Getting in shape can be tough. It requires hours of training, preparing healthy meals, and ensuring proper recovery. For beginners, navigating workouts, nutrition, and recovery can be overwhelming. While there are numerous resources online, finding a reliable and personalized approach is a challenge.
This project aims to streamline that process by creating a fitness social media platform. Users can post, share, and save workout routines and meal plans, building a community around fitness goals. Unlike other social media platforms that focus on aesthetics, this app provides the full routine — from exercises to nutrition — empowering users to follow actionable steps toward their fitness objectives.
- User-generated workout plans: Discover and save workout routines tailored to your goals.
- Personalized meal plans: Find and share recipes that meet your dietary needs, helping you stay on track.
- Profile integration: Like or save workouts and meals to your personal profile for easy access.
- Community-driven content: Follow fitness influencers, connect with others, and stay motivated on your fitness journey.
Whether you're trying to gain muscle, lose weight, or simply eat healthier, this app provides everything you need to plan, track, and succeed in your fitness journey — all in one place.
Project Contributers: Ethan Crall, Trevor Eisenbacher, Viewsh Gupta, Brodie Kovach, Peyton Pridemore