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InternetBS Client

The InternetBS Client is a Ruby API client for resellers. This client provides almost all of the functionality exposed by their API. To use this client you will need an API key.


The InternetBS Client is an opinionated client library for the API. We built this library to provide fully automated provisioning of domain names for our client's apps and websites using the Brightcommerce API.

The InternetBS Client provides endpoint access to the API methods that fulfill our requirements. Version 1 of our client is missing domain trade/transfer, domain forwarding and reseller account configuration. We will add domain related API endpoints in version 2.

The InternetBS Client has undergone extensive real-world testing with real domains. We have had difficulty testing some domain extensions as we don't have a presence in the countries that own those TLD's. We provide a list of domain extensions we have tested in the Testing section of this document.


To find out more about please visit their website. You can find out more about the API by reading their documentation. To use their API you need to have a reseller account, you can find out more about their reseller requirements on their website.


To install add the line to your Gemfile:

gem 'internetbs'

And call bundle install.

Alternatively, you can install it from the terminal:

gem install internetbs


The InternetBS Client has the following runtime dependencies:

  • Virtus ~> 1.0.3


Developed with MRI 2.2, however the .gemspec only specifies MRI 2.0. It may work with other flavors, but it hasn't been tested. Please let us know if you encounter any issues.

How To Use


The InternetBS Client requires an API key and password. By default the library will look for your API key and password in the environment variables INTERNETBS_API_KEY and INTERNETBS_API_PWD. The password is the same as used when logging into your account at their website.


The InternetBS Client supports multiple environments. These environments don't have to match your application's environments. By default the environments provided by the client are :production, :test and :development. The default environment is :production and the credentials for this environment are read from ENV variables.

If you'd like to override this behavior and provide the API key and/or password directly to the client, setup a configuration initializer as shown below:

InternetBS.configure do |config|
  config.credentials[:production][:api_key] = "B04B4E74C57C37DE4886"
  config.credentials[:production][:api_pwd] = "s3kr3t"
  config.credentials[:production][:api_uri] = ""

  config.credentials[:test][:api_key] = "testapi"
  config.credentials[:test][:api_pwd] = "testpass"
  config.credentials[:test][:api_uri] = ""
  config.credentials[:development][:api_key] = "testapi"
  config.credentials[:development][:api_pwd] = "testpass"
  config.credentials[:development][:api_uri] = ""

Or pass the values directly to the attributes on the InternetBS namespace:

# Set the environment to development:
InternetBS.environment = :development

# The set the credentials:
InternetBS.api_key = "B04B4E74C57C37DE4886"
InternetBS.api_pwd = "s3kr3t"
InternetBS.api_uri = ""

The InternetBS Client provides flexibility by allowing you to use whatever credentials you want, in whatever environment you want. You can, for instance, add a :staging environment if you want:

InternetBS.credentials[:staging][:api_key] = "44CD64EEEFFF887755560B"
InternetBS.credentials[:staging][:api_pwd] = "another_pass"
InternetBS.credentials[:staging][:api_uri] = ""

You can query the current list of environments:

InternetBS.environments #=> [:production, :test, :development, :staging]

And the currently selected environment:

InternetBS.environment #=> :development

The current environment operates independently of any other framework environment, e.g. Rails.env or Rack.env. You can of course manipulate them to synchronize manually.

API Calls

The InternetBS Client provides access to the following API endpoints:

