes:

  • Left Sidebar: Filter and organize notes by conversations, tags, colors, and dates
  • Main Content: Grid view of notes with markdown rendering and real-time updates
  • About Dialog: Access server configuration information (Web URL, WebSocket URL, Database location)
  • Theme Support: Toggle between light and dark modes
  • Bulk Actions: Select multiple notes for batch operations


  • Enhanced WebSocket Support:
    • Real-time note synchronization
    • Robust reconnection strategy
    • Message queuing for offline handling
    • Connection status management
  • Server Configuration:
    • About modal with server details
    • Dynamic port assignment
    • Configuration endpoint
  • Theme System:
    • Light/dark mode support
    • Theme persistence
    • Dynamic theme switching
  • Advanced UI Features:
    • Markdown preview in editor
    • Bulk actions (delete, color, export)
    • Enhanced filtering and sorting
    • Improved pagination
    • Automatic filter reset when deleting last note in a conversation/tag
  • MCP Development: Implements MCP protocol endpoints and tool handlers (e.g., create-note, update-note, delete-note, search-notes, list-conversations).
  • REST API: Supports full CRUD operations for notes, sections, and tags via Express.
  • WebSocket Support: Optional real-time capabilities through a built-in WebSocket server.
  • Full-Text Search: Optional SQLite FTS5 for efficient note searches.
  • Tag Management: Hierarchical tag system with parent-child relationships and improved tag search capabilities.
  • Section Organization: Group notes into customizable sections.
  • Color Coding: Support for color-coded notes and bulk color operations.
  • Persistency: Uses SQLite (via better-sqlite3) for local storage.
  • UI Integration: Serves a React-based user interface from the /public folder.
  • Port Scanning: Automatically finds available ports if configured ports are in use.
  • Pagination: Client-side pagination with customizable items per page.
  • Conversations Management: Enhanced conversation tracking with metadata (total notes, creation date, last update).
  • Markdown Support: Full markdown rendering for note content with preview capabilities.
  • Advanced Filtering: Combined filtering by tags, conversations, and text search.
  • Export Capabilities:
    • Single/multiple note export
    • Markdown format support
    • Custom filename options


  • Node.js (v16 or later recommended)
  • npm (or pnpm)
  • SQLite (no additional installation required since it uses better-sqlite3, which bundles SQLite)

Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://your.repo.url/sticky-notes-server.git
    cd sticky-notes-server
  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  3. Build the Project

    npm run build
  4. Run the Server

    npm start


The server supports a flexible configuration system with three levels of precedence (highest to lowest):

  1. Environment Variables
  2. Configuration File
  3. Default Values

Environment Variables

  • STICKY_NOTES_CONFIG: Path to custom config file location
  • DB_ROOT: The root directory for the database file
  • DB_PATH: The database file name
  • DB_TIMEOUT: Database operation timeout in milliseconds
  • DB_VERBOSE: Enable verbose database logging ('true'/'false')
  • WEB_UI_PORT: Port for the web UI
  • WS_PORT: Port for WebSocket server
  • ENABLE_WEBSOCKET: Enable/disable WebSocket support ('true'/'false')
  • ENABLE_FTS: Enable/disable full-text search ('true'/'false')

Configuration File

The server looks for a configuration file in the following locations (in order):

  1. Path specified in STICKY_NOTES_CONFIG environment variable
  2. .sticky-notes.config.json in the current working directory
  3. .sticky-notes.config.json in the user's home directory
  4. /etc/sticky-notes/config.json (non-Windows systems only)

Example configuration file:

    "db": {
        "root": "C:/Users/username/Documents",
        "path": "sticky-notes.db",
        "timeout": 10000,
        "verbose": false
    "server": {
        "webUiPort": 3088,
        "wsPort": 8089
    "features": {
        "enableWebsocket": false,
        "enableFTS": true

Default Configuration

If no configuration is provided, the server uses these defaults:

    "db": {
        "root": "<user home directory>",
        "path": "sticky-notes.db",
        "timeout": 10000,
        "verbose": false (true in development)
    "server": {
        "webUiPort": 3000,
        "wsPort": 8080
    "features": {
        "enableWebsocket": true,
        "enableFTS": true

Port Handling

If a configured port is in use, the server will:

  1. Attempt to find the next available port (scanning up to 100 ports higher)
  2. Log a message indicating the actual port being used
  3. Continue normal operation on the new port

For example, if port 3000 is in use, the server might use 3001 and log:

Web UI running at http://localhost:3001 (original port 3000 was in use)

Running the Server

To start the Sticky Notes MCP Server, run:

npm start

This will:

  • Start the MCP server using a standard I/O transport
  • Launch an Express web server serving the UI on http://localhost:3000
  • Initialize the WebSocket server on port 8080
  • Set up the SQLite database with all necessary tables and indexes

Press Ctrl+C to stop the server.

MCP Tools

The server provides several MCP tools for interacting with notes:


Creates a new note with optional tags.

  "name": "create-note",
  "arguments": {
    "title": "Meeting Notes",
    "content": "Discussed Q4 plans.",
    "conversationId": "conv123",
    "tags": ["meeting", "planning"],
    "color_hex": "#FFE999"

Required Fields:

  • title: String (1-100 chars, Generally the name of the conversation)
  • content: String (markdown supported)
  • conversationId: String (unique identifier for the conversation, you provide this)

Optional Fields:

  • tags: Array of strings
  • color_hex: String (hex color code). Available colors:
    • Yellow: "#FFE999" (default)
    • Green: "#A7F3D0"
    • Blue: "#93C5FD"
    • Red: "#FCA5A5"
    • Purple: "#DDD6FE"
    • Orange: "#FFB17A"

Example response: Note created with id 123


Updates an existing note's content.

  "name": "update-note",
  "arguments": {
    "id": "123",
    "content": "Updated meeting notes content"


Deletes a specific note.

  "name": "delete-note",
  "arguments": {
    "id": "123"


Searches for notes based on various criteria. Supports combined filtering by tags, conversations, and text search.

  "name": "search-notes",
  "arguments": {
    "query": "meeting",
    "tags": ["important"],
    "conversationId": "conv123"


Returns a list of all conversation IDs in the system with metadata.

  "name": "list-conversations",
  "arguments": {}

Response example:

    "conversationId": "conv123",
    "totalNotes": 5,
    "firstCreated": 1707753600,
    "lastUpdated": 1707840000
    "conversationId": "meeting-2024",
    "totalNotes": 3,
    "firstCreated": 1707667200,
    "lastUpdated": 1707753600

REST API Endpoints

The server exposes several REST endpoints:

Notes Endpoints

  • GET /api/notes
    • Query parameters:

      • search: Text search query
      • tags: Array of tag names (deduplication handled server-side)
      • conversation: Conversation ID
      • color: Color hex code
      • startDate: Filter by creation date
      • page: Page number (default: 1)
      • limit: Items per page (default: 10)
      • sort: Sort field and direction (e.g., "updated_at DESC")
    • Response includes pagination metadata:

        "notes": [...],
        "pagination": {
          "total": 100,
          "page": 1,
          "limit": 10,
          "totalPages": 10

Sections Endpoints

  • GET /api/sections
  • POST /api/sections
  • PUT /api/sections/:id
  • DELETE /api/sections/:id
  • GET /api/sections/:id/notes

Tags Endpoints

  • GET /api/tags
  • GET /api/tags/hierarchy
  • PATCH /api/tags/:id/parent

Conversations Endpoints

  • GET /api/conversations
    • Returns list of conversations with metadata:

        "conversations": [
            "conversationId": "conv123",
            "totalNotes": 5,
            "firstCreated": 1707753600,
            "lastUpdated": 1707840000

