BRZ Starter is a boilerplate template for building static websites.
- jquery
- bootstrap
- include media
- swiper
- imask
- axios
- sweetalert
- google maps module
- social share module
- Clone the repo:
$ git clone
- Install dependencies:
$ yarn
$ yarn start
to run webpack-dev-server
$ yarn build
to build files, generate favicons, compress, optimize and copy all static files (html, images, videos, fonts) to dist
- We use yarn or npm to manage our frontend dependencies. For example, if you want to install jQuery, run
$ yarn add jquery
Add js-send in submit form button and add js-validate in all inputs need validation via backend, example returns.
- Failed
- Sucess
- See all mask types in /src/scripts/mask/index.js
- See all features in /src/scripts/slide/index.js
<div class="js-slide slide" data-autoplay="true">
<div class="slide-wrapper">
<div class="slide-item">
<div style="background-color: blue; height: 300px;">Slide 1</div>
<div class="slide-item">
<div style="background-color: red; height: 300px;">Slide 2</div>
<div class="slide-pagination"></div>
<div class="slide-prev"></div>
<div class="slide-next"></div>
- See all features in /src/scripts/map/googlemaps.js
- To use it is necessary to generate a key in google cloud console
- For unique place
<div class="js-google-map" data-zoom="15" data-lat="-7.108270" data-lng="-34.830408" data-title="BRZ Digital" data-address="Av. Bananeiras, 381" data-icon="./images/brz.svg"></div>
- For multiple places
<div class="js-google-map" data-zoom="15" data-api="http://localhost:8000/locations.json" data-icon="./images/brz.svg"></div>