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Internal Error Handling

hitch-b24 edited this page Mar 6, 2018 · 1 revision

If the picosapi module encounters an error internally (such as when attempting to connect to a resource or when parsing a JSON response), it will return a ErrorResponse object with the following properties:

  • code will be set to 400 (client error)
  • message will be set to "caught exception"
  • content will be a Python dictionary with the one "message" key that maps to a value containing the more detailed exception message

Picos API Documentation

A Note About Picos

Picos are useful in building Internet of Things (IoT) technology that preserves personal freedom. They are currently being developed under the direction of Dr. Phil Windley by Pico Labs at Brigham Young University. Picos is an actor-based programming system that supports people-centric, reactive programming on the Internet of Things.

For more information about Picos, visit Pico Labs or see Dr. Windley's article on Reactive Programming with Picos.

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