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gwr69 committed Dec 6, 2021
1 parent 19a34c8 commit 7b71f20
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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions BusinessSimulation/CausalLoop/
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within BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop;

model Aggregation "Generalized mean function for multiple stock information inputs"
import BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.Connectors.{StockInfoMultiInput,StockInfoOutput};
import BusinessSimulation.Types.AggregateFunctions;
import BusinessSimulation.Types.StockInformation;
import BusinessSimulation.Sensors.AbsoluteSensor;
import BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing.AggregatePerformance;
StockInfoMultiInput[nin] stockInfoInput annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-145, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
StockInfoOutput stockInfoOutput annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {152.054, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {10, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
parameter Integer nin(min = 2) = 2 "Number of inputs" annotation(Evaluate = true, Dialog(group = "Structural Parameters"));
parameter AggregateFunctions func = AggregateFunctions.arithmeticMean "Function to apply for aggregation" annotation(Evaluate = true, Dialog(group = "Structural Parameters"));
parameter Real weights[nin] = ones(nin) "Constant weights to be used for aggregation";
StockInformation aggregateStockInformation "Aggregate stock information";
AbsoluteSensor[nin] absoluteSensor annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = -90)));
AggregatePerformance aggregateIN(nin = nin, func = func, useWeights = true, hasConstantWeights = true, weights = weights, redeclare replaceable type OutputType = Units.Rate) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-0, 70}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
AggregatePerformance aggregateS(nin = nin, func = func, useWeights = true, hasConstantWeights = true, weights = weights, redeclare replaceable type OutputType = Types.Reals) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, 30}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
AggregatePerformance aggregateMRT(nin = nin, func = func, useWeights = true, hasConstantWeights = true, weights = weights, redeclare replaceable type OutputType = Units.Time) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
AggregatePerformance aggregateF(nin = nin, func = func, useWeights = true, hasConstantWeights = true, weights = weights, redeclare replaceable type OutputType = Units.Rate) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -30}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
AggregatePerformance aggregateOUT(nin = nin, func = func, useWeights = true, hasConstantWeights = true, weights = weights, redeclare replaceable type OutputType = Units.Rate) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-0, -70}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
connect(stockInfoInput, absoluteSensor.u_stockInfo) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-124.5, 0}, points = {{-20.5, 0}, {20.5, 0}}, color = {128, 0, 128}));
connect(absoluteSensor.inFlow, aggregateIN.u) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-54.6, 28.607}, points = {{-41.4, -18.607}, {19.6, -18.607}, {19.6, 41.393}, {43.6, 41.393}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(absoluteSensor.stock, aggregateS.u) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-41.75, 17.476}, points = {{-54.25, -12.524}, {11.75, -12.524}, {11.75, 12.524}, {30.75, 12.524}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(absoluteSensor.meanResidenceTime, aggregateMRT.u) "aggregateMRT" annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-69.25, -0.012}, points = {{-26.75, -0.012}, {-15.75, -0.012}, {-15.75, 0.012}, {58.25, 0.012}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(absoluteSensor.netFlow, aggregateF.u) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-41.75, -17.512}, points = {{-54.25, 12.488}, {11.75, 12.488}, {11.75, -12.488}, {30.75, -12.488}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(absoluteSensor.outFlow, aggregateOUT.u) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-56.266, -38}, points = {{-39.734, 28}, {21.266, 28}, {21.266, -32}, {45.266, -32}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
aggregateStockInformation = StockInformation(aggregateIN.y, aggregateS.y, aggregateMRT.y, aggregateF.y, aggregateOUT.y);
stockInfoOutput = aggregateStockInformation;
/* block, information processing */
annotation(defaultComponentName = "b", Documentation(info = "<html>
<p class=\"aside\">This information is part of the Business Simulation&nbsp;Library (BSL).</p>