API Endpoint Description
Account/Balance/Get The command is intended to retrieve the prepaid account balance.
Account/Pricelist/Get The command is intended to obtain our pricelist.
Domain/Check The command is intended to check whether a domain is available for registration or not.
Domain/Create The command is intended to register a new domain.
Domain/Update The command is intended to update a domain.
Domain/Renew The command is intended to renew a domain.
Domain/Info The command is intended to return full details about a domain name.
Domain/List This command is intended to retrieve a list of domains in your account.
Domain/RegistryStatus The command is intended to view a domain registry status.
Domain/Push The command is intended to move a domain from one account to another.
Domain/Count The command is intended to count total number of domains in the account.
Domain/PrivateWhois/Enable The command is a purposely redundant auxiliary way to enable Private Whois for a specific domain.
Domain/PrivateWhois/Disable The command is a purposely redundant auxiliary way to disable Private Whois for a specific domain.
Domain/PrivateWhois/Status The command is a purposely redundant auxiliary way to obtain the Private Whois status for a specific domain.
Domain/RegistrarLock/Enable The command is a purposely redundant auxiliary way to enable the RegistrarLock for a specific domain.
Domain/RegistrarLock/Disable The command is a purposely redundant auxiliary way to disable the RegistrarLock for a specific domain.
Domain/RegistrarLock/Status The command is a purposely redundant auxiliary way to retrieve the current RegistrarLock status for specific domain.
Domain/DnsRecord/Add The command is intended to add a new DNS record to a specific zone (domain).
Domain/DnsRecord/Remove The command is intended to remove a DNS record from a specific zone.
Domain/DnsRecord/Update The command is intended to update an existing DNS record.
Domain/DnsRecord/List The command is intended to retrieve the list of DNS records for a specific domain.
Domain/Host/Create The command is intended to create a host also known as name server or child host.
Domain/Host/Update The command is intended to update a host; the command is replacing the current list of IP for the host with the new one you provide.
Domain/Host/Info The command is intended to retrieve existing host (name server) information for a specific host.
Domain/Host/Delete The command is intended to delete (remove) an unwanted host.
Domain/Host/List The command is intended to retrieve the list of hosts defined for a domain.

The InternetBS Client does not provide access to the following API endpoints. They are currently slated for Version 2:

API Endpoint Description
Domain/Transfer/Initiate The command is intended to initiate an incoming domain name transfer.
Domain/Transfer/Cancel The command is intended to cancel a pending incoming transfer request.
Domain/Transfer/ResendAuthEmail The command is intended to resend the Initial Authorization for the Registrar Transfer email for a pending, incoming transfer request.
Domain/TransferAway/Approve The command is intended to immediately approve a pending, outgoing transfer request (you are transferring a domain away).
Domain/TransferAway/Reject The command is intended to reject a pending, outgoing transfer request (you are transferring away a domain).
Domain/Transfer/History The command is intended to retrieve the history of a transfer.
Domain/Transfer/Retry This command is intended to reattempt a transfer in case an error occurred because inaccurate transfer auth info was provided or because the domain was locked or in some other cases where an intervention by the customer is required before retrying the transfer.
Domain/Trade The command is used to initiate a .fr/.re/.pm/.yt/.tf/.wf trade.
Domain/ChangeTag/DotUK The command is intended for transferring away a .uk domain.

The InternetBS Client does not provide access to the following API endpoints and are not currently slated for inclusion since they are not likely to be required by the Brightcommerce API. If there are significant requests for these endpoints to be included, we'll consider adding them. If you would like to add them yourself, we'll be happy to accept merge requests as long as the coding style remains congruent.

API Endpoint Description
Domain/EmailForward/Add The command is intended to add a new Email Forwarding rule.
Domain/EmailForward/Remove The command is intended to remove an existing Email Forwarding rule.
Domain/EmailForward/Update The command is intended to update an existing Email Forwarding rule.
Domain/EmailForward/List The command is intended to retrieve the list of email forwarding rules for a domain.
Domain/UrlForward/Add The command is intended to add a new URL Forwarding rule.
Domain/UrlForward/Remove The command is intended to remove an existing URL Forwarding rule.
Domain/UrlForward/Update The command is intended to update an existing URL Forwarding rule.
Domain/UrlForward/List The command is intended to retrieve the list of URL forwarding rules for a domain.
Account/Configuration/Get The command is intended to view the account configuration.
Account/Configuration/Set The command allows you to set the available configuration values for the API.
Account/DefaultCurrency/Get The command is intended to set the default currency.
Account/DefaultCurrency/Set The command is intended to set the default currency.

