- start a poetry env with
poetry shell
- install dependencies with
poetry install
- run the app with
uvicorn main:app --reload
commonplace api spec (commonplaceapi.dev)
- /ingest
- /image-rm-bg
- /image
- /idea
- /quote
- question?
- tag?
- margin-notes?
- /contextual location data
- /transform
- /tldr
- /tag
- /quiz
- /draw
- /share
- /add-margin-note
- /to-book
- /poem
- /thesis
- /to-hard-copy-pdf (B + N book printing service)
- /explore
- /wander
- /delve
- /search
- /toc
datum schema:
- text
- embedding
- metadata
- type
- author
- title
- location
- pageNo
- index
- link
- anchorTag (?)
- marginNotes
- note
- date
- transformations
- tldrs
- questions
- tags
- quizzes
- quiz
- date
- any
Basically a BaaS app for data ingestion, and surfacing in a way that is helpful to use for writers. I could have it downstream work with apps like Obsidian or some infinite canvas API