Creation of human and SARS-related corona virus gene/protein mapping database.
The data comes from Wikidata, and can be retrieved by running the SPARQL queries in the queries folder with the Wikidata Query Service.
curl -H "Accept: text/tab-separated-values" --data-urlencode query@queries/publications.rq -G -o publications.tsv
mvn clean install assembly:single
java -cp target/Wikidata2BridgeDb-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.bridgedb.wikidata.Publications
If you use material from this repository, please cite either or both of these:
- Kutmon, Martina, & Willighagen, Egon. (2020). BridgeDb: Human and SARS-related corona virus gene/protein mapping database derived from Wikidata (Version 2020-05-20) [Data set]. Zenodo.
- Waagmeester A, Willighagen EL, Su AI, Kutmon M, Labra Gayo JE, Fernández-Álvarez D, et al. (2020). A protocol for adding knowledge to Wikidata, a case report. bioRxiv.