How To Use

We've attempted to make the InternetBS Client interface as consistent as possible. We send requests as follows to the API endpoints:

  • All requests are GET or POST requests. The API doesn't accept PATCH, PUT or DELETE requests.
  • Calling read-only endpoints use the GET HTTP verb and pass parameters as URL-endcoded.
  • Calling endpoints that make changes, ie. create, update or delete requests, use the POST HTTP verb and send parameters as x-www-form-urlencoded in the request body.
  • As specified by the API, only SSL-secured endpoints using the HTTPS scheme are called.
  • The reseller's API key and password are passed as parameters.
  • The responseformat parameter requesting a JSON-encoded response is sent with every request.

The InternetBS Client breaks the API into consistent logical domain models. The models are backed by Virtus Model and most provide a #fetch method. Where a model performs a specific action the method will be named, and the parameters for the model must be provided as attributes on the class. Every call performs some validation before executing the API call. If the validation fails, the call will exit early, return false and any exceptions are made available in the #errors collection attribute.

Following are examples of how to instanciate each class with attributes where necessary, and the properties that can be queried on the class after each API call. All example information including names, addresses and other details are completely fictional and provided to give context.

Account Balances

Fetch the current reseller account balances for each currency. Balances are returned as a collection of AccountBalance.

@balances =

result = @balances.fetch #=> true

# Alternatively you pass the currency you're interested in:
@balances.currency = 'USD'
result = @balances.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false 
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @balances.errors.each do |error|
    puts error

# Iterate the collection of balances:
@balances.each do |balance|
  puts balance.amount   #=> 1234.56
  puts balance.currency #=> 'USD'

Account Domains

Fetch a list of domains and domain counts for the currect reseller account. Domains are returned as a collection of AccountDomain.

@domains =

result = @domains.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false 
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @account.errors.each do |error|
    puts error

# Iterate the collection of domains:
@domains.list.each do |domain|
  puts #=> ''


To customize the results returned you can set the following options as attributes on the class:

Option Class Description
#compact_list Boolean If true the list of domains returned will consist solely of domain names, if false the list of domains returned will contain additional information such as expiration date, epp auth info, status and registrar lock status. The default value is true.
#expiring_only Boolean If true will restrict list of domains returned to those that are expiring. This cannot be used in conjunction with #pending_transfer_only. The default value is false.
#extension_filter String A comma-separated list of domain extensions e.g. com,net,org,
#pending_transfer_only Boolean If true will restrict list of domains returned to those that are in Pending Transfer status.
#range_from, #range_to Integer If you want the listing to be paginated use these two parameters, they represent page numbers.
#search_term_filter String Retrieve a list of domains that contain a specific text.
#sort_by String specify a sorting criteria. Possible values are: DOMAIN_NAME, DOMAIN_NAME_DESC, EXPIRATION, EXPIRATION_DESC. The default value is DOMAIN_NAME.

Retrieving Totals

To retrieve the number of domains in an account, the InternetBS Client provides the following method:

Method Description
#fetch_totals Call this method to retrieve the total number of domains. The total number of domains can be queried on the #total_domains attribute. The number of domains for each TLD can be queried on the #total_domains_by_tld attribute.

Account Prices

Fetch the price list for the current reseller. Prices are returned as a collection of AccountPrice.

@prices =

result = @prices.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false 
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @prices.errors.each do |error|
    puts error

@prices.list #=> an enumerable array of InternetBS::AccountPrice
@prices.list.size #=> 39

# Enumerate each
@prices.list.each do |price|

# AccountPrice properties
price = { |p| 
 == '.com' && p.operation == 'registration'
price.is_a?(InternetBS::AccountPrice) #=> true
price.currency #=> USD #=> .com
price.operation #=> registration
price.price_1_year #=> 8.99
price.price_2_years #=> 8.95
price.price_3_years #=> 8.93
price.price_4_years #=> 8.91
price.price_5_years #=> 8.89
price.price_6_years #=> 8.87
price.price_7_years #=> 8.85
price.price_8_years #=> 8.83
price.price_9_years #=> 8.81
price.price_10_years #=> 8.79

# Display the price level (only available from version 2 query):
@prices.level #=> Basic


The following options are available as attributes on the AccountPrices class. Set these attributes before calling #fetch.