Integration with Claude Desktop

Method 1: Direct Integration

Add to your claude_desktop_config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "stickyNotes": {
      "command": "node",
      "args": ["path/to/sticky-notes-server/build/index.js"],
      "env": {
        "DB_ROOT": "desired/db/location",
        "WEB_UI_PORT": "3000",
        "WS_PORT": "8080"

Method 2: NPX Integration

If published as an NPX package (Not implemented yet):

  "mcpServers": {
    "stickyNotes": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [
      "env": {
        "DB_ROOT": "desired/db/location"


Project Structure

├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── src/
    ├── index.ts            // MCP server main entry point
    ├── public/             // React-based UI
    │   ├── index.html
    │   ├── app.js
    │   ├── components/     // React components
    │   │   ├── Note.js    // Note component with markdown support
    │   │   ├── PaginationControls.js
    │   │   └── Sidebar.js // Enhanced sidebar with conversations
    │   └── utils/
    │       └── markdown.ts // Markdown rendering utilities
    └── migrations/         // Database migrations

Development Commands

  • Start in Development Mode:

    npm run dev
  • Build for Production:

    npm run build
    npm start

Database Schema

The server uses the following main tables:

  • notes: Stores note content and metadata
  • sections: Manages note organization
  • tags: Stores tag hierarchy
  • note_tags: Junction table for note-tag relationships
  • notes_fts: Full-text search virtual table

WebSocket Implementation

Client-Side Integration

The application includes a custom React hook for WebSocket management:

const { connectionStatus, sendMessage, lastMessage } = useWebSocket({
    url: `ws://localhost:${wsPort}`,
    onMessage: handleMessage,
    reconnectAttempts: 5,
    reconnectInterval: 1000

Message Types

  1. Client Messages:

    • NOTE_CREATE: Create new note
    • NOTE_UPDATE: Update existing note
    • NOTE_DELETE: Delete note
    • SYNC_REQUEST: Request sync
  2. Server Messages:

    • NOTE_CREATED: Broadcast new note
    • NOTE_UPDATED: Broadcast update
    • NOTE_DELETED: Broadcast deletion
    • SYNC_RESPONSE: Sync data
    • ERROR: Error information

Reconnection Strategy

The WebSocket implementation includes a sophisticated reconnection strategy:

  • Exponential backoff
  • Configurable retry attempts
  • Connection status tracking
  • Message queuing during disconnection

Theme System

The application includes a comprehensive theme system:

const ThemeProvider = ({ children }) => {
    const [theme, setTheme] = React.useState(() => {
        const savedTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme');
        return savedTheme || 
               (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches 
                ? 'dark' : 'light');
    // ... theme logic

Theme Features

  • System preference detection
  • Local storage persistence
  • Dynamic CSS class switching
  • Smooth transitions
  • Dark/light mode toggle

Bulk Actions

The application supports bulk operations:

  • Selection: Multi-select notes
  • Actions:
    • Delete multiple notes
    • Change color for multiple notes
    • Export selected notes
  • UI: Dedicated bulk actions toolbar

Export Functionality

Enhanced export capabilities:

const exportOptions = {
    format: 'md',
    includeMetadata: true,
    includeToc: false,
    filename: ''

Export Features

  • Single note export
  • Multiple note export
  • Custom filename support
  • Markdown formatting
  • Metadata inclusion options


Common issues and solutions:

  1. Database Location Issues

    • Ensure DB_ROOT environment variable is set correctly
    • Check file permissions in the target directory
  2. Port Conflicts

    • Verify ports 3000 and 8080 are available
    • Use WEB_UI_PORT and WS_PORT to configure alternative ports
  3. Performance Issues

    • The server uses SQLite optimizations including WAL mode
    • Indexes are automatically created for common queries
    • Consider regular database maintenance (VACUUM) for large datasets


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For issues, questions, or contributions:

  1. Check the Issues section
  2. Create a new issue if needed
  3. Join our community discussions


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