Jpeg XL universal batch utility (wrapper for jxl official binaries
Usage: ujxl "[path]filename|wildcard.ext" [destination path]
- Uses .ini style config file placed next to the executable.
- In the filename can be used a "*" wildcard.
- If destination omitted writes next to the source files.
- Always overwites destination.
- Supports multithreading by specifying maxWorker parameter.
- config file has help comments.
Compilation: Run "compile.bat" under Windows or "" under Linux/Macos. Script will build binaries for all platforms.
- ujxl "*.jxl"
- ujxl "*01.jxl" ~/photos
- ujxl "*.jxl" ~/photos/
- ujxl "/mnt/IMG*.jxl" ~/photos
- ujxl "D:\temp*.jxl" D:\photos
- ujxl "*.jpg"
- ujxl "D:\temp\IMG*.png" D:\photos
Note: quotes are necessary under Linux.