Option Class Description
#version Integer Pass 1 or 2 for the version attribute to fetch prices. Version 1 will retrieve prices for one year. Version 2 will retrieve prices for 10 years.
#currency String Retrieve the price list in a specific currency. By default the list will be retrieved in USD.
#discount_code String Apply a discount to the retrieved price list.

Domain Availability

Check whether a domain is available for registration or not.

@domain = => '')

result = @domain.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false 
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @domain.errors.each do |error|
    puts error

# Is the domain available?
puts @domain.available? #=> true

# Other properties you can check:
puts @domain.transaction_id #=> 234678268342423876
puts @domain.max_registration_period #=> 10 # years
puts @domain.min_registration_period #=> 1 # year
puts @domain.private_whois_allowed #=> true
puts @domain.realtime_registration #=> true
puts @domain.registrar_lock_allowed #=> true

# You can also heck the status attribute which will return a String containing one of the following: AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE or FAILURE:
puts @domains.status #=> AVAILABLE

Domain Information

Check whether a domain is available for registration or not.

@domain = => '')

result = @domain.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false 
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @domain.errors.each do |error|
    puts error

# DomainInformation properties:
puts @domain.domain_status #=> REGISTERED
puts @domain.auto_renew #=> false
puts @domain.domain_extension #=> .com
puts @domain.expiration_date #=> 2011/03/05
puts @domain.private_whois #=> FULL
puts @domain.registrar_lock #=> ENABLED
puts @domain.transfer_auth_info #=> 1542c06388d8e03e14613788ca6bd914
puts @domain.contacts #=> array of DomainContact, see below

Domain Contacts

# Iterate domain contacts:
@domain.contacts.each do |contact|
  puts contact.contact_type #=> :registrant
  puts contact.country_code
  puts contact.fax
  puts contact.first_name
  puts contact.last_name
  puts contact.obfuscate_email #=> true
  puts contact.organization
  puts contact.phone_number
  puts contact.postal_code
  puts contact.street
  puts contact.street_2
  puts contact.street_3
  puts contact.additional_attributes # see below

Domain Contact Additional Attributes

Some domain extensions have additional attributes. Listed below are the additional attributes for each domain extension.


CED is an acronym for Charter Eligibility Declaration.

Attribute Type Required?
ced_locality String YES
ced_entity String (only CED_ENTITY_TYPES) YES
ced_entity_other String YES if ced_entity == 'other'
ced_id_form String (only CED_ID_FORM_TYPES) YES
ced_id_form_other String YES if ced_id_form == 'other'
ced_city String NO
ced_id_number String NO
ced_state_province String NO
Attribute Type Required?
role String (only ROLES) YES
ip_address String YES
disclose_name Boolean (default false) YES
disclose_contact Boolean (default false) YES
disclose_address Boolean (default false) YES
remark String NO
sip_uri String NO
terms_accepted Boolean (default false) YES
Attribute Type Required?
language String (only LANGUAGE_CODES) YES
Attribute Type Required?
entity_type String (only CONTACT_ENTITY_TYPES) YES
entity_name String YES if entity_type == COMPANY,TRADEMARK,ASSOCIATION,ENTITY
entity_vat String NO
entity_siren String NO
entity_duns String NO
entity_trade_mark String YES if entity_type == TRADEMARK
entity_waldec String YES if entity_type == ASSOCIATION
entity_date_of_association Date (YYYY-MM-DD) YES if entity_type == ASSOCIATION
entity_date_of_publication Date (YYYY-MM-DD) YES if entity_type == ASSOCIATION
entity_gazette_announcement_number String YES if entity_type == ASSOCIATION
entity_gazette_page_number String YES if entity_type == ASSOCIATION
entity_birth_date Date (YYYY-MM-DD) NO
entity_birth_place_country_code String (only COUNTRY_CODES) NO
entity_birth_city String NO
entity_birth_place_postal_code String NO
entity_restricted_publication Boolean NO
other_contact_entity String
Attribute Type Required?
entity_type String (only ENTITY_TYPES) YES
nationality String (only COUNTRY_CODES) YES
reg_code String YES
hide_whois Boolean (default false) YES
province String (only PROVINCIAL_CODES YES if nationality == IT
terms_1_accepted Boolean (default false) YES
terms_2_accepted Boolean (default false) YES
terms_3_accepted Boolean (default false) YES
terms_4_accepted Boolean (default false) YES
ip_address String YES
Attribute Type Required?
ip_address String YES
legal_form String (only LEGAL_FORMS) YES
registration_number String NO
terms_accepted Boolean (default false) YES
Attribute Type Required?
county String YES
organization_type String (only ORGANIZATION_TYPES) YES
organization_number String YES if organization_type == LTD,PLC,LLP,IP,SCH,RCHAR
registration_number String YES if organization_type == LTD,PLC,LLP,IP,SCH,RCHAR
opt_out Boolean (default false) YES if organization_type == FIND,IND
Attribute Type Required?
purpose String (only PURPOSES) YES
nexus_category String (only NEXUS_CATEGORIES) YES
nexus_country String (only COUNTRY_CODES) YES if nexus_category == C31,C32