<p>The component uses the selected aggreagation function <code>func</code> applying constant <code>weights</code> to aggregate each information (→<a href=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation.Types.StockInformation\"><code>StockInformation</code></a>) provided within the <code>nin</code> input connectors (<code>stockInfoInput[nin</code>). The output is given via a single <code>stockInfoOutput</code>.</p>
<h4>See also</h4>
<a href=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing.AggregatePerformance\">MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing.AggregatePerformance</a>,
<a href=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop.Aggregation_Info\">Aggregation_Info</a>
</html>", revisions = "<html>
<li>Introduced in v2.0.0.</li>
</html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {10, 10}), graphics = {Line(visible = true, origin = {-43.644, 0}, points = {{-50, 0}, {50, 0}}, color = {128, 0, 128}, thickness = 1), Polygon(visible = true, origin = {34.528, -80}, lineColor = {128, 0, 128}, fillColor = {255, 255, 255}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, points = {{-100, 100}, {-60.476, 80}, {-100, 60}, {-100, 100}})}), Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-150, -90}, {150, 90}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {5, 5})));
end Aggregation;
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions BusinessSimulation/CausalLoop/
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within BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop;

model Aggregation_Info "Generalized mean function for multiple information inputs"
import BusinessSimulation.Types.AggregateFunctions;
import BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing.AggregatePerformance;
extends Interfaces.PartialCLD.InfoAggregation;
parameter AggregateFunctions func = AggregateFunctions.arithmeticMean "Function to apply for aggregation" annotation(Evaluate = true, Dialog(group = "Structural Parameters"));
parameter Real weights[nin] = ones(nin) "Constant weights to be used for aggregation";
AggregatePerformance aggregateInformation(nin = nin, func = func, useWeights = true, hasConstantWeights = true, weights = weights, redeclare replaceable type OutputType = Units.Dimensionless) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
connect(u, aggregateInformation.u) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-78, 0}, points = {{-67, 0}, {67, 0}}, color = {0, 0, 128}));
connect(aggregateInformation.y, y) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {86.543, 0}, points = {{-75.543, 0}, {75.543, 0}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
/* block, information processing */
annotation(ddefaultComponentName = "b", Documentation(info = "<html>
<p class=\"aside\">This information is part of the Business Simulation&nbsp;Library (BSL).</p>
<p>The output <strong>y</strong> is obtained by applying the selected aggregation function <code>func</code> with constant weights to <code>nin</code> inputs <strong>u</strong><code>[nin]</code>.</p>
<h4>See also</h4>
<a href=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing.AggregatePerformance\">MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing.AggregatePerformance</a>,
<a href=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop.Aggregation\">Aggregation</a>
</html>", revisions = "<html>
<li>Introduced in v2.0.0.</li>
</html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {10, 10}), graphics = {Line(visible = true, origin = {-43.644, 0}, points = {{-50, 0}, {50, 0}}, color = {0, 0, 128}, thickness = 1), Polygon(visible = true, origin = {34.528, -80}, lineColor = {0, 0, 128}, fillColor = {255, 255, 255}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, points = {{-100, 100}, {-60.476, 80}, {-100, 60}, {-100, 100}})}), Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-150, -90}, {150, 90}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {5, 5})));
end Aggregation_Info;
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions BusinessSimulation/CausalLoop/
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@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
within BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop;

model ComplexInteraction "Interaction with linear and nonlinear terms"
import BusinessSimulation.Units.Rate;
extends Interfaces.PartialCLD.Interaction(polA = "±", polB = "±");
parameter Rate a_0 "Growth rate for A (independent)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to A"));
parameter Rate a_A "Fractional rate of growth for A (self-coupling A)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to A"));
parameter Rate a_B "Rate of growth for A per unit of B (coupling of B to A)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to A"));
parameter Rate a_AB "Fractional rate of growth for A per unit of B (nonlinear coupling)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to A"));
