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6. Running and the seeQc Shiny Application

Rauf Salamzade edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 1 revision is a simple program which parses the resulting output directory of seQuoia. It is largely just a wrapper for running the forked MultiQC repository tailored to be run with the resulting sample directories of seQuoia's However, it also produces some simple tab-delimited text files meant for interactive visualization in the Shiny application seeQc.

seeQc - A simple Shiny Application for interactive visualization

seeQc is a Shiny application for interactive and flexible visualization of some QC metrics (in the high_level_stats.txt result file) for samples generated by

You can start up the seeQc Shiny App as following:


source /path/to/miniconda3/bin/activate /path/to/seQc_envs/seeQc_Shiny/

## current directory of bash script being called
export HOSTADDR=`hostname -i`

cmd="Rscript -e 'library(shiny); x <- Sys.getenv(\"HOSTADDR\"); shiny::runApp(appDir=\"$DIR\", host=x, port=5430)'"
cmd2="echo $HOSTADDR"
eval $cmd2
eval $cmd

Centrifuge results can also be accessed via the seeQc application using a heatmap visualization which takes in as input the centrifuge_summary.txt file produced by