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194 lines (154 loc) · 3.48 KB

File metadata and controls

194 lines (154 loc) · 3.48 KB


Table Of Content

  1. Comment

    1. Single Line Comment
    2. Multi Line Comment
  2. Output

    1. console.log()
    2. console.table()
  3. Directive

    1. use strict
  4. Variable

    1. var Keyword
    2. let Keyword
    3. const Keyword
  5. Datatype

    1. Primitive Data Type
      1. Number
      2. String
      3. Boolean
      4. Symbol
    2. Non-Primitive Data Type
      1. Object
      2. Array
      3. Function
    3. Stand Alone Values
      1. NaN
      2. Undefined
      3. Null
    4. Type Conversion
    5. Primitive & Non-Primitive Datatype
  6. Operators

    1. Operator Precedence
    2. Arithmetic Operators
    3. Assignment Operators
    4. Comparison Operators
    5. Logical Operators
    6. Bitwise Operators
    7. Nullish Coalescing Operator
    8. Optional Chaining Operator
    9. Ternary Or Conditional Operator
    10. Unary Operator
    11. in Operator
    12. new Operator
    13. typeof Operator
    14. instanceof Operator
  7. Stack & Heap Memory

  8. Function

    1. Function Expression
    2. Anonymous Function
  • Function Inside Function
  • Function Expression
  • Arrow Function
  • Function Hoisting
  • Function Lexical Scope
  • Function Scope Vs Block Scope
  • Default Parameter
  • Rest Parameter
  • Parameter Destructuring
  • Callback Function
  • Function Returning Function
  • Method
  • This Keyword
  • Window Object
  • Call
  • Apply
  • Bind
  1. Condition Statement

    1. If statement
      1. Independent if statement
      2. Nested if statement
    2. Else Statement
    3. Else If Statement
    4. Nested If Else Statement
    5. Switch Statement
  2. Loop

    1. For Loop
    2. For In Loop
    3. For Of Loop
    4. While Loop
    5. Do While Loop
  3. Break & Continue

  4. Break Keyword

  5. Continue

  6. Iteration

    1. String Iteration
    2. Array Iteration
    3. Object Iteration
    4. Set Iteration
    5. Map Iteration
  7. String

    1. Escape Sequence
    2. String Concatenation
    3. String Template
    4. String Conversion
    5. String Index
    6. String Method
  8. Array

    1. Array Are Object
    2. Array Operation
    3. Array Destructure
    4. Array Iterate
    5. Array's method
      1. map()
  9. Objects

    1. Object Iteration
    2. Object Computed Properties
    3. Object Destructure
    4. Object Cloning
    5. Optional Chaining
  10. Object Oriented Programming

    1. Object
    2. Constructor Function
    3. new keyword
    4. What Is Oops?
    5. Class
    6. Constructor
    7. Class Method
    8. Factory Function
    9. Inheritance
    10. Encapsulation
    11. Abstraction
    12. Polymorphism
  11. JavaScript Under the Hood

    1. Compiler
    2. Interpreter
    3. Compile Time
    4. Runtime
    5. JavaScript Engine
    6. JavaScript Environment
    7. Just in time compilation (JIT)
    8. Call Stack
  12. JavaScript Execution Context

    1. Context
    2. Execution Context
      1. Global Execution Context
        1. Memory Creation Phase
        2. Execution Phase
      2. Function Execution Context
  13. Asynchronous JavaScript

    1. Asynchronous Operations
    2. setTimeout & setInterval
    3. Call back
      1. Call back function
      2. Call back hell
    4. Async and Await
    5. Promise
      1. Executor Function
    6. Fetch
  1. Literal Object
  2. Constructor Function