parameter Rate b_0 "Growth rate for B (independent)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to B"));
parameter Rate b_B "Fractional growth rate for B (self-coupling)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to B"));
parameter Rate b_A "Rate of growth for B per unit of A (coupling of A to B)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to B"));
parameter Rate b_AB "Fractional growth rate for B per unit of A (nonlinear coupling)" annotation(Dialog(group = "Parameters for net flow to B"));
Flows.Interaction.ComplexInteraction complexInteraction annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Converters.Vector.ScalarMultiplication actualCoefficients(nin = 8, redeclare replaceable type OutputType = Rate) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-0, 65}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = -90)));
Converters.Vector.ConstantConverter constantCoefficients(value = {a_0, a_A, a_B, a_AB, b_0, b_B, b_A, b_AB}) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {60, 80}, extent = {{10, -10}, {-10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_a0 annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Flows.Interaction.ComplexInteraction.InputConnector dataIn annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-0, 20}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {0, 22.222}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_aA annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-40, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_aB annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-30, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_aAB annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-20, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_b0 annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {20, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_bA annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {30, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_bB annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {40, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
Interfaces.Connectors.RealOutput y_bAB annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, 35}, extent = {{-5, -5}, {5, 5}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-41.575, 16.667}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
connect(portA, complexInteraction.portA) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-80, 0}, points = {{-70, 0}, {70, 0}}, color = {128, 0, 128}));
connect(complexInteraction.portB, portB) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {80, 0}, points = {{-70, 0}, {70, 0}}, color = {128, 0, 128}));
connect(constantCoefficients.y, actualCoefficients.u1) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {21.308, 77.679}, points = {{32.692, 2.321}, {-16.346, 2.321}, {-16.346, -4.641}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[1], y_a0) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-16.667, 57.179}, points = {{16.667, 0.321}, {16.667, -7.179}, {-33.333, -7.179}, {-33.333, -22.179}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(u, actualCoefficients.u2) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-78.985, 70.608}, points = {{-66.015, -10.608}, {-41.015, -10.608}, {-41.015, 9.392}, {74.023, 9.392}, {74.023, 2.43}}, color = {0, 0, 128}));
connect(one, actualCoefficients.u2) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-78.985, 62.608}, points = {{-66.015, -22.608}, {-41.015, -22.608}, {-41.015, 17.392}, {74.023, 17.392}, {74.023, 10.43}}, color = {0, 0, 128}));
connect(dataIn, complexInteraction.dataIn) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-0, 15}, points = {{-0, 5}, {0, -5}}, color = {0, 0, 128}));
connect(y_a0, dataIn.a_0) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-20, 33.75}, points = {{-30, 1.25}, {-30, -3.75}, {20, -3.75}, {20, -13.75}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[2], y_aA) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-20, 48.125}, points = {{20, 9.375}, {20, 1.875}, {-20, 1.875}, {-20, -13.125}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[3], y_aB) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-15, 45.625}, points = {{15, 11.875}, {15, 4.375}, {-15, 4.375}, {-15, -10.625}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[4], y_aAB) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-10, 48.125}, points = {{10, 9.375}, {10, 1.875}, {-10, 1.875}, {-10, -13.125}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[5], y_b0) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {10, 48.125}, points = {{-10, 9.375}, {-10, 1.875}, {10, 1.875}, {10, -13.125}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[7], y_bA) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {15, 