Installs Pow, a simple app server from 37 Signals.
include pow
# include with some custom params
# this example shows the default values
class {'pow':
host_dir => '/opt/boxen/data/pow/hosts',
log_dir => '/opt/boxen/logs/pow',
dns_port => 30560,
http_port => 30559,
dst_port => 1999,
domains => 'pow',
ext_domains => undef, # uses pow default, ""
timeout => undef, # uses pow default, 900
workers => undef, # uses pow default, 2
nginx_proxy => true # or nginx_proxy => 'path/to/custom/nginx/pow.conf.erb' to specify a custom template
The pow module installs pow with a custom destination port
and use nginx
proxy custom domains to pow, instead of a firewall rule. You can change this
behaviour with the nginx_proxy
parameter, using the default nginx configuration
or specifying a path to a customized pow nginx configuration. In most cases
you will simply specify nginx_proxy => true
It also use the .pow
TLD that resolve to
to serve your pow projects
If you want to request your applications from a mobile device you can enable
class {'pow':
ext_domains => '',
Write code. Run script/cibuild
to test it. Check the script
directory for other useful tools.