Domain Hosts (Name Servers)

Add, update, remove and list domain host records, otherwise known as name servers or child hosts.

@ns = => '')

# TODO: Document `:compact => false` # default is true

result = @ns.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @ns.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

@ns.list #=> an array of DomainHost
@ns.list.size #=> 3

# Enumerate each
@ns.list.each do |ns|

# DomainHost properties
ns = @ns.list.first
ns.is_a?(DomainHost) #=> true
puts #=>
puts ns.ip_addresses #> [111.222.333.444]

# Add a domain host (pass in a DomainHost instance):
ns4 =
  :host => "", 
  :ip_addresses => ['112.223.334.445'] # array of one or more ip addresses

@hosts = => '')
result = @hosts.add(ns4) #=> true

# Update a domain host (pass in a DomainHost instance):
ns4.ip_addresses[0] = '112.223.334.455'
result = @hosts.update(ns4) #=> true

# Remove a domain host (pass in a DomainHost instance):
result = @hosts.remove(ns4) #=> true

Domain Records (DNS)

Add, update, remove and list domain records, otherwise known as DNS records.

@dns_records = => '')

# TODO: Document `:filter_type => DomainRecord::TYPES` # 'A', 'AAAA', 'DYNAMIC', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'SRV', 'TXT', 'NS'

result = @dns_records.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @dns_records.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

@dns_records.list #=> an array of DomainRecord
@dns_records.list.size #=> 8

# Enumerate each
@dns_records.list.each do |record|
  puts #=>

# DomainRecord properties
dns = @dns_records.list.first
dns.is_a?(DomainRecord) #=> true
puts dns.type #=> A
puts dns.value #=> 111.222.333.444
puts dns.ttl #=> 3600

# Add a domain record (pass in a DomainRecord instance):
dns_record =
  :name => "", 
  :type => "A",
  :value => "111.222.333.456",
  :ttl => 3600

@dns_records = => '')
result = @dns_records.add(dns_record) #=> true

# Update a domain record (pass in a Domainrecord instance):
dns_record.value = '111.222.333.457'
result = @dns_records.update(dns_record) #=> true

# Remove a domain record (pass in a DomainRecord instance):
result = @dns_records.remove(dns_record) #=> true

Private Whois

This API is intended for checking and/or changing the private whois option for a domain.

@private_whois = => "")

result = @private_whois.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @private_whois.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

@private_whois.privacy_status #=> FULL

# Disable privacy:
result = @private_whois.disable #=> true

# Enable privacy:
@private_whois.privacy_status = 'PARTIAL'
result = @private_whois.enable #=> true

Registrar Lock

This API is intended for checking and/or changing the registrar lock for a domain.

@registrar_lock = => "")

result = @registrar_lock.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @registrar_lock.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

@registrar_lock.lock_status #=> FULL

# Disable registrar lock:
result = @registrar_lock.disable #=> true

# Enable registrar lock:
result = @registrar_lock.enable #=> true

Registry Status

This API is intended for checking the registry status of a domain.