48.981}, points = {{-15, 8.519}, {-15, 1.019}, {15, 1.019}, {15, -13.981}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[6], y_bB) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {20, 48.125}, points = {{-20, 9.375}, {-20, 1.875}, {20, 1.875}, {20, -13.125}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(actualCoefficients.y[8], y_bAB) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {25, 48.125}, points = {{-25, 9.375}, {-25, 1.875}, {25, 1.875}, {25, -13.125}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(y_b0, dataIn.b_0) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {10, 28.75}, points = {{10, 6.25}, {10, 1.25}, {-10, 1.25}, {-10, -8.75}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(y_aA, dataIn.a_A) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-20, 28.75}, points = {{-20, 6.25}, {-20, 1.25}, {20, 1.25}, {20, -8.75}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(y_aB, dataIn.a_B) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-15, 29.621}, points = {{-15, 5.379}, {-15, 0.379}, {15, 0.379}, {15, -9.621}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(y_aAB, dataIn.a_AB) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-10, 29.837}, points = {{-10, 5.163}, {-10, 0.163}, {10, 0.163}, {10, -9.837}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(y_bA, dataIn.b_A) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {15, 28.75}, points = {{15, 6.25}, {15, 1.25}, {-15, 1.25}, {-15, -8.75}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(y_bB, dataIn.b_B) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {20, 28.75}, points = {{20, 6.25}, {20, 1.25}, {-20, 1.25}, {-20, -8.75}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(y_bAB, dataIn.b_AB) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {25, 28.75}, points = {{25, 6.25}, {25, 1.25}, {-25, 1.25}, {-25, -8.75}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(complexInteraction.y_B, y_B) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {82.369, 24.08}, points = {{-77.369, -13.68}, {-77.369, -9.08}, {37.631, -9.08}, {37.631, 15.92}, {79.476, 15.92}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
connect(complexInteraction.y1_A, y_A) annotation(Line(visible = true, origin = {-63.354, -22.5}, points = {{52.854, 17.5}, {23.354, 17.5}, {23.354, -17.5}, {-99.563, -17.5}}, color = {1, 37, 163}));
/* flow */
annotation(defaultComponentName = "f", Documentation(info = "<html>
<p class=\"aside\">This information is part of the Business Simulation&nbsp;Library (BSL).</p>
<p>Using →<a href = \"modelica://BusinessSimulation.Flows.Interaction.ComplexInteraction\"><code>ComplexInteraction</code></a> this component allows to logically connect two flows influencing two stocks <strong>A</strong> (connected to <code>portA</code>) and <strong>B</strong> (connected to <code>portB</code>). The formula for the resulting flows (using <a href=\"'s_notation\">Newton's dot notation</a>) has <em>linear</em> and <em>nonlinear</em> terms:</p>
<p><img src=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation/Resources/Images/Flows/Interaction/ComplexInteraction/Formula.svg\" alt=\"Formula.svg\"></p>
<p>The coefficients are given by parameters, which are multiplied either with 1 (<code>hasFactor = false</code>) or an exogenous factor <strong>u</strong> (<code>hasFactor = true</code>). Upon setting <code>hasRateOutput = true</code> the component will report the current rate of flows via output connectors (<code>y_A, y_B</code>).</p>
<li>Using <code>a_0 = -1, b_0 = 1</code> (other coefficients set to zero), and <code>hasFactor = true</code> a <a href=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation.Flows.Bidirectional\"><em>bidirectional flow</em></a> can be modeled, whose rate is given by the input <strong>u</strong> (positive inputs indicate a flow from <strong>A</strong> to <strong>B</strong>).</li><br>
<li>Using <code>a_0 = -1, b_0 = f</code> (other coefficients set to zero), and <code>hasFactor = true</code> a <a href=\"modelica://BusinessSimulation.Flows.Interaction.BrokenTransition\"><em>broken transition</em></a> can be modeled, with the proportionality factor <em>f</em> indicating units of <strong>B</strong> per unit of <strong>A</strong>.</li><br>
<li>The parameters <code>polA</code> and <code>polB</code> allow to give visual cues with regard to polarity in the diagram.</li><br>
<h4>See also</h4>
<a href = \"modelica://BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop.UnidirectionalFlow\">UnidirectionalFlow</a>
</html>", revisions = "<html>
<li>Introduced in v2.0.0.</li>
</html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {10, 10})), Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-150, -90}, {150, 90}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {5, 5})));
end ComplexInteraction;

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