Make sure you have Bun installed.
cd markdown-parser && bun run build
From the root
cd server
start the server:
bun dev
Then, open your browser and visit:
From the server directory, run:
bun run build
The built binary will be located in the bin directory as bin/notey-md
Noty MD is a ZERO config, zero dependency, self hosted, super lightweight Markdown Notebook.
Notey MD uses only the markdown files themselves. So if you have a collection of a bunch of Markdown files just add it to the notes directory and you'll be able to view and edit them in the browser.
By default the notes directory is in the gitignore, so if you fork the repo and want to save your markdown files to github, just remove the notes line from the gitignore.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:
Code Style:
Use modern TypeScript features (e.g., async/await, arrow functions, generics). No added dependencies -
Fork the repository, create a feature branch, and open a Pull Request. -
Add or update tests to cover new functionality. -
Update this README or add new documentation as needed, especially if new plugin hooks or features are introduced.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it in both commercial and non-commercial projects. See the LICENSE file for more details.