One-Time Password generator tool using oathtool
It works like Authy
and Google Authenticator
, but for command line.
Works on any shell (Tested on sh
, bash
and zsh
Automatically copies the token into your computer's copy buffer. Just paste it anywhere.
This tool supports both encrypted and plain-text token files.
- oathtool (
- OpenSSL
- xclip (Linux/Debian/*BSD)
- pbcopy (MacOS)
Ps.: You can still generate and print OTP without those tools
- Ubuntu/Debian
apt install coreutils
apt install oathtool
- MacOS
brew install coreutils
brew install oath-toolkit
- FreeBSD
pkg install coreutils
pkg install oath-toolkit
- OpenBSD
pkg_add coreutils
pkg_add oath-toolkit
git clone
- Inside project's root:
sudo ln -s $( echo "$( pwd )/otp-cli" ) /usr/local/bin/otp-cli
When you run any command for the first time, it will create a new directory on:
Where it will store the added tokens and config file.
$ ./otp-cli add my_token <secret_key>
An empty password will not lock the file
Password: <hidden>
Confirm password: <hidden>
Created [<$HOME>/otp-cli/tokens/my_token.enc]
$ ./otp-cli show my_token
OTP Password: <hidden>
[15] 923842
$ ./otp-cli clip my_token
OTP Password: <hidden>
Sent to clipboard!
The config file is generated, after first run, on <$HOME>/otp-cli/config
Example file:
## This is an example config file
## All configurations done here will be interpreted as a SH script
## Remaining seconds to wait for next OTP
## Fix if the current directory can't be found
## Disables permissions Warning
Usage: otp-cli add [-h] [Token Name] [Token Key]
If [Token Name] or [Token Key] are empty, they will be prompted.
If the password is empty, the token will be a plain text file.
$ ./otp-cli add
Token name: my_token
Token key: <hidden>
An empty password will not lock the file
Password: <hidden>
Confirm password: <hidden>
Created [<$HOME>/otp-cli/tokens/my_token.enc]
Usage: otp-cli show [-h] [-1] [-c] [-s] <Token Name>
-1 : Get one password and exit.
-c : Copy to clipboard.
-s : Silent. Do not output anything to console.
$ ./otp-cli show my_token
OTP Password: <hidden>
- [SS] is the seconds counter. A new OTP will be generated every 30 seconds.
- [DDDDDD] is the 6-digit One-Time-Password.
Usage: otp-cli clip [-h] [-k] <Token Name>
-k : Keep generating OTP.
$ ./otp-cli clip my_token
OTP Password: <hidden>
Usage: otp-cli list [-h]
List all added tokens. If token is encoded, it appears as [Encoded] on list.
If your token is (Deprecated), it is using the old cryptography method.
Use 'unlock' and 'lock' commands to fix it.
$ ./otp-cli list
Usage: otp-cli unlock [-h] [Token Name]
If [Token Name] is empty, it will be prompted.
$ ./otp-cli unlock my_token
Password: <hidden>
Unlocked file [<$HOME>/otp-cli/tokens/my_token]
Usage: otp-cli lock [-h] [Token Name]
If [Token Name] is empty, they will be prompted
$ ./otp-cli lock my_token
Password: <hidden>
Confirm password: <hidden>
Created [<$HOME>/otp-cli/tokens/my_token]
Usage: otp-cli remove [-h] [Token Name]
If [Token Name] is empty, it will be prompted.
$ ./otp-cli remove my_token
Removed file [<$HOME>/otp-cli/tokens/my_token.enc]