@registry_status = => "")

result = @registry_status.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @registry_status.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

@registry_status.registry_status #=> clientTransferProhibited

Updating a Domain

Update the properties of a domain including auto-renewal, private whois, registrar lock, transfer auth info, domain contacts, and nameservers. For .tel domains you can also update the hosting account and password.

@domain = => "")

result = @domain.fetch #=> true

# If the fetch method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @domain.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

# Set properties that need updating on the `@domain` instance:
@domain.auto_renew = false
@domain.private_whois = 'FULL'
@domain.registrar_lock = 'ENABLED'

registrant =
  :contact_type => :registrant,
  :first_name => 'John',
  :last_name => 'Doe',
@domain.contacts = [registrant, billing, technical, admin]

ns_list = ['', '', '']
@domain.nameservers = ns_list

# For .tel domains only:
@domain.tel_hosting_account = 'my_username'
@domain.tel_hosting_password = 'my_password'
@domain.tel_hide_whois_data = true

# Then call the `#update!` method:
result = @domain.update! #=> true

Ordering a Domain

Use this class to purchase a domain. Contacts must be provided as an array of DomainContact records.

@order =
  :domain               => "",
  :currency             => "USD",
  :period               => "1Y",
  :nameservers          => ['', ''],
  :transfer_auth_info   => 'EPP AUTH INFO HERE', # optional
  :registrar_lock       => 'ENABLED', #optional
  :private_whois        => 'FULL', # optional
  :discount_code        => '10PERCENT', # optional
  :auto_renew           => true, # optional
  :contacts             => [registrant, admin, billing, ...],
  :tel_hosting_account  => 'my_username', # optional, .tel only
  :tel_hosting_password => 'my_password', # optional, .tel only
  :tel_hide_whois_data  => true # optional, .tel only

result = @order.purchase! #=> true

# If the purchase! method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @order.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

# Order properties
@order.status #=> 'SUCCESS'
@order.transaction_id #=> 820b6791e386b31b354e613a6371c7bc
@order.total_price #=> 13.9

Pushing a Domain

Use this class to change the account that is responsible for managing the domain. Pushing a domain does not automatically change the official Registrant/Admin contacts.

@domain =
  :domain        => "", # the domain to push
  :email_address => "" # the new manager

result = @domain.push! #=> true

# If the push! method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @domain.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

Renewing a Domain

Use this class to renew a domain. Currency will default to USD and the period will default to one year (1Y).

@renewal =
  :domain        => "",
  :currency      => "USD", # default
  :period        => "1Y", # default
  :discount_code => '10PERCENT' # optional

result = @renewal.purchase! #=> true

# If the purchase! method fails it will return false
# and populate the errors collection attribute:
unless result
  @renewal.errors.each do |err|
    puts err

# Renewal properties
@renewal.status #=> 'SUCCESS'
@renewal.transaction_id #=> 4e74069f2b5d1d62282c21d0a2e49a27
@renewal.total_price #=> 13.9

Country Codes

The InternetBS Client provides a constant hash of country codes. This list is derived from The hash keys are ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 codes and the values are the country display name. The top 20 countries by number of Internet users are grouped first, see

Example: access a country name by code:

InternetBS::COUNTRY_CODES['US'] #=> United States

All the regular hash functions are available for finding keys and values, but the hash is immutable. If you want to manipulate the list, for example to sort it differently; you will have to copy it into a new hash variable first.

Language Codes

The InternetBS Client provides a constant hash of the most commonly required language codes. This list is derived from The hash keys are ISO 639-1 two-letter codes, and the values are the language display name.

Example: access a language name by code:

InternetBS::LANGUAGE_CODES['en'] #=> English

All the regular hash functions are available for finding keys and values, but the hash is immutable. If you want to manipulate the list, for example to sort it differently; you will have to copy it into a new hash variable first.


TBA - Currently partially tested using reseller account and testapi endpoints.

To Do

  • Investigate account transactions API endpoint.
  • Implement Version 2 API endpoints.
  • Test suite with mocks for CI/CD scenarios.


Version >= 1.0.1


This library is release in the public domain under the MIT License.


Copyright 2015 Brightcommerce, Inc. All rights reserved.


Ruby API client for resellers.







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