Retrieves a list of all the tasks for a file. This endpoint does not support pagination.
This operation is performed by calling function GetFileTasks
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
await client.Tasks.GetFileTasksAsync(fileId: file.Id);
- fileId
- The unique identifier that represents a file. The ID for any file can be determined by visiting a file in the web application and copying the ID from the URL. For example, for the URL
. Example: "12345"
- The unique identifier that represents a file. The ID for any file can be determined by visiting a file in the web application and copying the ID from the URL. For example, for the URL
- headers
- Headers of getFileTasks method
- cancellationToken
- Token used for request cancellation.
This function returns a value of type Tasks
Returns a list of tasks on a file.
If there are no tasks on this file an empty collection is returned instead.
Creates a single task on a file. This task is not assigned to any user and will need to be assigned separately.
This operation is performed by calling function CreateTask
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
await client.Tasks.CreateTaskAsync(requestBody: new CreateTaskRequestBody(item: new CreateTaskRequestBodyItemField() { Type = CreateTaskRequestBodyItemTypeField.File, Id = file.Id }) { Message = "test message", DueAt = dateTime, Action = CreateTaskRequestBodyActionField.Review, CompletionRule = CreateTaskRequestBodyCompletionRuleField.AllAssignees });
- requestBody
- Request body of createTask method
- headers
- Headers of createTask method
- cancellationToken
- Token used for request cancellation.
This function returns a value of type Task
Returns the newly created task.
Retrieves information about a specific task.
This operation is performed by calling function GetTaskById
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
await client.Tasks.GetTaskByIdAsync(taskId: NullableUtils.Unwrap(task.Id));
- taskId
- The ID of the task. Example: "12345"
- headers
- Headers of getTaskById method
- cancellationToken
- Token used for request cancellation.
This function returns a value of type Task
Returns a task object.
Updates a task. This can be used to update a task's configuration, or to update its completion state.
This operation is performed by calling function UpdateTaskById
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
await client.Tasks.UpdateTaskByIdAsync(taskId: NullableUtils.Unwrap(task.Id), requestBody: new UpdateTaskByIdRequestBody() { Message = "updated message" });
- taskId
- The ID of the task. Example: "12345"
- requestBody
- Request body of updateTaskById method
- headers
- Headers of updateTaskById method
- cancellationToken
- Token used for request cancellation.
This function returns a value of type Task
Returns the updated task object
Removes a task from a file.
This operation is performed by calling function DeleteTaskById
See the endpoint docs at API Reference.
await client.Tasks.DeleteTaskByIdAsync(taskId: NullableUtils.Unwrap(task.Id));
- taskId
- The ID of the task. Example: "12345"
- headers
- Headers of deleteTaskById method
- cancellationToken
- Token used for request cancellation.
This function returns a value of type null
Returns an empty response when the task was successfully deleted.