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Generate a sequence of numbers for use in a pagination system, the clever way.


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JavaScript Pagination Sequence Generator

JavaScript Pagination Sequence Generator

Generate a sequence of numbers for use in a Pagination Component, the clever way.


npm i @bramus/pagination-sequence

Usage / Example

This library comes as an ES Module and exposes a function/algorithm to generate an array of pagination entries.

import { generate } from '@bramus/pagination-sequence';

const sequence = generate(67, 74);
// ~> [1, 2, '…', 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, '…', 73, 74]

Alternatively you can use generateFromObj which accepts a configuration Object as an argument:

import { generateFromObj } from '@bramus/pagination-sequence';

const sequence = generateFromObj({
    curPage: 67,
    numPages: 74,
// ~> [1, 2, '…', 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, '…', 73, 74]

Note that this is a Framework Agnostic library: the generated array is not rendered in any way but, instead, must be fed into your own Pagination Component for rendering.

💡 Looking for some Pagination Component inspiration? See Integration Examples below to see how to use this with the JavaScript Framework Du Jour™.



The exposed generate function has the following API:

generate(curPage, numPages, numPagesAtEdges = 2, numPagesAroundCurrent = 2, glue = '…');


  • curPage: The current active page
  • numPages: The total number of pages
  • numPagesAtEdges (default: 2): Number of pages to show on the outer edges.
  • numPagesAroundCurrent (default: 2): Number of pages to show around the active page.
  • glue (default: '…'): The string to show when there's a gap


The generateFromObj function accepts one single opts object. Its members are all of the parameters described above. Default values are set where possible.

const { 
    curPage = 1,
    numPages = 1,
    numPagesAtEdges = 2,
    numPagesAroundCurrent = 2,
    glue = '…',
} = opts;


The algorithm is opinionated and follows these principles:

  • Stable Output

    When generating a sequence, it will always generate the same amount of entries, for any curPage value. When viewing a page at the edge of a series, this can result in numPagesAtEdges being ignored.

    For example: Instead of having generate(2, 12, 1, 1) return 01-[02]-03-..-12 (5 entries), it will return 01-[02]-03-04-05-..-12 (7 entries). This is a deliberate choice because generate(7, 12, 1, 1) will also return 7 entries: 01-..-06-[07]-08-..-12.

    With a stable amount of entries being generated, the output will also be visually stable when rendered on screen.

  • Always include links to the edges

    The algorithm will always include links to the first and last page.

    For Example: when looking at page 25 of 50, the algorithm will include a link to page 1 and page 50.

  • No unnecessary gaps

    When the algorithm detects a gap that's only “1 item wide”, it will replace that gap with the actual number.

    For Example: A foolish take on generate(4, 9, 1, 1), would generate 01-..-03-[04]-05-..-09. The algorithm corrects the first gap to 02 and will return 01-02-03-[04]-05-..-09 instead.

Integration Examples


🔗 Try it online:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { generate } from "@bramus/pagination-sequence";

const BASE_URL = '#';

const PaginationEntry = ({ value, onEntryClick = null, label = null, title = null, isCurrent = false, isDisabled = false, ...props }) => {
    label ??= value;
    title ??= `Go to page ${value}`;

    const onClick = (e) => {
        if (onEntryClick) {
    if (value == '…') {
        return (
            <li data-pagination-ellipsis {...props}><span>{label}</span></li>

    if (isDisabled) {
        return (
            <li data-pagination-disabled {...props}><span>{label}</span></li>

    if (isCurrent) {
        props['data-pagination-current'] = true;

    return (
        <li {...props}>
            <a href={`${BASE_URL}/page/${value}`} title={title} onClick={onClick}>{label}</a>

const Pagination = ({ curPage, numPages, numPagesAtEdges = 2, numPagesAroundCurrent = 2, onEntryClick = null }) => {
    const sequence = generate(curPage, numPages, numPagesAtEdges, numPagesAroundCurrent);
    // console.log(sequence);

    return (
        <ul className="pagination">
            <PaginationEntry data-pagination-first onEntryClick={onEntryClick} value={1} title="Go to First Page" label="&laquo;" isDisabled={curPage === 1} />
            <PaginationEntry data-pagination-prev onEntryClick={onEntryClick} value={curPage-1} title="Go to Previous Page" label="&lsaquo;" isDisabled={curPage === 1} />
            {, idx) => 
                <PaginationEntry key={`page-${(val == '…') ? `…-${idx}` : val}`} onEntryClick={onEntryClick} value={val} isCurrent={val == curPage} />
            <PaginationEntry data-pagination-next onEntryClick={onEntryClick} value={curPage+1} title="Go to Next Page" label="&rsaquo;" isDisabled={curPage === numPages} />
            <PaginationEntry data-pagination-next onEntryClick={onEntryClick} value={numPages} title="Go to Last Page" label="&raquo;" isDisabled={curPage === numPages} />

    <Pagination curPage={25} numPages={50} onEntryClick={(val) => { console.log(val)}} />,


@bramus/pagination-sequence is released under the MIT public license. See the enclosed LICENSE for details.

Other Language Implementations

Looking for an implementation in another programming language?


Generate a sequence of numbers for use in a pagination system, the clever way.







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