Cancer Data Science's go to place for excellent genomics tools and packages
If something needs to be changed or added, feel free to create a pull request.
- :A curated list of awesome Bioinformatics libraries and software.
- A curated list of awesome Bioinformatics databases, softwares, libraries, toolboxes, pipelines, books, courses, tutorials and more.
- List of software packages for multi-omics analysis
- Community-curated list of software packages and data resources for single-cell, including RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc.
- A curated list of awesome ChIP-seq things
- A curated list of bioinformatics bench-marking papers and resources.
- awesome biology
- Curated list of resources for Biology.
- A list of awesome selected resources towards the application of machine learning in Biomedical/Healthcare Imaging, inspired by
- Listing of papers about machine learning for proteins.
- A curated list of awesome deep learning applications in the field of computational biology
- 2018 Recommended Papers to Read in Bioinformatics as Voted by Bioinformaticians
- A list of web-based interactive biological visualizations.
- A list of deep learning implementations in biology
- 🧫 A curated list of resources relevant to doing Biomedical Information Extraction (including BioNLP)
- awesome apps
- awesome macapps
- awesome datascience
- awesome datascience2!
- awesome remote job
- sentiment analysis
- awesome neuroscience
- improve your github experience
- awesome notebooks
- awesome notebooks2
- awesome python
- awesome python2!
- awesome python3!!
- awesome python security
- everythings pytorch
- goto snippets
- wanna do more async?
- scrap the web
- python chemistry
- decorate your code
- put your notebook to the next phase
- ...and your pandas
- Terra: a very low barrier to entry, workflow and data management platform for medical and research genomics
- Dalmatian: to interact with Terra in python
- Nextflow
- Google Genomics Pipelines
- reflow
- snakemake
- bokeh: Best Interactive Plot with JS
- POT: library for solving optimal transport optimization problems.
- Itrask: set of differential privacy tools for analyzing data!
- JKBio: Jeremie Kalfon's python scripts for genomics.
- CDSpy: some plotting scripts for genomic analysis.
- Selene: a framework for training sequence-level deep learning networks
- nbstripout: removes notebook outputs before git pushing
- voila: turns your jupyter notebook into awesome web apps
- ngrock: secure introspectable tunnels: transforms
- SublimeJEDI: python+sublime
- functional-python: learn!
- python parser
- plot in your terminal
- Nice tools and Discussion on DL: Tutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses.
- Kipoi: model Zoo for DL in genomics!
- interpretability: start building interpretable models
- NextGenMap: NextGenMap is a flexible highly sensitive short read mapping tool that handles much higher mismatch rates than comparable algorithms
- [bwa]
- [bowtie]
- []
- []
- Mutect1: _an awesome cancer mutation caller, especially for calling point mutations)
- Lancet: Based on microAssembly with a decision model
- [R] ACE: Absolute CN estimation from low coverage WGS
- Absolute: Absolute CN estimation from WES/WGS giving off many predictions to choose from (need prior knowledge)
- DoAbsolute: an R package to Automate the Absolute algorithm
- Strelka: small variant caller (germline/somatic)
- Manta: the SV caller version of Strelka
- DeepVariant: Fast Variant Calling with DL
- [py] DeepSea: Prediction of Effect of non coding variant on ChIP seq binding/Expression/.. with DL
- [py] SpliceAI: Predicting Effect of Variant on the splicing (modeling the spliceosome) with DL
- [py] ExPecto: Predicting effect of NC variant on Expression with DL
- OncoKB: annotates MAF from oncoKB DB
- Oncotator: annotates MAF from many DBs (not very well documented)
- STAR-Fusion: call fusions from RNAseq data
- slamdunk: to analyse slamseq data
- JK/slamdunk: Paired End version
some competitors: [py] awesome single cell
- novosparc: reconstruct 3D disposition from scRNAseq and some known location+expression atlases
A lot is available for ChIPseq from crazyhottommy's repo
- pyGenomeTracks: viewer/plotter for Multi-Epigenomics data
- MACS2: go to peak caller
- EPIC2: calling peaks from ChIP seq
- RSEG: another peak caller
- coda: denoising ChIPseq data with CNNs
- CREAM: identifying clusters of functional regions within the genome from ChIPseq data
- ngsplot: multi omics viz tool at specific locus
- epi-corr: correlation tool for pairs of ChIP seq data
- SUPERmerge: a ChIP-seq read pileup analysis and annotation algorithm for investigating alignment (BAM) files of diffuse histone modification ChIP-seq datasets with broad chromatin domains at a single base pair resolution level
- nf-core/chipseq: Complete ChIPseq pipeline on nextflow
- pyBigWig: interacts with bigwig from python
- deepTools: a set of cmd line tools for epigenomics data
- EnrichedHeatmap: make the famous enrichment at locus heatmap plots.
- MACS2 diff binding: how to do differential binding analysis with MACS2.
- DeepBind: predicting binding location from previous binding data with CNN -DeeperBind: a deeper version
- Basenji: Predicts Binding from Mutations with CNN
- ABC model: Predicts Enhancer-gene links
- HiCExplorer: process, normalize and visualize HiC data